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Modular application framework for Go Build Status Gitter chat

In large monolithic code-bases, multiple applications will typically share packages, such as those providing core functionality such as monitoring, logging, database connectors, RPC server and client configuration, etc. This framework allows each package to export modules that contain configuration data (in the form of flags, or configurable at construction time) and logic to create objects from that package. Modules may themselves require values, allowing for seamless inter- dependencies, but also allowing applications to provide modules with configuration (eg. a map of monitoring variables).

Each application consists of a set of Modules providing features, and an application module that uses those features. Types provided by modules can be used by other modules. Circular dependencies will be detected.

This is generally not a useful package for typical Go applications. It is intended for large code bases where multiple applications are composed from separate modules.

It is an opinionated framework, relying on for command- line management and for injection. See those modules for details on defining flags and implementing provider methods, respectively.

Modules may (optionally) configure the Application instance by implementing app.Configurable:

Configure(app.Configurator) error

Flags can be configured here, but it is generally more convenient to use Kingpin's struct flags (see Kingpin documentation for details).

If the module has a method called Start(...), it will be called with any parameters injected. Similarly, any methods with a Stop(...) method will have it called in reverse order.

Under typical usage, packages will export modules which are composed together by main packages. For example:

package main

import (


type Application struct {
  usersCreated prometheus.Counter
  usersDeleted prometheus.Counter

func New() *Application {
  return &Application{
    usersCreated: prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{Name: "usersCreated"}),
    usersDeleted: prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{Name: "usersDeleted"}),

func (a *Application) Start(manager *user.UserManager) error {
  user, err := manager.GetUser("alec")
  // Do something...
  return err

// Provide monitoring variables for the monitoring package to export.
func (a *Application) ProvideMonitoringMapping() map[string]prometheus.Collector {
  return map[string]prometheus.Collector{
    "usersCreated": a.usersCreated,
    "usersDeleted": a.usersDeleted,

func main() {

Here's what each module might look like.

package mongo

import (

// Configures and provides a Mongo session.
type Module struct {
  URI string `help:"Mongo URI." required:"true"`
  DB string `help:"Mongo DB to connect to." default:"development"`

func (m *Module) ProvideMongoSession() (*mgo.Session, error) {
  return mgo.Dial(m.URI)

func (m *Module) ProvideMongoDB(session *mgo.Session) *mgo.DB {
  return session.DB(m.DB)

This module provides a UserManager instance. It also explicitly installs the MongoModule to ensure it is available. The application may also install MongoModule in order to configure it, if required.

package user

import "myapp/mongo"

// Provide a Mongo-backed user management type.
type Module struct {}

func (u *Module) Configure(config app.Configurator) error {
  // Ensures that MongoModule is installed and required by this module.
  return nil

func (u *Module) ProvideUserManager(session *mgo.Session) (*user.UserManager, error) {
  return New(session)

A module for starting a HTTP server. Routes can be provided by other modules (see monitoring example below).

package httpserver

import (

type Route struct {
  Path string
  Handler http.Handler

type Module struct {
  HTTPBind string `help:"Bind address for HTTP server." default:":8090"`

func (m *Module) ProvideMux() *http.ServeMux {
  return http.DefaultServeMux

func (m *Module) Start(routes []Route) error {
  for _, route := range routes {
    http.Handle(route.Path, route.Handler)
  go http.ListenAndServe(m.HTTPBind, nil)
  return nil

The monitoring module registers a set of prometheus collectors provided by other modules, and provides a handler for metrics collection.

package monitoring

import (



type Module struct {}

func (m *Module) Configure(config app.Configurator) error {
  return nil

func (m *Module) ProvideRouteSequence(collectors []prometheus.Collector) []httpserver.Route {
  for _, collector := range collectors {
  return []httpserver.Route{{"/metrics", promhttp.Handler()}}


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