Here is my first Power Apps Component using PowerApps Component framework!
It will display a flag next to a phone field according to the calling code.
Use the libphonenumber-js library.
Support 250+ countries.
To use Microsoft PowerApps CLI, do the following:
Install Npm (comes with Node.js) or install Node.js (comes with npm). We recommend LTS (Long Term Support) version 10.15.3 LTS as it seems to be most stable.
Install .NET Framework 4.6.2 Developer Pack.
If you don’t already have Visual Studio 2017 or later, follow one of the options below:
- Option 1: Install Visual Studio 2017 or later.
- Option 2: Install .NET Core 2.2 SDK and then install Visual Studio Code.
Install Microsoft PowerApps CLI.
Be sure to update your Microsoft PowerApps CLI to the latest version:
pac install latest
- Clone the repo/ download the zip file.
- Navigate to ./PhoneNumberByCountry/ folder.
- Copy the folder path and open it in visual studio code.
- Open the terminal, and run the command the following command to install the project dependencies:
npm install
Then run the command:
npm run start
- Create a new solution folder and open the Developer command prompt.
- Change the directory to the newly created folder in previous step.
- Init the future solution:
pac solution init --publisherName someName --customizationPrefix someSolutionPrefix
- Add the control to your future solution:
pac solution add-reference --path provide path of control project folder where the pcf.proj is available
- Build 1/2:
msbuild /t:restore
- Build 2/2:
- You will have the solution file in SolutionFolder/bin/debug folder!
If you want to change the solution type you have to edit the .cdsproj file:
Solution Packager overrides, un-comment to use: SolutionPackagerType (Managed, Unmanaged, Both)