Keyboard manager for javascript and typescript, made for humans 😎
Do you have a very interactive app with lots of shortcuts? ShortcutJS makes defining all your shortcuts very easy, by defining Combos bound to Actions. Even better, you can define them all in JSON file.
yarn add shortcutjs
# or
npm install shortcutjs --save
Define a shortcuts.json
file with all your shortcuts
"combo": "ctrl a",
"action": "selectAll"
// main.js
import { shortcutJS } from 'shortcutjs'
import shortcuts from './shortcuts.json'
debug: true
// yourComponent.js (any other file)
import { shortcutJS } from 'shortcutjs'
shortcutJS.subscribe('selectAll', () => console.log('ctrl a have been triggered!'))
Note: don't forget to unsubscribe to stop listening for that action.
- Define all your shortcuts in a json file and load them from there
- Subscribe/unsubscribe to/from Actions
- UMD library, so supports ES6 imports, CommonJS, AMD and browser directly (with no module bundler)
- Fully tested and covered
- Manually add/remove actions and Combos
Made with ❤️ by @alexjoverm