Most commonly used DSA for solving FAANG / MAANG / top tech interview problems.
- InPlace: Whenever trying to solve an array problem in-place, always consider the possibility of iterating backwards instead of forwards through the array. It can make it a lot easier.
- Two coordinates are on the same diagonal if and only if r1 - c1 == r2 - c2
- Level Order Traversal
- Preorder (Top Down)
- Postorder (Bottom's Up)
- Construct a tree using inorder & preoder as input for it.
- The lowest common ancestor (LCA) is defined between two nodes p and q as the lowest node in T that has both p and q as descendants (where we allow a node to be a descendant of itself).
- Serailize Deserailize tree
- Choosing what value to be stored in the nodes according to the problem definition
- What should the merge operation do
Union Find (aka Disjoint Set)
- Check wether nodes are connected or not
- Find(index): Returns root of node index
- Union(ind1, ind2): Joins node at ind1 & ind2
- Connected(x,y): Returns true if nodes are connected (have same root)
A spanning tree is a connected subgraph in an undirected graph where all vertices are connected with the minimum number of edge.
A minimum spanning tree is a spanning tree with the minimum possible total edge weight in a “weighted undirected graph”.
LC Problem: Min Cost to Connect All Points
- Create a minHeap of edges with compare func on their weights(costs) or can sort edges based on their weights.
- Keep on poping out edges from minHeap / sorted array till it has edges and count > 0
- (where count = n-1 as MST only requires n-1 edges to connect all n vertices)
- If popped out edges are not connected then connect them using UnionFind DS
- Keep adding weights of newly connected edges
- count --
- Dijkstra’s algorithm: Single source shortest path in a graph with non-negative weights (LC Problem).
- Create adjList if allready not there
- Create distances array for nodes with default value as Infinity
- Create minHeap with compareFunc on smaller distances
- Intialize k (start node) distance as 0 & add it to minHeap
- Loop till minHeap is not empty
- currVertex = minHeap.pop()
- Loop on adjVertices of currVertex
- if distance[adjVertice] > distance[currVertex] + time
- distance[adjVertice] = distance[currVertex] + time
- minHeap.add(adjVertice)
- if distance[adjVertice] > distance[currVertex] + time
- Return output max(distance) == Infinity ? -1 : max(distance)
- Bellman-Ford algorithm: Single source shortest path in a graph with with any weights, including negative weights
- Dijkstra’s algorithm: Single source shortest path in a graph with non-negative weights (LC Problem).
- Divide: Divide the problem into a set of subproblems
- Conquer: Solve each subproblem recursively.
- Combine: Combine the results of each subproblem.
- Merge sort
- Algo for finding all (or some) solutions to some computational problems which incrementally builds candidates to the solution and abandons a candidate ("backtracks") as soon as it determines that the candidate cannot lead to a valid solution.
- Pruning: For backtracking to be efficient, we must prune dead or redundent branches of the search space whenever possible.
- Template 1:
def backtrack(candidate): if find_solution(candidate): output(candidate) return # iterate all possible candidates. for next_candidate in list_of_candidates: if is_valid(next_candidate): # try this partial candidate solution place(next_candidate) # given the candidate, explore further. backtrack(next_candidate) # backtrack remove(next_candidate)
- Template 2 (a.k.a. IGS)
- isValidState(state)
- Validates whether the given state is the final solution
- getCandiates(state):
- Find list of candidates which can be use to construct the next state based on problem constraint
- search()
- Calls isValidState() method to check if state is a valid solution
- If valid then make deep copy of it & return if required
- Then loop on get candidates (getCandiates())
- Add candidate to state & recursively call search() again
- Back to original state : do backtracking so as to find other solutions
- solve()
- Starts with empty solutions[] list & empty state
- Then search(solutions, state)
- Return solutions[]
- This function problem expects us to write
- isValidState(state)
- Template 2 Code
function is_valid_state(state) { // check if it is a valid solution return True; } function get_candidates(state) { return []; } function search(state, solutions) { if is_valid_state(state) { solutions.append(state.copy()); // return } for candidate in get_candidates(state) { state.add(candidate); search(state, solutions); state.remove(candidate); } } function solve() { solutions = []; state = new Set(); search(state, solutions); return solutions; }
Used for problem which can be further broken down into "overlapping subproblems"
The problem has an "optimal substructure" means an optimal solution can be formed from the overlapping subproblems of the original problem.
2 ways to implement DP are:-
- Bottom-up, also known as tabulation (Uses iteration)
F = array of length (n + 1) F[0] = 0 F[1] = 1 for i from 2 to n: F[i] = F[i - 1] + F[i - 2]
- Top-down, also known as memoization (Uses recursion)
memo = hashmap Function F(integer i): if i is 0 or 1: return i if i doesn't exist in memo: memo[i] = F(i - 1) + F(i - 2) return memo[i]
Memoizing a result means to store the result of a function call, usually in a hashmap or an array, so that when the same function call is made again, we can simply return the memoized result instead of recalculating the result.
Memoization Recipie
- Recipie
- Make it work
- Visualize the problems as tree
- Find the base case
- Implement tree using recursion
- Test it
- Make it efficent
- Add a memo object
- Add base case to return memo object
- Store return values in memo
- Make it work
- Recipie
Tabulation Recipie
- Visualize problem as table
- Size the table as problem inputs
- Intialize table with default values
- Seed the trivial answer into the table
- Iterate thorugh the table
- Fill further (or current) position based on current (or previous) postions
- Return the final result from last (or desired) index of table
- Problem will ask for the optimum value (maximum or minimum) of something
- Future "decisions" depend on earlier decisions
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