We provide some scripts for reproducing existing algorithms with FederatedScope, which are constantly being updated. We greatly appreciate any contribution to FederatedScope!
- Distribute Mode
- Asynchronous Training Strategy
- Graph Federated Learning
- Attacks in Federated Learning
- Federated Optimization Algorithm
- Personalized Federated Learning
- Differential Privacy in Federated Learning
- Matrix Factorization in Federated Learning
Users can train an LR on generated toy data with distribute mode via:
bash distributed_scripts/run_distributed_lr.sh
The FL course consists of 1 server and 3 clients, which executes on one device as simulation. Each client owns private data and the server holds a test set for global evaluation.
- For running with multiple devices, you need to specify the host/port of IP addresses in the configurations (i.e., the yaml files) and make sure these devices are connected.
Then you can launch the participants (i.e.,
python federatedscope/main.py --cfg xxx.yaml
) on each provided device (Remember to launch the server first). - For the situation that server doesn't own data and the evaluation is performed at clients, use
at this line.
Also, users can run distribute mode with other provided datasets and models. Take training ConvNet on FEMNIST as an example:
bash distributed_scripts/run_distributed_conv_femnist.sh
We provide several configurations (yaml files) as examples to demonstrate how to apply FL in CV with FederatedScope. Users can run the following comments for reproducing, and modify/add the yaml file for customization, such as using provided/customized datasets and models, tunning hyperparameters, etc.
Train ConvNet on FEMNIST with vanilla FedAvg:
cd ..
python federatedscope/main.py --cfg federatedscope/cv/baseline/fedavg_convnet2_on_femnist.yaml
# or
# python federatedscope/main.py --cfg scripts/example_configs/femnist.yaml
Train ConvNet on CelebA with vanilla FedAvg:
cd ..
python federatedscope/main.py --cfg federatedscope/cv/baseline/fedavg_convnet2_on_celeba.yaml
Train ConvNet on FEMNIST with FedBN:
cd ..
python federatedscope/main.py --cfg federatedscope/cv/baseline/fedbn_convnet2_on_femnist.yaml
We provide an example for training ConvNet on CIFAR-10 with asynchronous training strategies:
cd ..
python federatedscope/main.py --cfg scripts/example_configs/asyn_cifar10.yaml
The FL courses consists of 1 server and 200 clients, which applies goal_achieved
strategies and set the min_received_num=10
and staleness_toleration=10
Users can change the configurations related to asynchronous training for customization. Please see configurations.
Note that users can manually download cifar-10 dataset and put it to FederatedScope/data
if the automatic download process failed. And for resource_info_file
, we take the client_device_capacity provided by [1] as an example.
Please refer to gfl for more details.
We provide the following four examples to run the membership inference attack, property inference attack, class representative attack and training data/label inference attack, respectively.
Membership inference attack:
Run the attack in [2]:
- The case that the target data are not in the training set:
python federatedscope/main.py --cfg scripts/attack_exp_scripts/privacy_attack/gradient_ascent_MIA_on_femnist.yaml
- The case that the target data are not in the training set:
python federatedscope/main.py --cfg scripts/attack_exp_scripts/privacy_attack/gradient_ascent_MIA_on_femnist_simu_in.yaml
Property inference attack: Run the BPC [2] attack
python federatedscope/main.py --cfg scripts/attack_exp_scripts/privacy_attack/PIA_toy.yaml
Class representative attack: Run DCGAN [3] attack
python federatedscope/main.py --cfg scripts/attack_exp_scripts/privacy_attack/CRA_fedavg_convnet2_on_femnist.yaml
Training data/label inference attack: Run the DLG [4] attack
python federatedscope/main.py --cfg scripts/attack_exp_scripts/privacy_attack/reconstruct_fedavg_opt_on_femnist.yaml
Run the BadNets [5] attack:
python federatedscope/main.py --cfg scripts/attack_exp_scripts/backdoor_attack/backdoor_badnet_fedavg_convnet2_on_femnist.yaml
Users can replace the fedavg algorithm by other federated optimization algorithms. In the following we provide some running scripts for FedOpt[6] and FedProx[7] on different dataset.
Run fedopt on different dataset via
# on femnist
bash optimization_exp_scripts/fedopt_exp_scripts/run_fedopt_femnist.sh
# on synthetic
bash optimization_exp_scripts/fedopt_exp_scripts/run_fedopt_lr.sh
# on shakespeare
bash optimization_exp_scripts/fedopt_exp_scripts/run_fedopt_shakespeare.sh
Run fedprox on different dataset via
# on femnist
bash optimization_exp_scripts/fedprox_exp_scripts/run_fedprox_femnist.sh
# on lr
bash optimization_exp_scripts/fedprox_exp_scripts/run_fedprox_lr.sh
# on shakespeare
bash optimization_exp_scripts/fedprox_exp_scripts/run_fedprox_shakespeare.sh
Users can replace the fedavg algorithm by other personalized federated learning algorithms. In the following we provide some running scripts for FedBN [9], Ditto [10], pFedMe [11], and FedEM [12] on several datasets. More running examples for other personalized FL methods and datasets can be found in our benchemark.
To use FedBN, we can specify the local parameter names related to BN as
. We can run FedBN via:
cd personalization_exp_scripts
# on femnist
bash run_femnist_fedbn.sh
To use Ditto, we can specify cfg as federate.method=ditto
and determine the
regularization value such as personalization.regular_weight=0.1
We can run Ditto on different dataset as follows:
cd personalization_exp_scripts
# on femnist
bash run_femnist_ditto.sh
# on lr
bash run_synthetic_ditto.sh
# on shakespeare
bash run_shakespeare_ditto.sh
To use pFedMe, we can specify cfg as federate.method=pFedMe
and determine
its hyper-parameters such as personalization.lr=0.1
and personalization.K=3
We can run pFedMe on different dataset via:
cd personalization_exp_scripts
# on femnist
bash run_femnist_pfedme.sh
# on lr
bash run_synthetic_pfedme.sh
# on shakespeare
bash run_shakespeare_pfedme.sh
To use FedEM, we can specify cfg as federate.method=FedEM
and determine
its hyper-parameters such as model.model_num_per_trainer=3
We can run FedEM on different dataset as follows:
cd personalization_exp_scripts
# on femnist
bash run_femnist_fedem.sh
# on lr
bash run_synthetic_fedem.sh
# on shakespeare
bash run_shakespeare_fedem.sh
Users can train models with protection of differential privacy. Taking the dataset FEMNIST as an example, execute the running scripts via:
bash dp_exp_scripts/run_femnist_dp_standalone.sh
You can also enable DP algorithm with other dataset and models by adding the following configurations:
use: True
mu: 0.1
epsilon: 10
constant: 30
w_clip: 0.1
join_in_info: ["num_sample"]
We support federated matrix factorization tasks in both vertical and horizontal federated learning scenario. Users can run matrix factorization tasks on MovieLen dataset via
# vfl
bash mf_exp_scripts/run_movielens1m_vfl_standalone.sh
# hfl
bash mf_exp_scripts/run_movielens1m_hfl_standalone.sh
Also, we support SGDMF[8] algorithm in federated learning, and users can run it via
# hfl
bash mf_exp_scripts/run_movielens1m_hflsgdmf_standalone.sh
# vfl
bash mf_exp_scripts/run_movielens1m_vflsgdmf_standalone.sh
[1] Lai F, Dai Y, Singapuram S, et al. "FedScale: Benchmarking model and system performance of federated learning at scale." International Conference on Machine Learning. PMLR, 2022: 11814-11827.
[2] Nasr, Milad, R. Shokri and Amir Houmansadr. "Comprehensive Privacy Analysis of Deep Learning: Stand-alone and Federated Learning under Passive and Active White-box Inference Attacks." ArXiv abs/1812.00910 (2018).
[3] Hitaj, Briland, Giuseppe Ateniese, and Fernando Perez-Cruz. "Deep models under the GAN: information leakage from collaborative deep learning." Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC conference on computer and communications security.
[4] Zhu, Ligeng, Zhijian Liu, and Song Han. "Deep leakage from gradients." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32 (2019).
[5] Tianyu Gu, Kang Liu, Brendan Dolan-Gavitt, and Siddharth Garg. 2019. "BadNets: Evaluating Backdooring Attacks on Deep Neural Networks." IEEE Access 7 (2019), 47230-47244.
[6] Asad M, Moustafa A, Ito T. "FedOpt: Towards communication efficiency and privacy preservation in federated learning". Applied Sciences, 2020, 10(8): 2864.
[7] Anit Kumar Sahu, Tian Li, Maziar Sanjabi, Manzil Zaheer, Ameet Talwalkar, Virginia Smith. "On the Convergence of Federated Optimization in Heterogeneous Networks." ArXiv abs/1812.06127 (2018).
[8] Zitao Li, Bolin Ding, Ce Zhang, Ninghui Li, Jingren Zhou. "Federated Matrix Factorization with Privacy Guarantee." Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 15(4): 900-913 (2021).
[9] Li, Xiaoxiao, et al. “Fedbn: Federated learning on non-iid features via local batch normalization.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.07623 (2021).
[10] Li, Tian, et al. “Ditto: Fair and robust federated learning through personalization.” International Conference on Machine Learning. PMLR, 2021.
[11] T Dinh, Canh, Nguyen Tran, and Josh Nguyen. “Personalized federated learning with moreau envelopes.” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33 (2020): 21394-21405.
[12] Marfoq, Othmane, et al. “Federated multi-task learning under a mixture of distributions.” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (2021).