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Starred repositories
Forked from Richar-Du/LAMOCThe official repository our ACL 2023 paper: Zero-shot Visual Question Answering with Language Model Feedback
junxia97 / SimGRACE
Forked from mpanpan/SimGRACE[WWW 2022] "SimGRACE: A Simple Framework for Graph Contrastive Learning without Data Augmentation"
KMarino / mmf
Forked from facebookresearch/mmfA modular framework for vision & language multimodal research from Facebook AI Research (FAIR)
ASU-APG / vqa_lol
Forked from tejas-gokhale/visual-reasoningVisual Reasoning :
PyTorch bottom-up attention with Detectron2
drewhayward / NSM
Forked from ceyzaguirre4/NSMNeural State Machine implemented in PyTorch
Bottom-up attention model for image captioning and VQA, based on Faster R-CNN and Visual Genome
Object detection, 3D detection, and pose estimation using center point detection:
monasolgi / text_gcn
Forked from yao8839836/text_gcnGraph Convolutional Networks for Text Classification. AAAI 2019
wmathor / nlp-tutorial
Forked from graykode/nlp-tutorialNatural Language Processing Tutorial for Deep Learning Researchers
lisa-groundhog / GroundHog
Forked from pascanur/GroundHogLibrary for implementing RNNs with Theano
TensorFlow Tutorial and Examples for beginners
Starred topics
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