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  • node version: 14.x
  • npm version: 7.x


In project root execute:

npm i
cp .env.example .env

Fill .env with your MNEMONIC and INFURA_PROJECT_ID If you want to verify the contracts also fill the ETHERSCAN_API_KEY

cd deployment
cp deploy_parameters.json.example deploy_parameters.json

Fill created deploy_parameters.json with appropiate parameters. See below for more information about the deploy_parameters.json

The first step is deploying and verifying the CDKValidiumDeployer, this will be the factory for deterministic contracts, the address of the contracts will depend on the salt and the initialCDKValidiumDeployerOwner

This contrat is deployed using a keyless deployment, therefore the gasPrice is hardcoded. The value is on 100 gweis, if it's necessary to update it go to helpers/deployment-helpers.js and update the gasPriceKeylessDeployment constant. Note that this operation will change all the deterministic address deployed.

npm run deploy:deployer:CDKValidium:sepolia
npm run verify:deployer:CDKValidium:sepolia

To deploy on testnet is necessary a token MATIC contract, therefore, there's another script that previously to the actual deployment, deploys a matic contracts and adds it automatically to the deploy_parameters.json

To deploy on testnet use:deploy:testnet:CDKValidium:${network}

In other cases use fullfill maticTokenAddress in the deploy_parameters.json and run deploy:CDKValidium:${network}

npm run deploy:testnet:CDKValidium:sepolia

To verify contracts use npm run verify:CDKValidium:${network}

npm run verify:CDKValidium:sepolia

A new folder will be created witth the following name deployments/${network}_$(date +%s) with all the output information and the OZ proxy information.


  • realVerifier: bool, Indicates whether deploy a real verifier or not
  • trustedSequencerURL: string, trustedSequencer URL
  • networkName: string, networkName
  • version:string, will just be emitted at initialization of the contract, usefull just for synchronizer
  • trustedSequencer: address, trusted sequencer addresss
  • chainID: uint64, chainID of the CDKValidium
  • trustedAggregator:address, Trusted aggregator address
  • trustedAggregatorTimeout: uint64, If a sequence is not verified in this timeout everyone can verify it
  • pendingStateTimeout: uint64, Once a pending state exceeds this timeout it can be consolidated
  • forkID: uint64, Fork ID of the CDKValidium, indicates the prover (zkROM/executor) version
  • admin:address, Admin address, can adjust CDKValidium parameters or stop the emergency state
  • cdkValidiumOwner: address, Able to put the CDKValidium into emergency state (kill switch)
  • timelockAddress: address, Timelock owner address, able to send start an upgradability process via timelock
  • minDelayTimelock: number, Minimum timelock delay,
  • salt: bytes32, Salt used in CDKValidiumDeployer to deploy deterministic contracts, such as the PolygonZkEVMBridge
  • initialCDKValidiumDeployerOwner: address, Initial owner of the CDKValidiumDeployer
  • maticTokenAddress: address, Matic token address, only if deploy on testnet can be left blank and will fullfilled by the scripts.
  • cdkValidiumDeployerAddress: address, Address of the CDKValidiumDeployer. Can be left blank, will be fullfilled automatically with the deploy:deployer:CDKValidium:sepolia script.

Optional Parameters

  • deployerPvtKey: string, pvtKey of the deployer, overrides the address in MNEMONIC of .env if exist
  • maxFeePerGas:string, Set maxFeePerGas, must define aswell maxPriorityFeePerGas to use it
  • maxPriorityFeePerGas:string, Set maxPriorityFeePerGas, must define aswell maxFeePerGas to use it
  • multiplierGas: number, Gas multiplier with 3 decimals. If maxFeePerGas and maxPriorityFeePerGas are set, this will not take effect


  • Since there are deterministic address you cannot deploy twice on the same network using the same salt and initialCDKValidiumDeployerOwner. Changing one of them is enough to make a new deployment.
  • It's mandatory to delete the .openzeppelin upgradebility information in order to make a new deployment
  • genesis.json has been generated using the tool: 1_createGenesis, this script depends on the deploy_parameters aswell.