Emo Unity game based on basic Arcade/Adventure. Game developed in Unity Game Engine 5.2 Ver. The game has functionality like coin collect, side scrolling, the enemy, obstacles, jumping etc. Adobe Photoshop is used to design some asset.
- Unity 5.2
- Mono Develop
- Windows System
- Download Repo from Github.
- Extract to folder.
- Open Project using Unity 5.2.
- Open Assest/Scenes Folder and Open "Game_Start" Scenes using Unity.
- Click on Play.
- Enjoy the Game.
Executeable Version of Game Added in Project "Game" Folder.
1. PlayerBEhaviour.cs
2. Frog.cs
3. Spiderscript.cs
4. Coins.cs
5. CheckAl.cs
6. CameraMovement.cs
7. Bat_up_down.cs
8. bat_script.cs
Ajay Randhawa
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