A simple C# program to help read the RuneScape NXT client cache files
- Download, install and run the RuneScape NXT client from the official website
- Let the client download the cache. By default, the location of the cache will be in C:\ProgramData\Jagex\Runescape
- Create the CacheReader object with the cache's path:
CacheReader cacheReader = new CacheReader(@"C:\ProgramData\Jagex\RuneScape");
Definition.Item bluePartyhat = cacheReader.LoadDefinition<Definition.Item>(1042);
Blue partyhat
Dictionary<int, Definition.Item> itemDefinitions = cacheReader.LoadDefinitions<Definition.Item>(1038, 1040, 1042, 1044, 1046, 1048);
Dictionary<int, Definition.Item> itemDefinitions = cacheReader.LoadDefinitions<Definition.Item>();
CacheReader implements its own caching system to make subsequent definition retrieval faster.
Currently only some of the cache is recognized and supported.
- Actions
- Armour
- Attack speed
- Bank actions
- Consumption life points quantity
- Cosmetic item ID
- Cosmetic template ID
- Creation experience quantities
- Creation required item IDs
- Creation required item quantities
- Creation required skill IDs
- Creation required tool item IDs
- Destroy text
- Degredation item ID
- Diango replacement cost
- Drop sound ID
- Equip actions
- Equip magic ratio
- Equip melee ratio
- Equip ranged ratio
- Equip requirement skill ID
- Equip requirement skill level
- Equip slot ID
- Equip sound ID
- Grand Exchange category ID
- Ground actions
- Is alchable
- Is bankable
- Is cosmetic
- Is degradable
- Is lent
- Is magic armour
- Is magic weapon
- Is melee armour
- Is melee weapon
- Is members
- Is noted
- Is ranged armour
- Is raned weapon
- Is stackable
- Is tradable
- Lent item ID
- Lent template ID
- Magic accuracy
- Magic damage
- Max charges
- Melee accuracy
- Melee damage
- Model ID
- Model zoom
- Name
- Note item ID
- Note template ID
- Prayer bonus
- Ranged accuracy
- Ranged damage
- Repair cost
- Tier
- Treasure Hunter cash out value
- Treasure Hunter text
- Actions
- Armour
- Attack speed
- Combat level
- Combat style ID
- Is clickable
- Is visible
- Magic accuracy
- Magic damage
- Melee accuracy
- Melee damage
- Name
- Ranged accuracy
- Ranged damage
- Weakness ID
- Actions
- Name