Drush make is an extension to drush that can create a ready-to-use drupal site,
pulling sources from various locations. It does this by parsing a flat text file
(similar to a drupal .info
file) and downloading the sources it describes. In
practical terms, this means that it is possible to distribute a complicated
Drupal distribution as a single text file.
Among Drush make's capabilities are:
- Downloading Drupal core, as well as contrib modules from drupal.org.
- Checking code out from SVN, git, and bzr repositories.
- Getting plain
files (particularly useful for libraries that can not be distributed directly with drupal core or modules). - Fetching and applying patches.
- Fetching modules, themes, and installation profiles, but also external libraries.
The drush make
command can be executed from a path within a Drupal codebase or
independent of any Drupal sites entirely. See the examples below for instances
where drush make
can be used within an existing Drupal site.
drush make [-options] [filename.make] [build path]
Each makefile is a plain text file that adheres to YAML syntax. See
the included examples/example.make.yml
for an example of a working
The older Drupal .info
INI format is also supported. See
for a working example.
The make file always begins by specifying the core version of Drupal for which each package must be compatible. Example:
core: 7.x
The make file must specify which Drush Make API version it uses. This version
of Drush Make uses API version 2
api: 2
An array of the projects (e.g. modules, themes, libraries, and drupal) to be retrieved. Each project name can be specified as a single string value. If further options need to be provided for a project, the project should be specified as the key.
Project with no further options:
- drupal
Project using options (see below):
version: "7.33"
Do not use both types of declarations for a single project in your makefile.
Specifies the version of the project to retrieve. This can be as loose as the major branch number or as specific as a particular point release.
projects: views: # Picks the latest release. version: ~ projects: views: version: "2.8" projects: views: version: "3.0-alpha2" # Shorthand syntax for versions if no other options are to be specified projects: views: "3.0-alpha2"
Note that version numbers should be enclosed in quotes to ensure they are interpreted correctly by the YAML parser.
One or more patches to apply to this project. An array of URLs from which each patch should be retrieved.
projects: calendar: patch: rfc-fixes: url: "http://drupal.org/files/issues/cal-760316-rfc-fixes-2.diff" md5: "e4876228f449cb0c37ffa0f2142" adminrole: # shorthand syntax if no md5 checksum is specified patch: - "http://drupal.org/files/issues/adminrole_exceptions.patch" - "http://drupal.org/files/issues/adminrole-213212-01.patch"
Place a project within a subdirectory of the
specified. In the example below,cck
will be placed insites/all/modules/contrib
instead of the defaultsites/all/modules
.projects: cck: subdir: "contrib"
URL of an alternate project update XML server to use. Allows project XML data to be retrieved from sites other than
.projects: tao: location: "http://code.developmentseed.com/fserver"
The project type. Must be provided if an update XML source is not specified and/or using version control or direct retrieval for a project. May be one of the following values: core, module, profile, theme.
projects: mytheme: type: "theme"
Provide an alternative directory name for this project. By default, the project name is used.
projects: mytheme: directory_name: "yourtheme"
Specific URL (can include tokens) to a translation. Allows translations to be retrieved from l10n servers other than
.projects: mytheme: l10n_path: "http://myl10nserver.com/files/translations/%project-%core-%version-%language.po"
URL to an l10n server XML info file. Allows translations to be retrieved from l10n servers other than
.projects: mytheme: l10n_url: "http://myl10nserver.com/l10n_server.xml"
Allows the project to be installed in a directory that is not empty. If not specified this is treated as FALSE, Drush make sets an error when the directory is not empty. If specified TRUE, Drush make will continue and use the existing directory. Useful when adding extra files and folders to existing folders in libraries or module extensions.
projects: myproject: overwrite: TRUE
Retrieve translations for the specified language, if available, for all projects.
translations: - es - fr
Recursively build an included makefile. Defaults to 'true'.
do_recursion: false
Which type of tarball to download for profiles. Valid options include:
'full': complete distro including Drupal core, e.g.
'projects': the fully built profile, projects defined drupal-org.make, etc., e.g.
'profile-only' (just the bare profile, e.g.
). Defaults to 'profile-only'. When using 'projects',do_recursion: false
will be necessary to avoid recursively making any makefiles included in the profile.variant: projects
Use an alternative download method instead of retrieval through update XML.
If no download type is specified, make defaults the type to
. Additionally, if no url is specified, make defaults to use
The following methods are available:
download[type] = file
Retrieve a project as a direct download. Options:
- the URL of the file. Required. The URL can also be a path to a local file either using the bare path or the file:// protocol. The path may be absolute or relative to the makefile.md5
, orsha512
- one or more checksums for the file. Optional.request_type
- the request type - get or post. post depends on http://drupal.org/project/make_post. Optional.data
- The post data to be submitted with the request. Should be a valid URL query string. Requires http://drupal.org/project/make_post. Optional.filename
- What to name the file, if it's not an archive. Optional.subtree
- if the download is an archive, only this subtree within the archive will be copied to the target destination. Optional. -
download[type] = copy
Copies a project from a local folder. Options:
- the URL of the folder. Required. The URL must be a path to a local folder either using the bare path or the file:// protocol. The path may be absolute or relative to the makefile.projects[example][type] = "profile" projects[example][download][type] = "copy" projects[example][download][url] = "file://./example"
download[type] = bzr
Use a bazaar repository as the source for this project. Options:
- the URL of the repository. Required.working-copy
- If true, the checked out source will be kept as a working copy rather than exported as standalone files -
download[type] = git
Use a git repository as the source for this project. Options:
- the URL of the repository. Required.branch
- the branch to be checked out. Optional.revision
- a specific revision identified by commit to check out. Optional. Note that it is recommended on usebranch
in combination withrevision
if relying on the .info file rewriting.tag
- the tag to be checked out. Optional.projects[mytheme][download][type] = "git" projects[mytheme][download][url] = "git://github.com/jane_doe/mytheme.git"
- the git reference to fetch and checkout. Optional.If this is set, it will have priority over tag, revision and branch options.
- If true, the checked out source will be kept as a working copy rather than exported as standalone files -
download[type] = svn
Use an SVN repository as the source for this project. Options:
- the URL of the repository. Required.interactive
- whether to prompt the user for authentication credentials when using a private repository. Allows username and/or password options to be omitted. Optional.username
- the username to use when retrieving an SVN project as a working copy or from a private repository. Optional.password
- the password to use when retrieving an SVN project as a working copy or from a private repository. Optional.projects: mytheme: download: type: "svn" url: "http://example.com/svnrepo/cool-theme/"
- If true, the checked out source will be kept as a working copy rather than exported as standalone filesShorthand for
available for all download types:projects: mytheme: download: "git://github.com/jane_doe/mytheme.git"
is equivalent to:
projects: mytheme: download: url: "git://github.com/jane_doe/mytheme.git"
An array of non-Drupal-specific libraries to be retrieved (e.g. js, PHP or other Drupal-agnostic components). Each library should be specified as the key of an array of options in the libraries array.
type: "file"
url: "http://jquery- ui.googlecode.com/files/jquery.ui-1.6.zip"
md5: "c177d38bc7af59d696b2efd7dda5c605"
Libraries share the download
, subdir
, and directory_name
options with
projects. Additionally, they may specify a destination:
The target path to which this library should be moved. The path is relative to that specified by the
option. By default, libraries are placed in thelibraries
directory.libraries: jquery_ui: destination: "modules/contrib/jquery_ui"
An array of makefiles to include. Each include may be a local relative path to
the include makefile directory, a direct URL to the makefile, or from a git
repository. Includes are appended in order with the source makefile appended
last. As a result, values in the source makefile take precedence over those in
includes. Use overrides
for the reverse order of precedence.
# Includes a file in the same directory.
- "example.make"
# Includes a file with a relative path.
- "../example_relative/example_relative.make"
# A remote-hosted file.
- "http://www.example.com/remote.make"
# A file on a git repository.
makefile: "example_dir/example.make"
type: "git"
url: "git@github.com:organisation/repository.git"
# Branch could be tag or revision, it relies on the standard Drush git download feature.
branch: "master"
The --includes
option is available for most make commands, and allows
makefiles to be included at build-time.
# Build from a production makefile, but add development and test projects.
$ drush make production.make --includes=dev.make,test.make
Similar to includes
, overrides
will include content from other makefiles.
However, the order of precedence is reversed. That is, they override the
keys/values of the source makefile.
The --overrides
option is available for most make commands, and allows
overrides to be included at build-time.
api: 2
core: 8.x
- core.make
- contrib.make
type: module
branch: production
type: git
url: http://github.com/example/custom_feature_A.git
type: module
branch: production
type: git
url: http://github.com/example/custom_feature_B.git
# Build production code-base.
$ drush make production.make.yml
branch: dev/bug_fix
branch: feature/new_feature
# Build production code-base using development/feature branches for custom code.
$ drush make /path/to/production.make --overrides=http://url/of/testing.make
If all projects or libraries have identical settings for a given
attribute, the defaults
array can be used to specify these,
rather than specifying the attribute for each project.
# Specify common subdir of "contrib"
subdir: "contrib"
# Projects that don't specify subdir will go to the 'contrib' directory.
version: "3.3"
# Override a default value.
subdir: "development"
Makefiles which include others may override the included makefiles properties. Properties in the includer takes precedence over the includee.
core: "6.x"
subdir: "contrib"
subdir: "contrib"
- "base.make"
# This line overrides the included makefile's 'subdir' option
subdir: "patched"
# These lines overrides the included makefile, switching the download type
# to a git clone.
type: "module"
type: "git"
url: "http://git.drupal.org/project/views.git"
A project or library entry of an included makefile can be removed entirely by setting the corresponding key to NULL:
# This line removes CCK entirely which was defined in base.make
cck: ~
If a project that is part of a build contains a .make.yml
itself, Drush make will
automatically parse it and recurse into a derivative build.
For example, a full build tree may look something like this:
Drush make distro.make distro
distro.make FOUND
- Drupal core
- Foo bar install profile
+ foobar.make.yml FOUND
- Token
- Module x
+ x.make FOUND
- External library x.js
- Views
- etc.
Recursion can be used to nest an install profile build in a Drupal site, easily build multiple install profiles on the same site, fetch library dependencies for a given module, or bundle a set of module and its dependencies together. For Drush Make to recognize a makefile embedded within a project, the makefile itself must have the same name as the project. For instance, the makefile embedded within the managingnews profile must be called "managingnews.make". If no makefile matching the project's name is found, Drush Make will look for a "drupal-org.make.yml" makefile instead. The file must be in the project's root directory. Subdirectories will be ignored.
Build a full Drupal site with the Managing News install profile:
core: 6.x
api: 2
- drupal
- managingnews
** Use a distribution as core **
core: 7.x
api: 2
type: "core"
version: "7.x-1.19"
This behavior can be overridden globally using the --no-recursion
option, or on a project-by-project basis by setting the do_recursion
project parameter to 'false' in a makefile:
core: 7.x
api: 2
type: core
type: profile
do_recursion: false
Drush make also comes with testing capabilities, designed to test Drush make itself. Writing a new test is extremely simple. The process is as follows:
Figure out what you want to test. Write a makefile that will test this out. You can refer to existing test makefiles for examples. These are located in
. -
Drush make your makefile, and use the --md5 option. You may also use other options, but be sure to take note of which ones for step 4.
Verify that the result you got was in fact what you expected. If so, continue. If not, tweak it and re-run step 2 until it's what you expected.
Using the md5 hash that was spit out from step 2, make a new entry in the tests clase (DRUSH/tests/makeTest.php), following the example below. 'machine-readable-name' => array( 'name' => 'Human readable name', 'makefile' => 'tests/yourtest.make', 'messages' => array( 'Build hash: f68e6510-your-hash-e04fbb4ed', ), 'options' => array('any' => TRUE, 'other' => TRUE, 'options' => TRUE), ),
Test! Run Drush test suite (see DRUSH/tests/README.md). To just run the make tests:
./unish.sh --filter=makeMake .
You can check for any messages you want in the message array, but the most basic tests would just check the build hash.
Drush make has a primitive makefile generation capability. To use it, simply change your directory to the Drupal installation from which you would like to generate the file, and run the following command:
drush generate-makefile /path/to/make-file.make
This will generate a basic makefile. If you have code from other repositories, the makefile will not complete - you'll have to fill in some information before it is fully functional.
- Jonathan Hedstrom (jhedstrom)
- Christopher Gervais (ergonlogic)
- The rest of the Drush maintainers