We have used an evolutionary algorithm to train an MLP ANN to play the game in this code.
To understand how the code works, you must take a look at these files:
class and its methods in evolution.pyNeuralNetwork
class and its methods in nn.py tothink
method in player.py (box list is a queue which objects append to the end. It can be empty when the game just started.)
You can change neural network architecture and other configurations in config.py
# Parameters
'seed': 0, # map of the game
'num_players': 150, # number of players generated in each step
'checkpoint_freq': 5, # the frequency of saving generations
'crossover_rate': 0.5, # rate of crossover
"mutaion_rate": 0.8, # rate of mutation
'SUS_in_next_population': False, # whether to use SUS in next-generation selection
'mutation_mean': 0, # gaussian distibution mean
'mutation_standard_deviation': 0.3, # gaussian distribution SD
'q_value_for_tournoment': 5, # q-tournoment parameter in `generate_new_population`
# ANN setting
# Note: input & output of the network must be handled in the `think` method in the Player object
"helicopter_mode_network": [5, 15, 7, 2],
"gravity_mode_network": [5, 20, 2],
"thrust_mode_network": [5, 20, 7, 3],
"activation_function": "sigmoid" # relu or sigmoid
Helicopter | Gravity | Thrust |
You can play the game with the following command:
python game.py --mode thrust --play True
If you want to play another mode, just replace thrust
with the desired game-mode name. (helicopter, gravity, thrust)
Also, you can start the game from a checkpoint which you were there before:
python game.py --mode $mode$ --checkpoint checkpoint/$mode$/$gen_num$
Just run the mentioned command without --play True
After you train a model, you can see the training process by plotting each generation score:
>> python plot.py
>> Enter history file name:evol_history-2021-07-
This file has been saved in the hist
- Ali Faraji
- Hossein Zaredar
- Matin Tavakoli
- Many thanks to Parnian Rad