This is a tool to collect results of executing available AT-commands on rooted android device.
The purpose of creating this application is providing tool which can automatically collect information about communication processor on android device.
Your device must be rooted before running this application. Check also that SELinux status is 'Permissive' (Settings > About phone > SELinux status). This is required to open /dev/smd11 device. SELinux status may be changed to permissime by running "su setenforce 0" (see this question on stackoverfow) and restarting device.
Currently tool provides two modes - automatic scan and console mode:
- Automatic scan - runs
commands to collect available AT commands on device and then runs collected commands one by one, saving results. Report is saved in HTML format and can be pulled from device (adb pull sdcard/androidatcommands.html
). Report provides results of processed commands and also commands description with references to resources where description has been taken from. All commands are executed in safe way (read only). - Console mode - allows to run commands manually by typing them into 'Emission' field and pressing Enter.
Description isn't provided for all commands, because I have to search for it all over
the Internet. Sometimes all I can find is chinese manuals or nothing at all. In such cases
I left TODO
as description, hoping that community will help me to complete this.
Your contribution in this project will make me (and android developers community) happy :)
Thanks to developers of android-serialport-api project.