This plugin provides some knife solo command.
- knife solo prepare
- knife solo cook
- Mac OS only
You need to pre-install knife solo
If you have the Package Control package installed, you can install from inside Sublime Text itself.
- Open the Command Palette (command + shift + p)
- select "Package Control: Install Package"
- Search for ""KnifeSolo" and you're done!
git clone ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text 2/Packages/SublimeKnifeSolo
- open controll panel ( command + shift + p )
- type "knifesolo"
- choose "Preference: SublimeKnifeSolo settings - User"
You can see sample config file
- open controll panel ( command + shift + p )
- type "knifesolo"
- choose "Preference: SublimeKnifeSolo settings - Default"
On the file that is in same directory as solo.rb or in lower level
- open controll panel ( command + shift + p )
- type "knifesolo"
- choose "SublimeKnifeSolo prepare"
- choose your host
On the file that is in same directory as solo.rb or in lower level
- open controll panel ( command + shift + p )
- type "knifesolo"
- choose "SublimeKnifeSolo cook"
- choose your host