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The Shortcode

Aldo Latino edited this page Apr 12, 2020 · 30 revisions

As of version 3.0 the plugin sports a shortcode. The shortcode supports the full range of options as the widget. Here is a list of examples.


Display a list of n recent posts


where n is the number of posts inserted in "Blog pages show at most" located in your Dashboard > Settings > Reading Settings.

Display the three most recent posts

[pissc number=3]

Display the three most recent posts while ignoring the sticky posts

[pissc number=3 ignore_sticky=1]

Display the three most recent posts from the "markup" category and display categories and tags of the posts

[pissc number=3 cat="markup" categories=1 tags=1]

Display the three most recent posts from the "markup" category and customize the "Read more" link text

[pissc number=3 cat="markup" the_more="Read the full post →"]

Display the two most recent posts with "Books" post type and display all the taxonomies (custom and WordPress standard)

[pissc post_type=books number=2 display_custom_tax=1 categories=1 tags=1]

Options of the shortcode

You can use these options the customize the output of the shortcode.

Getting posts

post_type Specify the post type to retrieve. Accepted values:

  • any - Any type of post.
  • post - Default. The default option, if none is specified.
  • page
  • attachment

or any other custom post type.

[pissc post_type="page"]

post_type_multiple A list of post types, comma separated

[pissc post_type_multiple="post,page,book,recipe"]

posts_id Specify the ID of the post to retrieve. This option supports multiple IDs comma separated, for example:

[pissc posts_id=5,29,134]

author Specify the author nicename.

[pissc author="johndoe"]

author_in Specify the author ID. This option supports multiple IDs comma separated, for example:

[pissc author_in=3,7,15]

posts_by_comments Get posts by recent comments. Only published posts, in descending order, will be retrieved.

  • 1 - Get posts by recent comments.
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc posts_by_comments=1]

cat Specify the category slug. This option supports multiple slugs comma separated, for example:

[pissc cat="staff,news,our-works"]

To display posts that have all the categories, use + (a plus) between terms, for example:

[pissc cat="staff+news+our-works"]

tag Specify the tag slug. This option supports multiple slugs comma separated, for example:

[pissc tag="staff,news,our-works"]

To display posts that have all the tags, use + (a plus) between terms, for example:

[pissc cat="staff+news+our-works"]

post_parent_in Specify the ID of the post parent of other posts. This option supports multiple IDs comma separated, for example:

[pissc post_parent_in=3,7,15]

post_format Specify the post format of the posts to retrieve. The post formats list is defined by the theme in use.

[pissc post_format="image"]

number Specify the number of posts to retrieve.

[pissc number=3]

A value of -1 will show all the posts.

orderby Specify the order of the retrieved posts. Accepted values:

  • id - Order posts by IDs.
  • author - Order posts by author.
  • title - Order posts by title.
  • name - Order posts by name (post slug).
  • date - Default. Order posts by date.
  • modified - Order by last modified date.
  • parent - Order by post/page parent ID.
  • rand - Random order.
  • comment_count - Order by number of comments.
  • menu_order - Order by Page Order.
  • meta_value - Order by meta value. Note that post_meta_key option must be used (see below).
  • meta_value_num - Order by meta value if value is numeric. Note that post_meta_key option must be used (see below).
  • post__in - Preserve post ID order given in the posts_id option (see above).

order Specify the ascending or descending order of the 'orderby' option. Accepted values:

  • ASC - Ascending order.
  • DESC - Default. Descending order.

offset_number Specify the number of post to displace or pass over. The 'offset' parameter is ignored when number=-1 (show all posts) is used.

[pissc offset_number=5]

post_status Specify the post status of the posts to retrieve. Possible values:

  • publish - Default. Viewable by everyone.
  • future - Scheduled to be published in a future date.
  • draft - Incomplete post viewable by anyone with proper user level.
  • pending - Awaiting a user with the publish_posts capability (typically a user assigned the Editor role) to publish.
  • private - Viewable only to WordPress users at Administrator level.
  • trash - Posts in the Trash are assigned the trash status.
  • auto-draft - Revisions that WordPress saves automatically while you are editing.
  • inherit - Used with a child post (such as Attachments and Revisions) to determine the actual status from the parent post.

Plugins and themes can define other post statuses.

post_meta_key Specify the custom field key.

For example, get posts with custom field color regardless of the custom field value:

[pissc post_meta_key="color"]

post_meta_val Specify the value of the custom field.

For example, get posts with custom field value green regardless of the custom field key:

[pissc post_meta_val="green"]

To get posts with custom field color and custom field value green:

[pissc post_meta_key="color" post_meta_val="green"]

search Specify the keyword search to get the posts.

[pissc search="words to search"]

has_password Specify if the retrieved posts should have or not a password.

  • null - Default. String to be used as is, i.e. null. This means get posts with and without password.
  • true - String to be used as is, i.e. true. This means get posts with password.
  • false - String to be used as is, i.e. false. This means get posts without password.
[pissc has_password="null"]

post_password Get posts with the specified password.

[pissc post_password="passwordforthepost"]

ignore_sticky Specify if sticky posts will be managed as normal posts. Accepted values:

  • 1 - Ignore sticky post status.
  • 0 - Do not ignore sticky post status. The default option.
[pissc ignore_sticky=1]

Custom taxonomy query

[pissc post_type="any" relation="AND" taxonomy_aa="category" field_aa="slug" terms_aa="aciform" operator_aa="IN" taxonomy_ba="post_tag" field_ba="term_id" terms_ba="116,121" operator_ba="IN"]

relation relation_a relation_b The logical relationship between each inner taxonomy array when there is more than one. Do not use with a single inner taxonomy array.

  • AND - Get posts that have both the two taxonomies.
  • OR - Get posts that have one of the two taxonomies at least.

taxonomy_aa taxonomy_ab taxonomy_ba taxonomy_bb The slug of the first taxonomy. taxonomy_aa corresponds to Taxonomy A1 in the widget.

field_aa field_ab field_ba field_bb Select taxonomy term by this field.

  • term_id - Default. The ID of the term.
  • slug - The slug of the term.
  • name - The name of the slug.

terms_aa terms_ab terms_ba terms_bb The name (or ID or slug) of the single or multiple taxonomy, comma separated.

operator_aa operator_ab operator_ba operator_bb Operator to test.

  • IN - Get posts that have one of the taxonomies, at least.
  • NOT IN - Get that do not have the taxonomies.
  • AND - Get posts that have all the taxonomies.

Date query

[pissc post_type="post" ignore_sticky=1 date_after_year="2017" date_before_year="2018" date_before_month="03" date_before_day="01" date_inclusive=1 date_column="post_date" display_date=1 debug_query=1]

date_year date_month date_week date_day date_hour date_minute date_second The date and time the post has been published.

date_after_year date_after_month date_after_day date_before_year date_before_month date_before_day Get posts published after a certain date.

date_inclusive For after/before, whether exact value should be matched or not.

  • 1/0 (bool).

date_column Column to query against.

  • post_date - Default. The date of the post.
  • post_date_gmt - The date of the post in GMT format.
  • post_modified - The date of the last post modification.
  • post_modified_gmt - The date of the last post modification in GMT format.

date_after_dyn_num date_before_dyn_num The amount of time from now within the posts have been published.

  • integer - Accepts only integer positive numbers.

date_after_dyn_date date_before_dyn_date The type of time to be used.

  • year
  • month
  • week
  • day
  • hour
  • minute
  • second

Custom fields query

[pissc post_type="post" mq_relation="OR" mq_key_aa="price" mq_value_aa="150" mq_compare_aa="=" mq_type_aa="NUMERIC" mq_key_ba="color" mq_value_ba="green" mq_compare_ba="LIKE" mq_type_ba="CHAR" mq_relation_a="AND" mq_key_ab="size" mq_value_ab="large" mq_compare_ab="LIKE" ignore_sticky=1]

mq_relation mq_relation_a mq_relation_b The logical relationship between each inner meta_query array when there is more than one.

mq_key_aa mq_key_ab mq_key_ba mq_key_bb The custom field key.

mq_value_aa mq_value_ab mq_value_ba mq_value_bb The custom field value. Accepts one or more values of the custom field, comma separated.

mq_compare_aa mq_compare_ab mq_compare_ba mq_compare_bb Operator to test for values. Accepts: =, !=, >, >=, <, <=, LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN, NOT IN, BETWEEN, NOT BETWEEN, EXISTS, NOT EXISTS.

mq_type_aa mq_type_ab mq_type_ba mq_type_bb CUstom field type. Accepts: NUMERIC, BINARY, CHAR, DATE, DATETIME, DECIMAL, SIGNED, TIME, UNSIGNED.

Get posts from username

The shortcode can get posts that:

  • have a custom field where the meta key is equal to the currently logged-in user;
  • or have a category where the category name is equal to the currently logged-in user.

get_from_username Whether the username of the currently logged-in user is used for getting posts that have this username as meta key.

[pissc number=3 get_from_username=1]

use_categories Same as before, but using categories instead. Make sure to activate also the option above.

[pissc number=3 get_from_username=1 use_categories=1]

dont_ignore_params_username Whether the other parameters for the query should be considered or not.

[pissc number=3 get_from_username=1 dont_ignore_params_username=1]

Excluding posts

author_not_in Specify the IDs of the authors whose posts must be excluded. Accepts IDs, comma separated.

[pissc author_not_in="3,15,18"]

exclude_current_post Automatically exclude the current post in single post or the current page in single page.

[pissc exclude_current_post=1]

post_not_in Exclude posts that have the specifid IDs. Accepts IDs, comma separated.

[pissc post_not_in="547,15,92"]

cat_not_in Exclude posts that have the specified IDs of categories. Accepts IDs, comma separated.

[pissc cat_not_in="547,15,92"]

tag_not_in Exclude posts that have the specified IDs of tags. Accepts IDs, comma separated.

[pissc tag_not_in="547,15,92"]

post_parent_not_in Exclude posts whose parent is in the specified IDs. Accepts IDs, comma separated.

[pissc post_parent_not_in="547,15,92"]

Displaying posts

The title of the post

display_title Whether the title of the post should be displayed.

  • 1 - Default.
  • 0
[pissc display_title=0]

link_on_title Whether the title of the post should be linked to the post itself.

  • 1 - Default.
  • 0
[pissc link_on_title=0]

html_title_type_of The type of HTML tag for post title.

  • p - Default.
  • h1
  • h2
  • h3
  • h4
  • h5
  • h6
  • h7
[pissc html_title_type_of="h3"]

arrow Whether an HTML arrow should be displayed after the title.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc link_on_title=0]

title_length The maximum length of the title.

[pissc title_length=30]

title_length_unit The measuring unit to be used for the title length.

  • words - Default. Use words for count.
  • chars - Use characters for count.
[pissc title_length=30 title_length_unit="chars"]

title_hellipsis Whether the shortened title should be followed by an hellipsis (...).

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc title_length=30 title_length_unit="chars" title_hellipsis=1]

The text of the post

excerpt Specify the type of post's text to display.

  • full_content - The content of the post as displayed in the page
  • rich_content - The content with inline images, titles and more (shortcodes will be executed).
  • content - The full text of the content, whitout any ornament (shortcodes will be stripped).
  • more_excerpt - The excerpt up to the point of the "more" tag (inserted by the user, shortcodes will be stripped).
  • excerpt - The excerpt as defined by the user or generated by WordPress (shortcodes will be stripped).
  • only_read_more - No text, only the "Read more" link.
  • none - No text at all.
[pissc excerpt=none]

exc_length Specify the length of the excerpt when generated by WordPress. Accepts only integer positive numbers.

[pissc exc_length=10]

exc_length_unit The measuring unit to be used for the excerpt length.

  • words - Default. Use words for count.
  • chars - Use characters for count.
[pissc exc_length=50 exc_length_unit="chars"]

the_more Specify the text to be used for "Read more..." link. The "Read more" text will be automatically hidden if the length of the WordPress-generated excerpt is smaller than or equal to the user-defined length.

[pissc the_more="Read the full post"]

exc_arrow Whether to display an arrow after the text of the post.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc exc_arrow=1]

The featured image of the post

display_image Whether the featured image of the post should be displayed.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc display_image=1]

image_size Specify the size of the featured image. The sizes are created by the current theme or by other plugins.

[pissc display_image=1 image_size="post-thumbnail"]

image_align Specify the alignment of the featured image.

  • nochange - Default.
  • left
  • right
  • center
[pissc display_image=1 image_size="post-thumbnail" image_align="center"]

image_link_to_post Whether the featured image should be linked to the post.

  • 1 - Default.
  • 0
[pissc display_image=1 image_link_to_post=0]

image_link Specify the custom URL where the featured image should be linked to.

[pissc display_image=1 image_size="post-thumbnail" image_link=""]

custom_image_url Specify the URI of an image to be used instead of the standard featured image.

[pissc display_image=1 image_size="post-thumbnail" custom_image_url=""]

custom_img_no_thumb Whether the custom_image_url should be used only if the post doesn't have a featured image.

  • 1 - Default.
  • 0
[pissc display_image=1 image_size="post-thumbnail" custom_image_url="" custom_img_no_thumb=1]

image_before_title Whether the featured image should be displayed before the title.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc display_image=1 image_size="post-thumbnail" image_align="center" image_before_title=1]

Author, date and comments

display_author Whether to display the author of the post.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc display_author=1]

author_text Specify the text to be used before the author name. Defaults to: "By".

[pissc display_author=1 author_text="Written by"]

linkify_author Whether the author's name should be linked to his archive.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc display_author=1 author_text="Written by" linkify_author=1]

gravatar_display Whether to display the author's Gravatar.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc display_author=1 author_text="Written by" linkify_author=1 gravatar_display=1]

gravatar_size Specify the size in pixels of the Gravatar image. Default size is 32 pixels.

[pissc display_author=1 author_text="Written by" linkify_author=1 gravatar_display=1 gravatar_size=32]

gravatar_default Specify the URI of the Gravatar image, if the standard should not be used.

[pissc display_author=1 author_text="Written by" linkify_author=1 gravatar_display=1 gravatar_default=""]

gravatar_position Specify the position of the Gravatar.

  • next_title - Next to the post title.
  • next_post - Next to the post content.
  • next_author - Default. Next to the author name.
[pissc display_author=1 gravatar_display=1 gravatar_position="next_title"]

display_date Whether to display the date of the post.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc display_date=1]

date_text Specify the text to be used before the date. Defaults to: "Published on".

[pissc display_date=1 date_text="Published:"]

linkify_date Whether the date should be linked to the post.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc display_date=1 linkify_date=1]

display_time Whether to display the time of the post. Note that display_date must be active for this option to work.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc display_date=1 display_time=1]

display_mod_date Whether to display the modification date of the post.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc display_mod_date=1]

mod_date_text Specify the text to be used before the modification date. Defaults to: "Modified on".

[pissc display_mod_date=1 mod_date_text="Last edit on"]

linkify_mod_date Whether the modification should be linked to the post.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc display_mod_date=1 linkify_mod_date=1]

display_mod_time Whether to display the time of the post modification. Note that display_mod_date must be active for this option to work.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc display_mod_date=1 display_mod_time=1]

comments Whether to display the post comments number.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc comments=1]

comments_text Specify the text to be used before the post comments number. Defaults to: "Comments:".

[pissc comments=1 comments_text="Comments number:"]

linkify_comments Whether the post comments number should be linked to the post comments.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc comments=1 linkify_comments=1]

display_comm_num_only Whether to display the comments number only.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc comments=1 display_comm_num_only=1]

hide_zero_comments Whether to hide the comments section if there is no comment.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc comments=1 hide_zero_comments=1]

utility_sep Specify the separator between the post metadata. These are: author, date/time and comments. Defaults to: |.

[pissc display_author=1 display_date=1 comments=1 utility_sep="/"]

utility_before_title Whether to display the metadata section before the title of the post.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc display_author=1 display_date=1 comments=1 utility_before_title=1]

utility_after_title Whether to display the metadata section after the title of the post.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc display_author=1 display_date=1 comments=1 utility_after_title=1]

The categories of the post

categories Whether to display the categories of the post.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc categories=1]

categ_text Specify the text to be used before the categories. Defaults to: "Category:".

[pissc categories=1 categ_text="Post categories:"]

categ_sep Specify the separator between the categories. Defaults to: ,.

[pissc categories=1 categ_sep=""]

categ_before_title Whether to display the categories before the title of the post.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc categories=1 categ_before_title=1]

categ_after_title Whether to display the categories after the title of the post.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc categories=1 categ_after_title=1]

The tags of the post

tags Whether to display the tags of the post.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc tags=1]

tags_text Specify the text to be used before the tags. Defaults to: "Tags:".

[pissc tags=1 tags_text="Post tags:"]

hashtag Specify the hashtag (a character before each tag). Defaults to: #.

[pissc tags=1 hashtag=""]

tag_sep Specify the separator between the tags. Defaults to an empty string.

[pissc tags=1 tag_sep=","]

tags_before_title Whether to display the tags before the title of the post.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc tags=1 tags_before_title=1]

tags_after_title Whether to display the tags after the title of the post.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc tags=1 tags_after_title=1]

The custom taxonomies of the post

display_custom_tax Whether to display the custom taxonomies of the post.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc display_custom_tax=1]

term_hashtag Specify the hashtag (a character before each tag) between custom taxonomies. Defaults to an empty string.

[pissc display_custom_tax=1 term_hashtag="#"]

term_sep Specify the separator between the custom taxonomies. Defaults to: ,.

[pissc display_custom_tax=1 term_sep=""]

ctaxs_before_title Whether to display the custom taxonomies before the title of the post.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc display_custom_tax=1 ctaxs_before_title=1]

ctaxs_after_title Whether to display the custom taxonomies after the title of the post.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc display_custom_tax=1 ctaxs_after_title=1]

The custom field

custom_field_all Whether to display all the custom fields of the post.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc custom_field_all=1]

custom_field Whether to display a single custom field of the post.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc custom_field=1]

meta Specify the single custom field to be displayed.

[pissc custom_field=1 meta="my-meta"]

custom_field_txt Specify the text to be used before the custom fields. Defaults to an empty string.

[pissc custom_field=1 meta="my-meta" custom_field_txt="Price:"]

custom_field_count Specify the length of the custom field content (in characters).

[pissc custom_field=1 meta="my-meta" custom_field_count=10]

custom_field_hellip Specify the horizontal hellipsis when truncating the content of the custom field. Defaults to: ....

[pissc custom_field=1 meta="my-meta" custom_field_count=10 custom_field_hellip=""]

custom_field_key Whether to display the custom field key too.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc custom_field=1 meta="my-meta" custom_field_key=1]

custom_field_sep Specify the separator between meta key and value. Defaults to: :.

[pissc custom_field=1 meta="my-meta" custom_field_key=1 custom_field_sep="="]

cf_before_title Whether to display the custom field(s) before the title of the post.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc custom_field_all=1 cf_before_title=1]

cf_after_title Whether to display the custom field(s) after the title of the post.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc custom_field_all=1 cf_after_title=1]

The link to the archive

archive_link Whether to display the link to the archive.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc archive_link=1 link_to="tag" tax_term_name="post-formats"]

link_to Specify the type of taxonomy for the archive link.

[pissc archive_link=1 link_to="tag" tax_term_name="post-formats"]

tax_name Specify the taxonomy name for the archive link. Use this option only if you have chosen custom_taxonomy in the previous link_to option.

[pissc archive_link=1 link_to="custom_taxonomy" tax_name="genre" tax_term_name="science"]

tax_term_name Specify the term name for the archive link.

[pissc archive_link=1 link_to="custom_taxonomy" tax_name="genre" tax_term_name="science"]

archive_text pecify the text to be used for the archive link. Defaults to: "Display all posts under %s" (where %s will be substituted by the taxonomy term name).

[pissc archive_link=1 link_to="tag" tax_term_name="post-formats" archive_text="Go to the archive of %s"]

When no posts found

nopost_text Specify the text to be used when no posts are found. Defaults to: "No posts yet.".

[pissc nopost_text="Currently there are no posts."]


margin_unit Specify the measuring unit for margins.

  • px - Default.
  • %
  • em
  • rem
[pissc margin_unit="em" title_margin=1]

intro_margin Specify the bottom margin for introduction.

[pissc intro_margin=15]

title_margin Specify the bottom margin for the title.

[pissc title_margin=15]

side_image_margin Specify the left and right margin for the featured image.

[pissc side_image_margin=15]

bottom_image_margin Specify the bottom margin for the featured image.

[pissc bottom_image_margin=15]

excerpt_margin Specify the bottom margin for the excerpt.

[pissc excerpt_margin=15]

utility_margin Specify the bottom margin for the post metadata.

[pissc utility_margin=15]

categories_margin Specify the bottom margin for the categories.

[pissc categories_margin=15]

tags_margin Specify the bottom margin for the tags.

[pissc tags_margin=15]

terms_margin Specify the bottom margin for the custom taxonomies.

[pissc terms_margin=15]

custom_field_margin Specify the bottom margin for the custom fields.

[pissc custom_field_margin=15]

archive_margin Specify the bottom margin for the archive link.

[pissc archive_margin=15]

noposts_margin Specify the bottom margin for the "no posts" text.

[pissc noposts_margin=15]


list_element Specify the type of list for the post.

  • ul - Default. Unordered list.
  • ol - Ordered list.
[pissc list_element="ol"]

remove_bullets Whether to try to remove the bullets and the extra left space from the list elements.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc remove_bullets=1]

add_wp_post_classes Whether to add the standard WordPress classes to each post.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc add_wp_post_classes=1]


cached Whether to enable the cache.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc number=3 ignore_sticky=1 orderby="rand" cached=1]

cache_time The maximum time in seconds the cache will be valid for. Default value is 3600.

Please note that this is the maximum time (whithout a minimum age) beyond which the cache will be reset. Maximum time means that, for whatever reason, the cache could be reset by another process, for example a database update. In other words, transients might disappear one second after you set them, or 24 hours, but they will never be around after the expiration time. For more information, see

To change the cache time, also shortcode_id must be changed.

[pissc number=3 ignore_sticky=1 orderby="rand" cached=1 cache_time=86400]

shortcode_id The ID for the shortcode. Default value is noid.

Is is mandatory to define a shortcode ID if the user is using more than one single shortcode in a website, in order to avoid cache conflicts (for example, reusing of the same cache for different shortcodes).

The ID is used:

  • to uniquely identify a shortcode in the HTML structure;
  • to store information in the database, such as the transients.

Changing the value of shortcode_id will reset the cache for that shortcode.

[pissc number=3 ignore_sticky=1 orderby="rand" cached=1 cache_time=7200 shortcode_id="my_id"]


admin_only Whether to display the debugging information only to administrators.

  • 1 - Default.
  • 0
[pissc admin_only=0]

debug_query Whether to display the query of the shortcode.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc debug_query=1]

debug_params Whether to display the full set of parameters of the shortcode.

  • 1
  • 0 - Default.
[pissc debug_params=1]