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Alicloud ECS Security Group Terraform Module In VPC

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Terraform module which creates ECS security group within VPC on Alibaba Cloud.

These types of resources are supported:


This module aims to implement ALL combinations of arguments supported by Alibaba Cloud and latest stable version of Terraform:

  • IPv4 CIDR blocks
  • Access from source security groups
  • Named rules (see the rules here)
  • Named groups of rules with ingress (inbound) and egress (outbound) ports open for common scenarios (eg, ssh, http-80, mysql, see the whole list here)
  • Conditionally create security group and all required security group rules ("single boolean switch").

Ingress and egress rules can be configured in a variety of ways. See inputs variables for all supported arguments and complete example for the complete use-case.

If there is a missing feature or a bug - open an issue.


There are three ways to create security groups using this module:

  1. Specifying predefined rules (HTTP, SSH, etc)
  2. Specifying custom rules of single cidr block
  3. Specifying custom rules of multiple cidr blocks
  4. Specifying custom rules of list ports and cidr blocks
  5. Specifying custom rules of source security group id

Security group with predefined rules

module "web_server_sg" {
  source  = "alibaba/security-group/alicloud//modules/http-80"

  name        = "web-server"
  description = "Security group for web-server with HTTP ports open within VPC"
  vpc_id      = "vpc-12345678"

  ingress_cidr_blocks = [""]

Security group with custom rules of multiple cidr blocks

module "service_sg_with_multi_cidr" {
  source  = "alibaba/security-group/alicloud"

  name        = "user-service"
  description = "Security group for user-service with custom ports open within VPC"
  vpc_id      = "vpc-12345678"

  ingress_cidr_blocks      = [""]
  ingress_rules            = ["https-443-tcp"]
  ingress_with_cidr_blocks = [
      from_port   = 8080
      to_port     = 8090
      protocol    = "tcp"
      description = "User-service ports"
      cidr_blocks = ",,"
      priority    = 2
      rule        = "postgresql-tcp"
      priority    = 2
      cidr_blocks = ","
      // Using ingress_cidr_blocks to set cidr_blocks
      rule = "postgresql-tcp"
  egress_cidr_blocks      = [""]
  egress_with_cidr_blocks = [
      from_port   = 8080
      to_port     = 8090
      protocol    = "tcp"
      description = "User-service ports"
      priority    = 1
      cidr_blocks = ","
      // Using egress_cidr_blocks to set cidr_blocks
      rule = "postgresql-tcp"

Security group with custom rules of list ports and cidr blocks

module "service_sg_with_ports" {
  source  = "alibaba/security-group/alicloud"

  name        = "user-service"
  description = "Security group for user-service with custom ports open within VPC"
  vpc_id      = "vpc-12345678"

  ingress_cidr_blocks      = [""]
  ingress_rules            = ["https-443-tcp"]
  ingress_ports = [50, 150]
  ingress_with_cidr_blocks_and_ports = [
      ports       = "10,20,30"
      protocol    = "tcp"
      priority    = 1
      cidr_blocks = ","
      # Using ingress_ports to set ports
      protocol    = "udp"
      description = "ingress for tcp"
      cidr_blocks = ""
      # Using ingress_ports and ingress_cidr_blocks to set ports and cidr_blocks
      protocol    = "icmp"
      priority    = 20
      description = "ingress for icmp"

Security group with custom rules of source security group id

module "service_sg_with_source_sg_id" {
  source  = "alibaba/security-group/alicloud"

  name        = "user-service"
  description = "Security group for user-service with custom rules of source security group."
  vpc_id      = "vpc-12345678"

  ingress_with_source_security_group_id = [
      rule                     = "mysql-tcp"
      source_security_group_id = "sg-12345678"
      priority                 = 1
      from_port                = 10
      to_port                  = 10
      protocol                 = "tcp"
      description              = "Service name"
      source_security_group_id = "sg-98765432"
      priority                 = 2
  egress_with_source_security_group_id = [
      rule                     = "mysql-tcp"
      source_security_group_id = "sg-12345678"

Conditional creation

Create an enterprise Security Group

module "web_server_sg" {
  source = "alibaba/security-group/alicloud//modules/http-80"

  name                = "web-server"
  description         = "An enterprise security group created by terraform."
  vpc_id              = "vpc-12345678"
  security_group_type = "enterprise"

Sometimes you need to have a way to create security group conditionally but Terraform does not allow to use count inside module block, so the solution is to specify argument create.

# This security group will not be created
module "vote_service_sg" {
  source  = "alibaba/security-group/alicloud"

  create = false
  # ... omitted

Sometimes you need to have a way to use a existing security group conditionally, the solution is to specify argument create to false and specify a existing security group id.

# This security group will not be created
module "vote_service_sg" {
  source  = "alibaba/security-group/alicloud"

  existing_group_id = "sg-1234567"
  create = false
  # ... omitted


From the version v2.4.0, the module has removed the following provider setting:

provider "alicloud" {
  profile                 = var.profile != "" ? var.profile : null
  shared_credentials_file = var.shared_credentials_file != "" ? var.shared_credentials_file : null
  region                  = var.region != "" ? var.region : null
  skip_region_validation  = var.skip_region_validation
  configuration_source    = "terraform-alicloud-modules/security-group"

If you still want to use the provider setting to apply this module, you can specify a supported version, like 2.3.0:

module "web_server_sg" {
  source  = "alibaba/security-group/alicloud"

  version     = "2.3.0"
  region      = "cn-hangzhou"
  profile     = "Your-Profile-Name"

  name        = "web-server"
  description = "Security group for web-server with HTTP ports open within VPC"
  vpc_id      = "vpc-12345678"

  ingress_cidr_blocks = [""]
  // ...

If you want to upgrade the module to 2.4.0 or higher in-place, you can define a provider which same region with previous region:

provider "alicloud" {
   region  = "cn-hangzhou"
   profile = "Your-Profile-Name"
module "web_server_sg" {
  source  = "alibaba/security-group/alicloud"

  name        = "web-server"
  description = "Security group for web-server with HTTP ports open within VPC"
  vpc_id      = "vpc-12345678"

  ingress_cidr_blocks = [""]
  // ...

or specify an alias provider with a defined region to the module using providers:

provider "alicloud" {
  region  = "cn-hangzhou"
  profile = "Your-Profile-Name"
  alias   = "hz"

module "web_server_sg" {
  source  = "alibaba/security-group/alicloud"

  providers = {
    alicloud = alicloud.hz
  name        = "web-server"
  description = "Security group for web-server with HTTP ports open within VPC"
  vpc_id      = "vpc-12345678"

  ingress_cidr_blocks = [""]
  // ...

and then run terraform init and terraform apply to make the defined provider effect to the existing module state.

More details see How to use provider in the module


How to add/update rules/groups?

Rules and groups are defined in Run when content of that file has changed to recreate content of all automatic modules.


Name Version
terraform >= 0.13.0
alicloud >= 1.56.0


Name Version
alicloud >= 1.56.0

Submit Issues

If you have any problems when using this module, please opening a provider issue and let us know.

Note: There does not recommend to open an issue on this repo.


Created and maintained by Alibaba Cloud Terraform Team(
