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Ultra User Guide

Quick Start

🚨 The profiler requires to run from an elevated prompt with administrative rights 🚨

This is required to allow to collect full stack traces, including kernel and native functions.

Example: open a terminal with administrative rights, to profile an executable called my_commands.exe:

$ ultra.exe profile -- my_command.exe arg0 arg1 arg2...

This will create a ultra_my_command_..._.json.gz trace file in the current directory.

By default, ultra won't show the stdout/stderr of the program launched. You can change this behavior by specifying the --mode option:

  • silent (default): won't mix program's output
  • raw: will mix ultra and program output together in a raw output. Ultra output will be prefixed at the start of a line with >>ultra::
  • live: will mix ultra and program output within a live table

For example, a profile with live mode:

$ ultra.exe profile --mode live -- my_command.exe arg0 arg1 arg2...

will display the following live table when running your process:

Live ultra mode

When attaching an existing process, you can pass directly a PID to ultra.exe:

$ ultra.exe profile 12594 # PID of the process to profile

⚠️ You will need to press only once CTRL+C to stop the profiling - or if the application is closed.

Ultra Profiler UI

In order to visualize a trace produced by ultra.exe you need to go to and open the generated json.gz trace file.

📓 Note

When loading a trace with the Firefox Profiler, the trace won't be uploaded to a server but only processed locally in your browser, so the UI is completely offline.

It is only if you want to share the trace with a link that it will upload it to a server. But you can also share the trace file directly.


This screenshot shows a profile captured with ultra and is available online here

You have access to several capabilities:

  • Zoom in a timeline
  • When in the Flame Graph / Stack Chart, you can hold SHIFT + MouseWheel to zoom-in / zoom-out


Flame Graph / Stack Chart

The Flame Graph / Stack Chart is a visualization of the time spent in functions. The width of the boxes is proportional to the time spent in the function. The boxes are stacked to show the call hierarchy.

Flame Graph


When selecting functions, you can visualize the split between the time in the different modules:

  • .NET: Managed code (user or BCL)
  • .NET JIT: Functions participating in the JIT to compile methods
  • .NET GC: Functions participating in the GC
  • .NET CLR: Functions used by the CoreCLR runtime
  • Native: Native functions
  • Kernel: Kernel functions - displayed with hexadecimal address

The colors are reflected in the Flame Graph / Stack Chart to easily spot the different usage.


While hovering the mouse over a function, you can see the time spent in the function and the categories:

Here is an example of a function in the JIT category:

Category JIT)

Here is an example of a function in the GC category:

Category GC

Memory Track

The memory track shows the managed memory usage of the process. You can see the memory usage over time.

Profile Memory

GC Allocation Track

The GC Allocation Track shows the allocation rate of the process. You can see the allocation rate over time.

Profile GC Allocation

JIT and GC Markers

The JIT and GC markers are displayed in the timeline. You can see the JIT and GC events in the timeline.

You can also see them in the Marker Chart and Marker Table view.

Profile JIT and GC Markers

Ultra Command Line

ultra.exe command line options:

Usage: ultra [Options] command

  -h, -?, --help                    Show this message and exit
  -v, --version                     Show the version of this command
      --verbose                     Display verbose progress

Available commands:
  profile                           Profile a new process or attach to an existing process
  convert                           Convert an existing ETL file to a Firefox Profiler json file


This is the main command to profile an application - Only working within an elevated prompt:

Usage: ultra profile [Options] <pid | -- execName arg0 arg1...>

  -h, -?, --help                    Show this message and exit
  -o, --output=FILE                 The base output FILE name. Default is ultra_<process_name>_yyyy-MM-dd_HH_mm_ss.
      --pid=PID                     The PID of the process to attach the profiler to.
      --sampling-interval=VALUE     The VALUE of the sample interval in ms. Default is 8190Hz = 0.122ms.
      --symbol-path=VALUE           The VALUE of symbol path. The default value is `;SRV*C:\Users\alexa\AppData\
      --paused                      Launch the profiler paused and wait for SPACE or ENTER keys to be pressed.
      --delay=VALUE                 Starts profiling after a specific delay (seconds). Default is 0s.
      --duration=VALUE              Run the profiler for a maximum duration (seconds). Default is 120s
      --keep-merged-etl-file        Keep the merged ETL file.
      --keep-intermediate-etl-files Keep the intermediate ETL files before merging.
      --mode=VALUE                  Defines how the stdout/stderr of a program explicitly started by ultra should be
                                      integrated in its output. Default is `silent` which will not mix program's
                                      output. The other options are: `raw` is going to mix ultra and program output
                                      together in a raw output. `live` is going to mix ultra and program output
                                      within a live table.


Convert an existing ETL file to a Firefox Profiler json file:

It requires a list of PID in order to only produce results for these processes.

Usage: ultra convert --pid xxx <etl_file_name.etl>

  -h, -?, --help                    Show this message and exit
  -o, --output=FILE                 The base output FILE name. Default is the input file name without the extension.
      --pid=PID                     The PID of the process
      --symbol-path=VALUE           The VALUE of symbol path. The default value is `;SRV*C:\Users\alexa\AppData\