My name is Alexander, a self-taught engineer always looking to sharpen his skills. I am fascinated by the world of open source and looking for opportunities to contribute. You can also find me on Sourcehut.
alesauce/nixvim-flake - Nix flake holding all of my Neovim configuration (5 days ago)
alesauce/resume - Alesauce's resume managed via rendercv using (2 weeks ago)
alesauce/nix-home - Alesauce's machine(s), configured via Nix (3 weeks ago)
alesauce/haskell-bookcamp - Alesauce's code for working through Haskell Bookcamp (3 months ago)
alesauce/ - A personal website using Hugo static site generator (5 months ago)
Potatomath P0 (5 months ago)
An Idiot's Journey into Automation with Ansible (2 years ago)
Keeping Perfect From Being the Enemy of Good Enough (2 years ago)
My 2022 Annual Review (2 years ago)