Immutability in Javascript
Covers the basic concepts of immutable data in Javascript -
Immutable Data Structures and Javascript
In-depth article covering the value of immutable data, and two common JS libraries -
Immutable Javascript using ES6 and Beyond
Describes ways to handle data immutably using "just" built-in Javascript functions
Immutability in React
Covers the reasons and basic concepts of using immutable data with React -
Pros and Cons of Using Immutability With React
Excellent description of what immutability is, how to use it with React, and pros and cons of using it -
Why Should I Care About Immutable Data In React?
Describes the major benefits of using immutable data in React, with a demo -
Short-Circuiting Component Updates in React
Walks through how to optimize React performance by skipping updates for subtrees
List of immutable libraries
A follow-up to James Longster's article, with pointers to numerous immutable data libraries -
Redux Ecosystem Links: Immutable Data
A large list of libraries for managing immutable data in Javascript. Some of them are Redux-specific, but also includes many general-purpose immutable data libraries as well.