The two pieces of software we need are Icarus Verilog and GTKwave both of which are open source and publicly available.
sudo apt-get install iverilog
sudo apt-get install gtkwave
iverilog -o simple.vvp simple.v simple_tb.v
In this specific example, we are testing a Verilog module called simple.v
. The test cases are contained in the file simple_tb.v
, it can be named arbitrarily; although it is called modulename_tb.v
by convention. We specify our output file to be simple.vvp
vvp simple.vvp
You should have something output in the form of
VCD info: dumpfile simple.vcd opened for output.
A is 1010, B is 0011.
A is 1100, B is 0101.
gtkwave simple.vcd
Once GTKWave has launched
- locate the
tab top-left of the screen and expand all - Locate the desired test case and click
- Bottom-left of the screen should display a chart with Type and Signal. Drag whichever one you'd like to analyse over to the Signals tab