The documentation can be found here: Tutorial: Use dependency injection in .NET
to Unity Package Manager
Or add "com.cmdexecutor.dotnet-generic-host": ""
to Packages/manifest.json
The package is available on the openupm registry. It's recommended to install it via openupm-cli.
openupm add com.cmdexecutor.dotnet-generic-host
Or add scoped registry to Packages/manifest.json
"scopedRegistries": [
"name": "",
"url": "",
"scopes": [
Add scoped registry to Packages/manifest.json
"scopedRegistries": [
"name": "",
"url": "",
"scopes": [
The repository contains demo Unity project.
Injection into Monobehaviour
classes happens via custom defined private method which name is specified as Services Injection Method Name
parameter in Inspector or ``. The default name is AwakeServices
. Could be adjusted in the Unity Inspector window.
To get started, derive from HostManager
and add the derived class to a GameObject on scene, that's mostly it.
public class SampleHost : HostManager
[Tooltip("Could be used for referencing ScriptableObjects and as configuration provider")]
[SerializeField] private ConfigurationScriptableObject configuration;
[Tooltip("UI instance from scene of from SampleHost GameObject hierarchy")]
[SerializeField] private SampleUI sampleUI;
protected override void OnAwake()
// Awake called before host build
// if buildOnAwake is false (can be controlled through Inspector) then host needs to be build manually
// By default builds on Awake
buildOnAwake = false;
// Use custom methods name for Unity Objects (default is AwakeServices)
// The services will be injected into ctor
// servicesInjectionMethodName = "CustomInjectionMethodName";
// Call from the desired place to build the host if buildOnAwake = false;
// Stops the host
// StopManually(); or StopManuallyAsync();
protected override void ConfigureAppConfiguration(HostBuilderContext context, IConfigurationBuilder builder)
// Add SO as configuration source, will parse all attributes from the SO and make them accessible from IConfiguration
protected override void ConfigureLogging(HostBuilderContext context, ILoggingBuilder builder)
protected override void ConfigureServices(HostBuilderContext context, IServiceCollection services)
// Register ordinary C# classes
protected override void ConfigureUnityObjects(HostBuilderContext context, IUnityObjectsConfigurator services)
foreach (var (type, so) in configuration.GetScriptableObjectsToRegisterAsSingeltons())
services.AddScriptableObjectSingleton(so, type);
// Registers already instantiated instance under HostRoot GameObject
// Register as hosted service (will be resolved and start automatically when host start)
// Creates new instances under HostRoot GameObject
// Or creates new instance in scene root
// services.AddDetachedMonoBehaviourSingleton<MonoSingleton>();
Debug.Log($"SampleInteger config value from registered SO: {context.Configuration["SampleInteger"]}");
// Loads from Resources (spawns detached)
In case if Host
needs to be composed manually, a minimal configuration could be similar to following:
var hostBuilder = UnityHost.CreateDefaultBuilder(servicesInjectionMethodName, cmdArguments)
.ConfigureAppConfiguration(builder =>
.ConfigureLogging((_, loggingBuilder) =>
.ConfigureUnityObjects((context, configurator) => {/*Add Mono services*/})
.ConfigureServices(services =>
services.AddSingleton<IMonoBehaviourHostRoot, MonoBehaviourHostRoot>(provider =>
var lifetime = provider.GetRequiredService<IHostApplicationLifetime>();
var root = new GameObject($"{nameof(MonoBehaviourHostRoot)} (host root)");
var component = root.AddComponent<MonoBehaviourHostRoot>();
lifetime.ApplicationStopped.Register(() =>
if (!root)
return component;
// add services
// hostBuilder.ConfigureServices
// hostBuilder.ConfigureMonoBehaviours
// build the host
var host = hostBuilder.Build();
// start the host
await host.StartAsync();
// stop the host
await host.StopAsync()
- The asset: MIT License, see for more information.
- .NET libraries: MIT License, see Runtime/lib/ for more information.