A script to visualize how python files in a project/folder import each other and external packages.
The script automatically ignores folders specified in a .gitignore
After cloning the repository:
cd src-files-network
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install .
To plot the import network for the current repository (the test
folder contains an example of a cyclical import) you can either execute the newly installed srcfilesnetwork
python module or directly call the scrfilesnetwork.py
python srcfilesnetwork.py .
python -m srcfilesnetwork .
It will produce an html file visualizing the import structure of this project as follows
Files in the folder are shown in green, with imports between them highligted in bold green. The size of the nodes is proportional to the length of the python file.
Packages imported by these files are in gray.
Cyclical imports are highlighted in red.
srcfilesnetwork.py [OPTIONS] PATH
--saveas TEXT html file where to save the network plot. [default:_scrnetwork.html]
--help Show this message and exit.