- Initial release
- Python module
- Weighted samples instances
- Initial version of pairwise rank
- Faster tree construction module
- Allows subsample columns during tree construction via
- Allows subsample columns during tree construction via
- Support for boosting from initial predictions
- Experimental version of LambdaRank
- Linear booster is now parallelized, using parallel coordinated descent.
- Add Code Guide for customizing objective function and evaluation
- Add R module
- Distributed version of xgboost that runs on YARN, scales to billions of examples
- Direct save/load data and model from/to S3 and HDFS
- Feature importance visualization in R module, by Michael Benesty
- Predict leaf index
- Poisson regression for counts data
- Early stopping option in training
- Native save load support in R and python
- xgboost models now can be saved using save/load in R
- xgboost python model is now pickable
- sklearn wrapper is supported in python module
- Experimental External memory version
- Fix List
- Fixed possible problem of poisson regression for R.
- Python module now throw exception instead of crash terminal when a parameter error happens.
- Java api is ready for use
- Added more test cases and continuous integration to make each build more robust
- Improvements in sklearn compatible module