Directory with tests: bingo/tests/
Tests with bingo-nosql:
- bigtable
- exact
- markush
- mass
- pseudoatoms
- resonance
- rexact
- rsmarts
- rsub
- sgroups
- similarity
- smarts
- substructure
- tautomers
Tests with bingo-elastic:
- exact
- similarity
- substructure
All tests have PostgreSQL support. System requirements and installation procedure for bingo-postgres are available here.
- tests/
- data/ - Contains queries, targets data and test cases
- dbc/ - Contains DB adapters: PostgreSQL, Bingo NOSQL, Bingo Elastic
- - Set of useful functions
- db_config.ini - DB connection parameters
- requirements.txt - Requirement modules
- bingo-tests.log - Logs (appears after running tests)
- - Contains pytest fixtures: indigo instance, DB connection
- ...
- test_{FUNCTION}/
- - Setup/teardown scripts, molecules/reactions mapping: id - entity
- test_{FUNCTION}.py
- ...
import pytest
from ..constants import DB_POSTGRES, DB_BINGO, DB_BINGO_ELASTIC
from ..helpers import assert_calculate_query, query_cases
# query_cases - return list of tuples: test cases with expected test result.
# [(query_id, expected), ]
# assert_calculate_query - Assertion function
db_list = [DB_POSTGRES, DB_BINGO, DB_BINGO_ELASTIC] # List of Databases we run tests in
@pytest.mark.usefixtures('init_db') # pytest fixture (setup/teardown) defined in (near
class TestFunction:
# Parametrize parameter 'db' in function test_foo with arguments from 'db_list', so the function will run with different 'db' values
# 'db' is pytest fixture provided in root file
# Parametrize parameters 'query_id' and 'expected' in function test_foo with query_cases, so the function will run with different 'query_id' and 'expected' values
@pytest.mark.parametrize('db', db_list, indirect=True)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('query_id, expected', query_cases('function'))
def test_foo(self, db, entities, query_id, expected):
# entities - pytest fixture defined in (near
molecule = entities.get(query_id)
result = db.function(molecule, 'bar-option')
assert_calculate_query(result, expected)
# Double parametrization does let us run test_foo with different test cases
# for every database provided in 'db_list'
pip install -r bingo/tests/requirements.txt
docker run -p 9200:9200 --env "discovery.type=single-node" --env "indices.query.bool.max_clause_count=4096" --env "opendistro_security.disabled=true" amazon/opendistro-for-elasticsearch:latest
cd bingo/tests
pytest .
docker build --tag epmlsop/bingo-postgres:latest -f bingo/postgres/Dockerfile --build-arg BINGO_PG_VERSION={postgres_version} .
docker run -d -p 5432:5432 -e "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password" epmlsop/bingo-postgres:latest
cd bingo/tests
pytest --db postgres