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[Abandoned] Conveniently run concurrent docker rails environments (with a CI emphasis)


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A simplified pattern to execute rails applications within Docker (with a CI build emphasis).


  • DRY declarative docker-rails.yml allowing multiple environments to be defined with an inherited docker compose configuration
  • Provides individual convenience functions up | bash | stop | extract | cleanup to easily work with target environment (even in a concurrent situation)
  • Full workflow for CI usage with automated container, volume, and image cleanup.
  • Automated cached global gemset data volume (sets up GEM_HOME and volumes_from in all targeted containers)
  • Interpolates variables docker-compose.yml making CI builds much easier
  • DB check CLI function provided for docker-compose command to check if db is ready
  • Configurable exit_code for ci - determine which container's exit code will be the result of the process (useful for CI tests)
  • Declarative ssh key sharing via SSH Agent Forwarding, including making known_hosts available to targeted containers.



CI, the reason this is built. Do it all, do it consistently, do it concurrently, do it easily, and always cleanup after yourself.

docker-rails ci test

CI workflow

ci executes:

  1. before_command - run anything on the host prior to building the docker image e.g. rm -Rf target
  2. compose - create the resolved docker-compose.yml
  3. gemset_volume create - find or create the shared global gems volume for this ruby version
  4. ssh_agent forward - forward any declared keys and copy in known_hosts
  5. build - docker-compose build the configuration
  6. up - docker-compose up the configuration
  7. cleanup
    1. stop - stop all containers for this configuration (including one-off sessions)
    2. extract - extract any defined files from any container
    3. rm_volumes - docker-compose rm -v --force to cleanup any container volumes (excluding the gems volume)
    4. rm_compose - cleanup the generated compose.yml file for the build
    5. rm_dangling - cleanup any dangling images

CI execution options

NOTE: If using bundle exec, you'll need to do a bundle on both the host and container. These examples avoid bundle exec on the host to avoid the time taken to bundle (it should happen inside your container).

In your environment, ensure that docker-rails is present:

gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc docker-rails

Then run it:

docker-rails ci --build=222 test

or with the environment variable option

DOCKER_RAILS_BUILD=222 docker-rails ci test

or for local testing (uses 1 for build)

 docker-rails ci test

General CLI

Almost all of the commands below are in support of the ci command, so why not give access directly to them? Helpful additions include bash_connect to connect to a running container and exec the equivalent of docker-compose run (but thor complained and we can't use reserverd word run)

  docker-rails bash_connect <target> <service_name>    # Open a bash shell to a running container (with automatic cleanup) e.g. docker-rails bash --build=222 development db
  docker-rails build <target>                          # Build for the given build/target e.g. docker-rails build --build=222 development
  docker-rails ci <target>                             # Execute the works, everything with cleanup included e.g. docker-rails ci --build=222 test
  docker-rails cleanup <target>                        # Runs container cleanup functions stop, rm_volumes, rm_compose, rm_dangling, ps_all e.g. docker-rails cleanup --build=222 development
  docker-rails compose <target>                        # Writes a resolved docker-compose.yml file e.g. docker-rails compose --build=222 test
  docker-rails db_check <db>                           # Runs db_check e.g. bundle exec docker-rails db_check mysql
  docker-rails exec <target> <service_name> <command>  # Run an arbitrary command on a given service container e.g. docker-rails exec --build=222 development db bash
  docker-rails gemset_volume <command>                 # Gemset volume management e.g. docker-rails gemset_volume create
  docker-rails help [COMMAND]                          # Describe available commands or one specific command
  docker-rails ps <target>                             # List containers for the target compose configuration e.g. docker-rails ps --build=222 development
  docker-rails ps_all                                  # List all remaining containers regardless of state e.g. docker-rails ps_all
  docker-rails rm_dangling                             # Remove danging images e.g. docker-rails rm_dangling
  docker-rails rm_volumes <target>                     # Stop all running containers and remove corresponding volumes for the given build/target e.g. docker-rails rm_volumes --build=222 development
  docker-rails ssh_agent <command>                     # SSH Agent Forwarding e.g. docker-rails ssh_agent forward
  docker-rails stop <target>                           # Stop all running containers for the given build/target e.g. docker-rails stop --build=222 development
  docker-rails up <target>                             # Up the docker-compose configuration for the given build/target. Use -d for detached mode. e.g. docker-rails up -d --build=222 test

  -b, [--build=BUILD]  # Build name e.g. 123.  Can also be specified as environment variable DOCKER_RAILS_BUILD
                       # Default: 1


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'docker-rails'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install docker-rails

Setup and Configuration

1. Add a Dockerfile

FROM atlashealth/ruby:2.2.2

ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive

# For building, nokogiri support, capybara-webkit, mysql client
# Clean up APT when done.
RUN apt-get update -qq && \
    apt-get install -qy build-essential libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev g++ qt5-default libqt5webkit5-dev xvfb libmysqlclient-dev && \

    # cleanup
    apt-get clean && \
    cd /var/lib/apt/lists && rm -fr *Release* *Sources* *Packages* && \
    truncate -s 0 /var/log/*log

    COPY . /project # figure out/automate this as a volume instead

# Bypass the union file system for better performance
VOLUME /project

# Copy the project files into the container (again, better performance).  Use `extract` in the docker-rails.yml to obtain files such as test results.
COPY . /project

2. Add a docker-rails.yml

Environment variables will be interpolated, so feel free to use them. The rails engine example below shows an example with all of the environments ssh_test | development | test | parallel_tests | staging to show reuse of the primary compose configuration.

verbose: true
exit_code: web
before_command: bash -c "rm -Rf target && rm -Rf spec/dummy/log"

# ---
# create a global gemset to be shared amongst all ruby 2.2.2 containers.
  name: 2.2.2
  # setup GEM_HOME environment variable and `volumes_from` to mount the global gemset container
    - web

# ---
# Make the host user's id_rsa key available to the web container e.g. for cloning from github
#   If you see "Host key verification failed", make sure the same command runs on the host first 
#   which will add to the known_hosts file. The known_hosts is copied from the host to the ssh-agent automatically.
    - web
    - id_rsa

# ---
# Declare a reusable extract set
extractions: &extractions
      - '/project/target'
      - '/project/vcr'
      - '/project/spec/dummy/log:spec/dummy'
      - '/project/tmp/parallel_runtime_cucumber.log:./tmp'
      - '/project/tmp/parallel_runtime_rspec.log:./tmp'

# ---
# Declare a reusable elasticsearch container, staging/production connects to existing running instance.
elasticsearch: &elasticsearch
    image: library/elasticsearch:1.7
      - "9200"
# ---
# Base docker-compose configuration for all environments.  Anything under the `compose` element must be standard docker-compose syntax.
    build: .
    working_dir: /project/spec/dummy
      - "3000"

      - db

    image: library/mysql:5.7.6
      - "3306"


# ---
# Overrides based on the named targets ssh_test | development | test | parallel_tests | staging       
      command: bash -c "ssh -T"      

    <<: *elasticsearch
        - elasticsearch # standard yaml doesn't merge arrays so we have to add this explicitly
        - RAILS_ENV=development
      command: >
        bash -c "

        echo 'Bundling gems'
        && bundle install --jobs 4 --retry 3

        && echo 'Generating Spring binstubs'
        && bundle exec spring binstub --all

        && echo 'Clearing logs and tmp dirs'
        && bundle exec rake log:clear tmp:clear

        && echo 'Check and wait for database connection'
        && bundle exec docker-rails db_check mysql

        && echo 'Setting up new db if one doesn't exist'
        && bundle exec rake db:version || { bundle exec rake db:setup; }

        && echo "Starting app server"
        && bundle exec rails s -p 3000

        && echo 'Setup and start foreman'
        && gem install foreman
        && foreman start

  <<: *extractions
    <<: *elasticsearch
        - elasticsearch # standard yaml doesn't merge arrays so we have to add this explicitly
        - RAILS_ENV=test
      command: >
        bash -c "
        echo 'Bundling gems'
        && bundle install --jobs 4 --retry 3

        && echo 'Clearing logs and tmp dirs'
        && bundle exec rake log:clear tmp:clear

        && echo 'Check and wait for database connection'
        && bundle exec docker-rails db_check mysql

        && echo 'Setting up new db if one doesn't exist'
        && bundle exec rake db:version || { bundle exec rake db:setup; }

        && echo 'Tests'
        && cd ../..
        && xvfb-run -a bundle exec rake spec cucumber

  <<: *extractions
    <<: *elasticsearch
        - elasticsearch # standard yaml doesn't merge arrays so we have to add this explicitly
        - RAILS_ENV=test
      command: >
        bash -c "

        echo 'Bundling gems'
        && bundle install --jobs 4 --retry 3

        && echo 'Clearing logs and tmp dirs'
        && bundle exec rake log:clear tmp:clear

        && echo 'Check and wait for database connection'
        && bundle exec docker-rails db_check mysql

        && echo 'Setting up new db if one doesn't exist'
        && bundle exec rake parallel:drop parallel:create parallel:migrate parallel:seed

        && echo 'Tests'
        && cd ../..
        && xvfb-run -a bundle exec rake parallel:spec parallel:features

        - RAILS_ENV=staging
      command: >
        bash -c "

        echo 'Bundling gems'
        && bundle install --jobs 4 --retry 3

        && echo 'Clearing logs and tmp dirs'
        && bundle exec rake log:clear tmp:clear

        && echo 'Check and wait for database connection'
        && bundle exec docker-rails db_check mysql

        && echo 'Setting up new db if one doesn't exist'
        && bundle exec rake db:migrate

        && echo "Starting app server"
        && bundle exec rails s -p 3000

        && echo 'Setup and start foreman'
        && gem install foreman
        && foreman start

CI setup


The following shows execution within Atlassian Bamboo using an script task and RVM on the host.

1. Add an inline script task

This will run everything, including cleanup.

# force bash, not bin/sh
if [ "$(ps -p "$$" -o comm=)" != "bash" ]; then
    # Taken from
    bash "$0" "$@"
    exit "$?"

source ~/.bash_profile
rvm gemset list
echo "Build: $bamboo_buildNumber"
gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc docker-rails

docker-rails ci --build=$bamboo_buildNumber parallel_tests

2. Add an inline script final task

In the Final tasks section, add another inline script task just to ensure cleanup. If all is well, this is duplicate work (that takes very little time), but we have seen cases where executing stop in Bamboo will kill off the process without a chance to cleanup. This will take care of that scenario.

# force bash, not bin/sh
if [ "$(ps -p "$$" -o comm=)" != "bash" ]; then
    # Taken from
    bash "$0" "$@"
    exit "$?"

source ~/.bash_profile
docker-rails cleanup --build=$bamboo_buildNumber parallel_tests

Work in progress - contributions welcome

Open to pull requests. Open to refactoring. It can be expanded to suit many different configurations.


  • DB versatility - expand to different db status detection as-needed e.g. postgres. CLI is now modularized to allow for this.


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/docker-rails/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

License and Attributions

MIT license, inspired by many but certainly a useful blog post by AtlasHealth.


[Abandoned] Conveniently run concurrent docker rails environments (with a CI emphasis)







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