When SteamVR playspace is rotated, the headset image stutters heavily. During a stutter, the eye images freeze in place, in a way that the frozen image follows head movement.
This happens when using SetWorkingStandingZeroPoseToRawTrackingPose
or the Seated variant with a matrix where the basis is not identity.
Can also be triggered using OVR Advanced Settings' space rotate functionality.
Does not happen with wired headsets.
Some older titles use this as a way to recenter during gameplay, in some cases even automatically, so it's really hard to work around. For example, Subnautica does this when entering player-built structures.
Resetting the matrix's basis to identity fixes the issue. For example, if the game breaks your view, you can use wlx-overlay-s's Reset Offset
button on the Settings panel and the views will be fixed instantly.
I have not tested on Windows, but I would expect this to be a well known issue by now if it broke the same way on Windows.