Currently I work as a data scientist in Computer Vision at Expleo Group, which specialises in engineering consulting. Trained in Data Science at the Le Wagon full-time bootcamp Paris, and with a PhD in theoretical physics, I am passionate about machine learning and applied mathematics. I am looking for a role as a data analyst/scientist in order to put my know-how into practice in a professional environment. Industrial and medical applications are particularly interesting to me.
My intention is to continue to learn and grow in this ever-changing data landscape! Here I present some aspects disentangled from my work projects:
🦬 I’m exploring a Wind Forecast project for Jena, Germany (Multivariate Time series, Support vector regression, Fuzzy inference, Genetic algorithm). Focussing on the Fuzzy Inference System using the pyFTS library at the moment
🌱 Currently I am learning PyTorch, sktime, Complex Wavelet Transforms, and julia
🤗 A group project I was part of during the Le Wagon coding bootcamp: Heart Murmurs, to detect heart anomalies using sound signals, i.e. phonocardiograms (PCG)
👾 Curious about Bayesian Methods, Hamiltonian MCMC (Markov chain Monte Carlo), Probabilistic Programming, Numerical Methods (eg. FEM, Dynamical Systems)
💬 Ask me about PDEs, Symbolic Python (SymPy), Time Series/Signal Processing
📫 How to reach me: james.albin44 at, my LinkedIn or Twitter
😖 A "fun fact" about myself: These days one of my favourite actitivies is doing the groceries. It blends well with an evening walk and some cool podcasts!