React like Hooks implementation for Flutter.
This package is inspired by React Hooks.
This is a work in progress, fell free to fork or open issues.
You should ensure that you add the flhooks as a dependency in your flutter project.
flhooks: "^0.0.1"
You should then run flutter packages upgrade
or update your packages in IntelliJ.
When using Hooks, React Hooks rules must be followed.
Don’t call Hooks inside loops, conditions, or nested functions. Hooks can only be used inside a HookBuilder builder params. They can also be used to create other hooks.
Hooks can only be used inside the builder of an HookBuilder.
// Define a Slider Page
final SliderPage = () =>
builder: (BuildContext context) {
// define a state of type double
final example = useState(0.0);
final onChanged = useCallback((double newValue) {
// call example.set for update the value in state
}, [example]);
return Material(
child: Center(
child: Slider(
key: sliderKey,
value: example.value,
onChanged: onChanged,
// Start the app
void main() =>
home: SliderPage(),
Custom Hooks name must start with 'use'.
class MultipliedState {
const DoublerState(this.value, this.set);
final value;
final set;
final useMultiplied = (initial, multiplier) {
final state = useState(inital);
final set = useCallback((value) => state.set(value * multiplier),
[state, multiplier]);
return MultipliedState(
value: state.value,
set: set,
Now you can use useMultiplied like any other hooks.
Currently implemented Hooks.
take a function, fn, and the values, store,
used in the function as input,
return the value of the call fn(), recall fn() only if store changed.
final helloMessage = useMemo(() => 'Hello ${name}', [name]);
// the fn passed to useMemo will be recalled only if name change
take a function, fn, and the values, store,
used in the function as input,
return the same reference to fn until the store change.
final onClick = useCallback(() => ..., [input1, input2]);
// return always the same reference to the first fn passed to useCallback
// until input1 or input2 change
// it's like passing an high order function to useMemo
take the initial value as input and return an HookState
with the current value and the set function.
final name = useState('');
// ... get the value
//... update the value
onChange: (newValue) => name.set(newValue);