Represents the core back-end server that manages the representation of the ecoverse and all the entities stored wthin it.
To run the server in test mode:
- Install dependencies via 'npm install'
- Initialise the data in the server by running 'npm run test-db-reset'
- Have a working mySQL endpoint at port 3306 and configure the endpoint with environment variables (see below)
- Create .env file in your root directory and set values for MYSQL_DATABASE, MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD, DATABASE_HOST
- Start the server by running 'npm start'
- Browse to http://localhost:4000/graphql to interact with the schema
- Docker and docker-compose installed on x86 architecture (so not an ARM-based architecture like Raspberry pi)
- ports 80, 4000 and 3306 free on localhost
The following commands are used to run this project:
docker-compose up
(to build the server image, pull mySQL image and start the containers)docker exec server.node npm run test-db-reset
(to populate the database with some sample data)
The technology stack is as follows:
- GraphQL: for specifying the interactions with the server, using Apollo server
- Node: for runtime execution
- TypeScript: for all logic
- TypeORM: for the orbject relational mapping
- mySQL: for data persistance
- docker: for containers
- docker-compose: for container orchestration
Credit: the setup of this project is inspired by the following article: