tag:github.com,2008:https://github.com/ajwills72/catlearn/releases Release notes from catlearn 2023-04-05T06:49:47Z tag:github.com,2008:Repository/141598698/v1.0 2023-04-05T06:54:16Z Version 1.0 <p>Catlearn reaches 1.0! Thanks to all those who helped development over the last seven years.</p> ajwills72 tag:github.com,2008:Repository/141598698/v0.9.3 2022-10-06T06:29:47Z Version 0.9.3 <p>Add slpDGCM</p> ajwills72 tag:github.com,2008:Repository/141598698/v0.9.2 2022-09-22T15:24:15Z Version 0.9.2 <p>slpSUSTAIN updated to include probability of identifying item as 'old'</p> ajwills72 tag:github.com,2008:Repository/141598698/v0.9.1 2022-03-28T13:27:23Z Version 0.9.1 <p>Version 0.9.1 of the 'catlearn' package is now available.</p> <p>Catlearn is an archive of thirteen formal models of categorization and<br> learning. It's free and open source software ... and always will be. It has<br> been downloaded 32,000 times.</p> <p>Version 0.9.1 is an upgrade release with two new models (Models 4 and 5 from<br> Paskewitz &amp; Jones, 2020), and (non-breaking) improvements to the Gluck &amp; Bower<br> (1988) implementation.</p> <p>Catlearn is a package for R, and is very easy to install within that<br> environment. Make sure you're running the latest version of R, and then type:</p> <p>install.packages('catlearn')</p> <p>and then</p> <p>library(catlearn).</p> <p>For a tutorial introduction to catlearn, and the Open Models initiative more<br> generally, see Wills et al. (2017). There is also information here:</p> <p><a href="https://andywills.info/catlearn" rel="nofollow">https://andywills.info/catlearn</a></p> <p>Thanks to all the contributors to catlearn, and particular thanks to Lenard<br> Dome who contributed new code for the version 0.9.1 release.</p> <p>All the best</p> <p>Andy<br> 2022-03-28</p> <p>Wills, A.J., O'Connell, G., Edmunds, C.E.R., &amp; Inkster, A.B.(2017). Progress in<br> modeling through distributed collaboration: Concepts, tools, and<br> category-learning examples. The Psychology of Learning and Motivation</p> ajwills72 tag:github.com,2008:Repository/141598698/v0.8.3 2022-01-18T08:56:48Z Version 0.8.3 <p>Minor fix for edge case installation bug</p> ajwills72 tag:github.com,2008:Repository/141598698/v0.8.2 2022-01-10T14:00:08Z Version 0.8.2 <p>Minor enhancements to slpLMSnet</p> ajwills72 tag:github.com,2008:Repository/141598698/v0.8.1 2022-01-05T11:55:15Z Version 0.8.1 <p>slpNNCAG and slpNNRAS added, implements Models 4 and 5 from Paskewitz &amp; Jones (2020)</p> ajwills72 tag:github.com,2008:Repository/141598698/v0.7.1 2019-10-10T10:38:28Z Version 0.7.1 <p>Stable version 0.7.1 ("Gooey Chocolate") release candidate, uploaded to CRAN for checking.</p> ajwills72 tag:github.com,2008:Repository/141598698/v0.6.5 2019-10-03T13:06:03Z Version 0.6.5 <p>slpSUSTAIN upgraded - now can do unsupervised category learning, too.<br> Two utility functions added: convertSUSTAIN, medin87train</p> ajwills72 tag:github.com,2008:Repository/141598698/v0.6.4 2019-10-02T14:19:02Z Version 0.6.4 <p>slpMack75 added - Mackintosh (1975) associative learning model.</p> ajwills72