A universal library for converting server-side functions into ES Modules.
// https://au215ybu51.us.aircode.run/index
import {config, modular} from 'http-modular';
function add(x, y) {
return x + y;
function getUrl(context) {
const {url} = context;
return url;
export default modular({
}, config.aircode);
import {add, getUrl} from 'https://au215ybu51.us.aircode.run/index';
console.log(await add(1, 2)); // => 3
console.log(await getUrl()); // => /index
Server: https://github.com/AirCodeLabs/aircode/tree/main/examples/modular-demo
Client: https://codepen.io/akira-cn/pen/mdQYvmz
🧸 Tiny size and easy to use.
🌎 Works in any where, almost in all Node.js HTTP servers or cloud environments.
HTTP-Modular inherently supports the following environments through corresponding configurations:
🧩 Esay to extend.
You can extend HTTP-Modular to other environments such as Deno, Edge Runtime, or Ben by creating your own configurations.
- Work with Koa:
import Koa from "koa";
import { bodyParser } from "@koa/bodyparser";
import { modular, config } from 'http-modular';
function add(x, y) {
return x + y;
function getHost($context) {
return $context.request.hostname;
const app = new Koa();
// response
app.use(modular({ add, getHost }, config.koa));
- Work with Express:
import express from "express";
import bodyParser from 'body-parser';
import { modular, config } from 'http-modular';
const app = express();
limit: '4.5mb',
type: '*/*',
function add(x, y) {
return x + y;
function getHost($context) {
return $context.request.hostname;
function getMessage() {
return {hi: 'there'};
app.all('/', modular({ add, getHost, getMessage }, config.express));
- Work with Fastify:
import Fastify from 'fastify';
import { modular, config } from 'http-modular';
const fastify = Fastify({
logger: true
function add(x, y) {
return x + y;
function getHost($context) {
return $context.request.hostname;
function getMessage() {
return {hi: 'there'};
// Declare a route
fastify.all('/', modular({add, getHost, getMessage}, config.fastify));
// Run the server!
fastify.listen({ port: 3000 }, function (err, address) {
if (err) {
// Server is now listening on ${address}
- Work with Nitro
import { modular, config } from 'http-modular';
function add(x, y) {
return x + y;
async function echo(...args) {
const $context = args.pop();
return await readBody($context);
function getMessage() {
return {hi: 'there'};
export default eventHandler(
modular({add, echo, getMessage}, config.nitro)
- Work with Vercel api function:
import { modular, config } from 'http-modular';
function add(x, y) {
return x + y;
function echo($context) {
return $context.request.body;
function getMessage() {
return {hi: 'there'};
export default modular({add, echo, getMessage}, config.vercel);
- Work with AirCode cloud function:
import {config, modular} from 'http-modular';
function add(x, y) {
return x + y;
function getUrl(context) {
const {url} = context;
return url;
export default modular({
}, config.aircode);