A programmer with an analytical mindset and unending thirst to learn new technologies and leverage the same to solve business problems
- Boston,MA-02215, USA
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/ajay-mohandas/
vault-plugin-secrets-minio Public
Forked from jayxiong1/vault-plugin-secrets-minioA HashiCorp Vault secrets engine plugin to provision users for the Minio object storage server
Covid19_Devops Public
Covid19 dashboard developed with a micro-service archictecture
GrabABite Public
Developed a web site from finding restaurants using advanced filters using MERN stack
FetchRewardsPointsSystems Public
Contains the backend logic for point calculations
Java UpdatedDec 5, 2022 -
Egen_Ecom_OrderProcessing Public
Sample Micro-Service architecture for ecommerce platform
JavaScript UpdatedJan 30, 2021 -
DayCare Public
Forked from UtkarshaPampatwar/DayCareProject - PreSchool DayCare
C# UpdatedJul 31, 2020 -
Projects developed in AED
INFO6250-GeneticAlgorithm-Team521 Public
Forked from saiswagath/INFO6205-GeneticAlgorithm-Team521Program Structures and Algorithms GENETIC ALGORITHM
Database-Management Public
SQL projects