Define source for one video in your app with BetterPlayerDataSource
There are 3 types of data sources:
- Network - data source which uses url to play video from external resources
- File - data source which uses url to play video from internal resources
- Memory - data source which uses list of bytes to play video from memory
var dataSource = BetterPlayerDataSource(,
subtitles: BetterPlayerSubtitlesSource(
type: BetterPlayerSubtitlesSourceType.file,
url: "${directory.path}/",
headers: {"header":"my_custom_header"}
You can use type specific factories to build your data source.
to build network data source, BetterPlayerDataSource.file
to build file data source and BetterPlayerDataSource.memory
to build memory data source.
Possible configuration options:
///Type of source of video
final BetterPlayerDataSourceType type;
///Url of the video
final String url;
///Subtitles configuration
///You can pass here multiple subtitles
final List<BetterPlayerSubtitlesSource> subtitles;
///Flag to determine if current data source is live stream
final bool liveStream;
/// Custom headers for player
final Map<String, String> headers;
///Should player use hls / dash subtitles (ASMS - Adaptive Streaming Media Sources).
final bool useAsmsSubtitles;
///Should player use hls / dash tracks
final bool useAsmsTracks;
///Should player use hls / dash audio tracks
final bool useAsmsAudioTracks;
///List of strings that represents tracks names.
///If empty, then better player will choose name based on track parameters
final List<String> hlsTrackNames;
///Optional, alternative resolutions for non-hls video. Used to setup
///different qualities for video.
///Data should be in given format:
///{"360p": "url", "540p": "url2" }
final Map<String, String> resolutions;
///Optional cache configuration, used only for network data sources
final BetterPlayerCacheConfiguration cacheConfiguration;
///List of bytes, used only in memory player
final List<int> bytes;
///Configuration of remote controls notification
final BetterPlayerNotificationConfiguration notificationConfiguration;
///Duration which will be returned instead of original duration
final Duration overriddenDuration;
///Video format hint when data source url has not valid extension.
final BetterPlayerVideoFormat videoFormat;
///Extension of video without dot. Used only in memory data source.
final String videoExtension;
///Configuration of content protection
final BetterPlayerDrmConfiguration drmConfiguration;
///Placeholder widget which will be shown until video load or play. This
///placeholder may be useful if you want to show placeholder before each video
///in playlist. Otherwise, you should use placeholder from
/// BetterPlayerConfiguration.
final Widget placeholder;