In this assignment I gathered all the previous C++ assignments in the data structure course into one repository and compiled it with one step using CMake.
Assignment | Week |
Basics | week 1 |
Memory | week 2 |
Arrays | week 3, 4 |
LL, Stack, Queue | week 5 |
BST, Set, Map | week 7 |
Heap | week 8 |
Hash Table | week 9 |
Sorting | week 10 |
OOP Struct | STL |
- I used CMake to make the compiling easier and less time consuming.
- create a
folder and open it. - open the terminal.
- write
cmake ..
- write
Executable | Summary | How to Run |
basic | Does some basic operations | ./basic |
memory | Does some simple operations using pointers and heap memory | ./memory |
calc | Works as a calculator | ./calc "first number" "operation" "second number" |
heron | Calculates the area of a triangle by its three lengths | ./heron "the three lengths of triangle" |
ecg | Analyzes ECG data | ./ecg ../data/ecg_data.txt |
dna1 | Analyzes DNA data | ./dna1 ../data/hepatitis_c_virus_genome.txt |
area | Calculates the area of any shape | ./area "shape" "parameters of the shape" |
euclidean | Calculates the length between any two points | ./euclidean |
point | Checks whether or not a point is inside a certain shape | ./point "shape" |
dna2 | Analyzes DNA data using OOP | ./dna2 ../data/hepatitis_c_virus_genome.txt |
comp_dna | Transform DNA data to its complementary DNA data | ./comp_dna ../data/hiv1_envelope_gene.fasta |
trans_dna | Translates DNA data to its corresponding protien data | ./trans_dna ../data/hiv1_envelope_gene.fasta |
tree | Tests how trees work | ./tree |
uniquewords | Uses a set to determine unique words in a data file | ./uniquewords ../data/carl_sagan.txt |
countdna | Uses a map to count DNA data | ./countdna ../data/genetic_data.txt |
countwords | Uses a map to count words in a data file | ./countwords ../data/carl_sagan.txt |
heap | Tests how heaps work | ./heap |
hash | Uses a hash table to count DNA data | ./hash ../data/genetic_data.txt |
merge | Sorting a bunch of numbers using merge sort | ./merge |
quick | Sorting a bunch of numbers using quick sort | ./quick |
insertion | Sorting a bunch of numbers using insertion sort | ./insertion |