Kafka Experimental using Spring Kafka and Apache Avro.
Using Apache Avro
for model generation for Producer and Consumer.
Using my own Avro Serializer
utility library https://github.com/alokkusingh/avro-serializer/packages/373458 to Serialize/Deserialize Avro model objects without using Schema Registry
- 1 Zookeeper Instance
- 1 Kafka Broker
- 2 Producers - you may scale up using
scale command- 1 instance of Rain Sensor
- 1 instance of Temperature Sensor - you may scale up using
scale command
- 1 Partition
- 2 Apps (
s from 2 diffrenetconsumer group
) - you may scale up usingdocker-compose
scale command. This will be useless uless we have multiplePartition
- subscribed to Rain Sensor and Temperature Sensor Topics. Consumer group:app-one
- subscribed to Rain Sensor Topic. Consumer group:app-two
- Apache Avro used as schema definition to serialize and deserialize the message. Avro schema definition is maintained locally, no schema registry was used.
- Add
Docker Swarm
Deployment Steps - Add Multiple
Kafka Broker
- Add Multiple
- Add Multiple
of Each Apps - Add
Apache Avro
Schema Registry - currently Avro is used only for object mapping. Without schema registry schema versioning won't be possible
- Producer creates topic on startup using "NewTopic" by providing "Number of Partitions" and "Replication Factor"
mvn clean package
docker-compose -d -f docker-compose.yml up --build
docker-compose stop
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml scale app-two=0