If a error occurs when visit the OSS, the OSS will be return a error code and error message, making it easy for users to locate problems, and make the appropriate treatment. For code not 2XX, you can get information:
require 'aliyun/oss'
client = Aliyun::Oss::Client.new('ACCESS_KEY', 'SECRET_KEY', host: 'oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com', bucket: 'oss-sdk-dev-hangzhou')
rescue Aliyun::Oss::RequestError => e
puts "Code: #{e.code}"
puts "Message: #{e.message}"
puts "Request id: #{e.request_id}"
- Code: the error code
- Message: the error message
- requestId: It's the UUID to uniquely identifies this request; When you can't solve the problem, can the RequestId to request help from the OSS development engineer.
| code | summary | HTTP Status| |---|---| |AccessDenied |Access denied | 403| |BucketAlreadyExists | Bucket Already Exist| 409| |BucketNotEmpty |Bucket Not Empty| 409| |EntityTooLarge | Entry Too Large| 400| |EntityTooSmall | Entry Too Small| 400| |FileGroupTooLarge |File Group Too Large| 400| |InvalidLinkName | Object Link Same With Object| 400| |LinkPartNotExist | Object Not Exist| 400| |ObjectLinkTooLarge | Object Too Much | 400| |FieldItemTooLong | Field Too Large| 400| |FilePartInterity | File Part Already Changed| 400| |FilePartNotExist |File Part Not Exist| 400| |FilePartStale | File Part Expired| 400| |IncorrectNumberOfFilesInPOSTRequest| File Count Invalid| 400| |InvalidArgument |Invalid Argument| 400| |InvalidAccessKeyId | Access Key ID Not Exist| 403| |InvalidBucketName | The specified bucket is not valid.| 400| |InvalidDigest | Invalid Digest | 400| |InvalidEncryptionAlgorithmError | Specified Encoding-Type Error | 400| |InvalidObjectName |Invalid Object Name| 400 |InvalidPart | Invalid Part| 400| |InvalidPartOrder |Invalid Part Order| 400| |InvalidPolicyDocument | Invalid Policy| 400| |InvalidTargetBucketForLogging |Invalid Target Bucket For Logging| 400| |InternalError |Internal Error| 500| |MalformedXML | XML Invalid| 400| |MalformedPOSTRequest | Requested XML Invalid | 400| |MaxPOSTPreDataLengthExceededError | Body except file Too Large | 400| |MethodNotAllowed |Method Not Allowed| 405| |MissingArgument |Missing Argument| 411| |MissingContentLength |Missing Content Length| 411| |NoSuchBucket |No Such Bucket| 404| |NoSuchKey |No Such Key| 404| |NoSuchUpload |Multipart Upload ID Not Exist| 404| |NotImplemented |Not Implemented| 501| |PreconditionFailed |Precondition Failed| 412| |RequestTimeTooSkewed |Request Time Large Than 15 minutes| 403| |RequestTimeout |Request Timeout| 400| |RequestIsNotMultiPartContent | Content-Type Invalid| 400| |SignatureDoesNotMatch |Signature Does Not Match|403| |TooManyBuckets |Too Many Buckets| 400|