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QuickLookup v1.0.2 - Display multiple fields in "I2 Which Field" not functioning properly. #1137



I installed QuickLookup v1.0.2 into my Summer '22 sandbox development org. I am attempting to use the features described here ( ) to display multiple fields on a record in the Lookup dropdown while searching on the Name field.

Per the page, I have to provide “I2_Display Which Field?” a formula field with the multiple fields to display in the dropdown
and “I8_Search this Field instead of Display Field” the field to search on.

I've embedded the component in my screen flow (running under API 55). The I8 portion works; I provide a fieldname (custom or standard) and Quick Lookup will search on it. Providing I2 a single field name, or a formula (or text) field containing a SINGLE fieldname works as well. It will search on the I2 entry, and display the I8 entry.

Steps to Reproduce

Attempt to expand the formula for I2 to display multiple fields. It simply displays nothing:


I am attempting to search on the Opportunity object. My formula field for I2 was:

"Name + Property_City__c + Listing_Number__c + StageName"
(Note: Name and Property_City are text fields. StageName is a picklist. Listing_Number__c is an autonumber field, but that should be text)

I also attempted these derivations in the formula:

"Name, Property_City__c"
"Name Property_City__c"
"Name | Property_City__c"
"Name" + "Property_City__c"

I also tried these derivations in a Text field rather than a formula field

Name, Property_City__c
Name Property_City__c
Name | Property_City__c
Name + Property_City__c

Please assist. In this flow, our users will have to choose among several Opportunities that are named the same, but are in different cities or have a different Listing number.

Thank you!





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