Work in progress
Start camera, CSI:
rosrun jetbot_ros jetbot_camera
or RealSense:roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch
Calculate camera homography using the estimator:
- Print the pattern
- Place the robot in front of the pattern
- Run the calibration:
roslaunch drive_ros_camera_homography homography_estimator.launch
and use dynamic_reconfigure to tune the parameters. - Frames for the pattern should be bigger than the pattern (didn't work for me otherwise).
- Homography will be saved into the current folder, see example in the repo.
Use DCNN inference for semantic segmentation to get the mask, like
rosrun semantic_segmentation segmentation_node __ns:=/jetbot_camera _topic_image:=camera
TODO: Apply homography to the mask from segmentation and convert it into the local costmap