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Server Reference

.. currentmodule:: aiohttp.web

Request and Base Request

The Request object contains all the information about an incoming HTTP request.

:class:`BaseRequest` is used for :ref:`Low-Level Servers<aiohttp-web-lowlevel>` (which have no applications, routers, signals and middlewares). :class:`Request` has an :attr:`` and :attr:`Request.match_info` attributes.

A :class:`BaseRequest` / :class:`Request` are :obj:`dict` like objects, allowing them to be used for :ref:`sharing data<aiohttp-web-data-sharing>` among :ref:`aiohttp-web-middlewares` and :ref:`aiohttp-web-signals` handlers.

.. attribute:: version

   *HTTP version* of request, Read-only property.

   Returns :class:`aiohttp.protocol.HttpVersion` instance.

.. attribute:: method

   *HTTP method*, read-only property.

   The value is upper-cased :class:`str` like ``"GET"``,
   ``"POST"``, ``"PUT"`` etc.

.. attribute:: url

   A :class:`~yarl.URL` instance with absolute URL to resource
   (*scheme*, *host* and *port* are included).

   .. note::

      In case of malformed request (e.g. without ``"HOST"`` HTTP
      header) the absolute url may be unavailable.

.. attribute:: rel_url

   A :class:`~yarl.URL` instance with relative URL to resource
   (contains *path*, *query* and *fragment* parts only, *scheme*,
   *host* and *port* are excluded).

   The property is equal to ``.url.relative()`` but is always present.

   .. seealso::

      A note from :attr:`url`.

.. attribute:: scheme

   A string representing the scheme of the request.

   The scheme is ``'https'`` if transport for request handling is
   *SSL*, ``'http'`` otherwise.

   The value could be overridden by :meth:`~BaseRequest.clone`.

   Read-only :class:`str` property.

   .. versionchanged:: 2.3

      *Forwarded* and *X-Forwarded-Proto* are not used anymore.

      Call ``.clone(scheme=new_scheme)`` for setting up the value

   .. seealso:: :ref:`aiohttp-web-forwarded-support`

.. attribute:: secure

   Shorthand for ``request.url.scheme == 'https'``

   Read-only :class:`bool` property.

   .. seealso:: :attr:`scheme`

.. attribute:: forwarded

   A tuple containing all parsed Forwarded header(s).

   Makes an effort to parse Forwarded headers as specified by :rfc:`7239`:

   - It adds one (immutable) dictionary per Forwarded ``field-value``, i.e.
     per proxy. The element corresponds to the data in the Forwarded
     ``field-value`` added by the first proxy encountered by the client.
     Each subsequent item corresponds to those added by later proxies.
   - It checks that every value has valid syntax in general as specified
     in :rfc:`7239#section-4`: either a ``token`` or a ``quoted-string``.
   - It un-escapes ``quoted-pairs``.
   - It does NOT validate 'by' and 'for' contents as specified in
   - It does NOT validate ``host`` contents (Host ABNF).
   - It does NOT validate ``proto`` contents for valid URI scheme names.

   Returns a tuple containing one or more ``MappingProxy`` objects

   .. seealso:: :attr:`scheme`

   .. seealso:: :attr:`host`

.. attribute:: host

   Host name of the request, resolved in this order:

   - Overridden value by :meth:`~BaseRequest.clone` call.
   - *Host* HTTP header
   - :func:`socket.getfqdn`

   Read-only :class:`str` property.

   .. versionchanged:: 2.3

      *Forwarded* and *X-Forwarded-Host* are not used anymore.

      Call ``.clone(host=new_host)`` for setting up the value

   .. seealso:: :ref:`aiohttp-web-forwarded-support`

.. attribute:: remote

   Originating IP address of a client initiated HTTP request.

   The IP is resolved through the following headers, in this order:

   - Overridden value by :meth:`~BaseRequest.clone` call.
   - Peer name of opened socket.

   Read-only :class:`str` property.

   Call ``.clone(remote=new_remote)`` for setting up the value

   .. versionadded:: 2.3

   .. seealso:: :ref:`aiohttp-web-forwarded-support`

.. attribute:: client_max_size

   The maximum size of the request body.

   The value could be overridden by :meth:`~BaseRequest.clone`.

   Read-only :class:`int` property.

.. attribute:: path_qs

   The URL including PATH_INFO and the query string. e.g.,

   Read-only :class:`str` property.

.. attribute:: path

   The URL including *PATH INFO* without the host or scheme. e.g.,
   ``/app/blog``. The path is URL-decoded. For raw path info see

   Read-only :class:`str` property.

.. attribute:: raw_path

   The URL including raw *PATH INFO* without the host or scheme.
   Warning, the path may be URL-encoded and may contain invalid URL
   characters, e.g.

   For URL-decoded version please take a look on :attr:`path`.

   Read-only :class:`str` property.

.. attribute:: query

   A multidict with all the variables in the query string.

   Read-only :class:`~multidict.MultiDictProxy` lazy property.

.. attribute:: query_string

   The query string in the URL, e.g., ``id=10``

   Read-only :class:`str` property.

.. attribute:: headers

   A case-insensitive multidict proxy with all headers.

   Read-only :class:`~multidict.CIMultiDictProxy` property.

.. attribute:: raw_headers

   HTTP headers of response as unconverted bytes, a sequence of
   ``(key, value)`` pairs.

.. attribute:: keep_alive

   ``True`` if keep-alive connection enabled by HTTP client and
   protocol version supports it, otherwise ``False``.

   Read-only :class:`bool` property.

.. attribute:: transport

   A :ref:`transport<asyncio-transport>` used to process request.
   Read-only property.

   The property can be used, for example, for getting IP address of
   client's peer::

      peername = request.transport.get_extra_info('peername')
      if peername is not None:
          host, port = peername

.. attribute:: loop

   An event loop instance used by HTTP request handling.

   Read-only :class:`asyncio.AbstractEventLoop` property.

   .. deprecated:: 3.5

.. attribute:: cookies

   A read-only dictionary-like object containing the request's cookies.

   Read-only :class:`~types.MappingProxyType` property.

.. attribute:: content

   A :class:`~aiohttp.StreamReader` instance,
   input stream for reading request's *BODY*.

   Read-only property.

.. attribute:: body_exists

   Return ``True`` if request has *HTTP BODY*, ``False`` otherwise.

   Read-only :class:`bool` property.

   .. versionadded:: 2.3

.. attribute:: can_read_body

   Return ``True`` if request's *HTTP BODY* can be read, ``False`` otherwise.

   Read-only :class:`bool` property.

   .. versionadded:: 2.3

.. attribute:: has_body

   Return ``True`` if request's *HTTP BODY* can be read, ``False`` otherwise.

   Read-only :class:`bool` property.

   .. deprecated:: 2.3

      Use :meth:`can_read_body` instead.

.. attribute:: content_type

   Read-only property with *content* part of *Content-Type* header.

   Returns :class:`str` like ``'text/html'``

   .. note::

      Returns value is ``'application/octet-stream'`` if no
      Content-Type header present in HTTP headers according to

.. attribute:: charset

   Read-only property that specifies the *encoding* for the request's BODY.

   The value is parsed from the *Content-Type* HTTP header.

   Returns :class:`str` like ``'utf-8'`` or ``None`` if
   *Content-Type* has no charset information.

.. attribute:: content_length

   Read-only property that returns length of the request's BODY.

   The value is parsed from the *Content-Length* HTTP header.

   Returns :class:`int` or ``None`` if *Content-Length* is absent.

.. attribute:: http_range

   Read-only property that returns information about *Range* HTTP header.

   Returns a :class:`slice` where ``.start`` is *left inclusive
   bound*, ``.stop`` is *right exclusive bound* and ``.step`` is

   The property might be used in two manners:

   1. Attribute-access style (example assumes that both left and
      right borders are set, the real logic for case of open bounds
      is more complex)::

         rng = request.http_range
         with open(filename, 'rb') as f:

   2. Slice-style::

         return buffer[request.http_range]

.. attribute:: if_modified_since

   Read-only property that returns the date specified in the
   *If-Modified-Since* header.

   Returns :class:`datetime.datetime` or ``None`` if
   *If-Modified-Since* header is absent or is not a valid
   HTTP date.

.. attribute:: if_unmodified_since

   Read-only property that returns the date specified in the
   *If-Unmodified-Since* header.

   Returns :class:`datetime.datetime` or ``None`` if
   *If-Unmodified-Since* header is absent or is not a valid
   HTTP date.

   .. versionadded:: 3.1

.. attribute:: if_match

   Read-only property that returns :class:`~aiohttp.ETag` objects specified
   in the *If-Match* header.

   Returns :class:`tuple` of :class:`~aiohttp.ETag` or ``None`` if
   *If-Match* header is absent.

   .. versionadded:: 3.8

.. attribute:: if_none_match

   Read-only property that returns :class:`~aiohttp.ETag` objects specified
   *If-None-Match* header.

   Returns :class:`tuple` of :class:`~aiohttp.ETag` or ``None`` if
   *If-None-Match* header is absent.

   .. versionadded:: 3.8

.. attribute:: if_range

   Read-only property that returns the date specified in the
   *If-Range* header.

   Returns :class:`datetime.datetime` or ``None`` if
   *If-Range* header is absent or is not a valid
   HTTP date.

   .. versionadded:: 3.1

.. method:: clone(*, method=..., rel_url=..., headers=...)

   Clone itself with replacement some attributes.

   Creates and returns a new instance of Request object. If no parameters
   are given, an exact copy is returned. If a parameter is not passed, it
   will reuse the one from the current request object.

   :param str method: http method

   :param rel_url: url to use, :class:`str` or :class:`~yarl.URL`

   :param headers: :class:`~multidict.CIMultiDict` or compatible
                   headers container.

   :return: a cloned :class:`Request` instance.

.. method:: get_extra_info(name, default=None)

   Reads extra information from the protocol's transport.
   If no value associated with ``name`` is found, ``default`` is returned.

   See :meth:`asyncio.BaseTransport.get_extra_info`

   :param str name: The key to look up in the transport extra information.

   :param default: Default value to be used when no value for ``name`` is
                   found (default is ``None``).

   .. versionadded:: 3.7

.. method:: read()

   Read request body, returns :class:`bytes` object with body content.

   .. note::

      The method **does** store read data internally, subsequent
      :meth:`` call will return the same value.

.. method:: text()

   Read request body, decode it using :attr:`charset` encoding or
   ``UTF-8`` if no encoding was specified in *MIME-type*.

   Returns :class:`str` with body content.

   .. note::

      The method **does** store read data internally, subsequent
      :meth:`~aiohttp.web.BaseRequest.text` call will return the same value.

.. method:: json(*, loads=json.loads)

   Read request body decoded as *json*.

   The method is just a boilerplate :ref:`coroutine <coroutine>`
   implemented as::

      async def json(self, *, loads=json.loads):
          body = await self.text()
          return loads(body)

   :param loads: any :term:`callable` that accepts
                           :class:`str` and returns :class:`dict`
                           with parsed JSON (:func:`json.loads` by

   .. note::

      The method **does** store read data internally, subsequent
      :meth:`~aiohttp.web.BaseRequest.json` call will return the same value.

.. method:: multipart()

   Returns :class:`aiohttp.MultipartReader` which processes
   incoming *multipart* request.

   The method is just a boilerplate :ref:`coroutine <coroutine>`
   implemented as::

      async def multipart(self, *, reader=aiohttp.multipart.MultipartReader):
          return reader(self.headers, self._payload)

   This method is a coroutine for consistency with the else reader methods.

   .. warning::

      The method **does not** store read data internally. That means once
      you exhausts multipart reader, you cannot get the request payload one
      more time.

   .. seealso:: :ref:`aiohttp-multipart`

   .. versionchanged:: 3.4

      Dropped *reader* parameter.

.. method:: post()

   A :ref:`coroutine <coroutine>` that reads POST parameters from
   request body.

   Returns :class:`~multidict.MultiDictProxy` instance filled
   with parsed data.

   If :attr:`method` is not *POST*, *PUT*, *PATCH*, *TRACE* or *DELETE* or
   :attr:`content_type` is not empty or
   *application/x-www-form-urlencoded* or *multipart/form-data*
   returns empty multidict.

   .. note::

      The method **does** store read data internally, subsequent
      :meth:`` call will return the same value.

.. method:: release()

   Release request.

   Eat unread part of HTTP BODY if present.

   .. note::

       User code may never call :meth:`~aiohttp.web.BaseRequest.release`, all
       required work will be processed by :mod:`aiohttp.web`
       internal machinery.

A request used for receiving request's information by web handler.

Every :ref:`handler<aiohttp-web-handler>` accepts a request instance as the first positional parameter.

The class in derived from :class:`BaseRequest`, shares all parent's attributes and methods but has a couple of additional properties:

.. attribute:: match_info

   Read-only property with :class:``
   instance for result of route resolving.

   .. note::

      Exact type of property depends on used router.  If
      ``app.router`` is :class:`UrlDispatcher` the property contains
      :class:`UrlMappingMatchInfo` instance.

.. attribute:: app

   An :class:`Application` instance used to call :ref:`request handler
   <aiohttp-web-handler>`, Read-only property.

.. attribute:: config_dict

   A :class:`aiohttp.ChainMapProxy` instance for mapping all properties
   from the current application returned by :attr:`app` property
   and all its parents.

   .. seealso:: :ref:`aiohttp-web-data-sharing-app-config`

   .. versionadded:: 3.2


You should never create the :class:`Request` instance manually -- :mod:`aiohttp.web` does it for you. But :meth:`~BaseRequest.clone` may be used for cloning modified request copy with changed path, method etc.

Response classes

For now, :mod:`aiohttp.web` has three classes for the HTTP response: :class:`StreamResponse`, :class:`Response` and :class:`FileResponse`.

Usually you need to use the second one. :class:`StreamResponse` is intended for streaming data, while :class:`Response` contains HTTP BODY as an attribute and sends own content as single piece with the correct Content-Length HTTP header.

For sake of design decisions :class:`Response` is derived from :class:`StreamResponse` parent class.

The response supports keep-alive handling out-of-the-box if request supports it.

You can disable keep-alive by :meth:`~StreamResponse.force_close` though.

The common case for sending an answer from :ref:`web-handler<aiohttp-web-handler>` is returning a :class:`Response` instance:

async def handler(request):
    return Response(text="All right!")

Response classes are :obj:`dict` like objects, allowing them to be used for :ref:`sharing data<aiohttp-web-data-sharing>` among :ref:`aiohttp-web-middlewares` and :ref:`aiohttp-web-signals` handlers:

resp['key'] = value
.. versionadded:: 3.0

   Dict-like interface support.

The base class for the HTTP response handling.

Contains methods for setting HTTP response headers, cookies, response status code, writing HTTP response BODY and so on.

The most important thing you should know about response --- it is Finite State Machine.

That means you can do any manipulations with headers, cookies and status code only before :meth:`prepare` coroutine is called.

Once you call :meth:`prepare` any change of the HTTP header part will raise :exc:`RuntimeError` exception.

Any :meth:`write` call after :meth:`write_eof` is also forbidden.

param int status:HTTP status code, 200 by default.
param str reason:HTTP reason. If param is None reason will be calculated basing on status parameter. Otherwise pass :class:`str` with arbitrary status explanation..
.. attribute:: prepared

   Read-only :class:`bool` property, ``True`` if :meth:`prepare` has
   been called, ``False`` otherwise.

.. attribute:: task

   A task that serves HTTP request handling.

   May be useful for graceful shutdown of long-running requests
   (streaming, long polling or web-socket).

.. attribute:: status

   Read-only property for *HTTP response status code*, :class:`int`.

   ``200`` (OK) by default.

.. attribute:: reason

   Read-only property for *HTTP response reason*, :class:`str`.

.. method:: set_status(status, reason=None)

   Set :attr:`status` and :attr:`reason`.

   *reason* value is auto calculated if not specified (``None``).

.. attribute:: keep_alive

   Read-only property, copy of :attr:`aiohttp.web.BaseRequest.keep_alive` by default.

   Can be switched to ``False`` by :meth:`force_close` call.

.. method:: force_close

   Disable :attr:`keep_alive` for connection. There are no ways to
   enable it back.

.. attribute:: compression

   Read-only :class:`bool` property, ``True`` if compression is enabled.

   ``False`` by default.

   .. seealso:: :meth:`enable_compression`

.. method:: enable_compression(force=None)

   Enable compression.

   When *force* is unset compression encoding is selected based on
   the request's *Accept-Encoding* header.

   *Accept-Encoding* is not checked if *force* is set to a

   .. seealso:: :attr:`compression`

.. attribute:: chunked

   Read-only property, indicates if chunked encoding is on.

   Can be enabled by :meth:`enable_chunked_encoding` call.

   .. seealso:: :attr:`enable_chunked_encoding`

.. method:: enable_chunked_encoding

   Enables :attr:`chunked` encoding for response. There are no ways to
   disable it back. With enabled :attr:`chunked` encoding each :meth:`write`
   operation encoded in separate chunk.

   .. warning:: chunked encoding can be enabled for ``HTTP/1.1`` only.

                Setting up both :attr:`content_length` and chunked
                encoding is mutually exclusive.

   .. seealso:: :attr:`chunked`

.. attribute:: headers

   :class:`~multidict.CIMultiDict` instance
   for *outgoing* *HTTP headers*.

.. attribute:: cookies

   An instance of :class:`http.cookies.SimpleCookie` for *outgoing* cookies.

   .. warning::

      Direct setting up *Set-Cookie* header may be overwritten by
      explicit calls to cookie manipulation.

      We are encourage using of :attr:`cookies` and
      :meth:`set_cookie`, :meth:`del_cookie` for cookie

.. method:: set_cookie(name, value, *, path='/', expires=None, \
                       domain=None, max_age=None, \
                       secure=None, httponly=None, version=None, \

   Convenient way for setting :attr:`cookies`, allows to specify
   some additional properties like *max_age* in a single call.

   :param str name: cookie name

   :param str value: cookie value (will be converted to
                     :class:`str` if value has another type).

   :param expires: expiration date (optional)

   :param str domain: cookie domain (optional)

   :param int max_age: defines the lifetime of the cookie, in
                       seconds.  The delta-seconds value is a
                       decimal non- negative integer.  After
                       delta-seconds seconds elapse, the client
                       should discard the cookie.  A value of zero
                       means the cookie should be discarded
                       immediately.  (optional)

   :param str path: specifies the subset of URLs to
                    which this cookie applies. (optional, ``'/'`` by default)

   :param bool secure: attribute (with no value) directs
                       the user agent to use only (unspecified)
                       secure means to contact the origin server
                       whenever it sends back this cookie.
                       The user agent (possibly under the user's
                       control) may determine what level of
                       security it considers appropriate for
                       "secure" cookies.  The *secure* should be
                       considered security advice from the server
                       to the user agent, indicating that it is in
                       the session's interest to protect the cookie
                       contents. (optional)

   :param bool httponly: ``True`` if the cookie HTTP only (optional)

   :param int version: a decimal integer, identifies to which
                       version of the state management
                       specification the cookie
                       conforms. (optional)

   :param str samesite: Asserts that a cookie must not be sent with
      cross-origin requests, providing some protection
      against cross-site request forgery attacks.
      Generally the value should be one of: ``None``,
      ``Lax`` or ``Strict``. (optional)

         .. versionadded:: 3.7

   .. warning::

      In HTTP version 1.1, ``expires`` was deprecated and replaced with
      the easier-to-use ``max-age``, but Internet Explorer (IE6, IE7,
      and IE8) **does not** support ``max-age``.

.. method:: del_cookie(name, *, path='/', domain=None)

   Deletes cookie.

   :param str name: cookie name

   :param str domain: optional cookie domain

   :param str path: optional cookie path, ``'/'`` by default

.. attribute:: content_length

   *Content-Length* for outgoing response.

.. attribute:: content_type

   *Content* part of *Content-Type* for outgoing response.

.. attribute:: charset

   *Charset* aka *encoding* part of *Content-Type* for outgoing response.

   The value converted to lower-case on attribute assigning.

.. attribute:: last_modified

   *Last-Modified* header for outgoing response.

   This property accepts raw :class:`str` values,
   :class:`datetime.datetime` objects, Unix timestamps specified
   as an :class:`int` or a :class:`float` object, and the
   value ``None`` to unset the header.

.. attribute:: etag

   *ETag* header for outgoing response.

   This property accepts raw :class:`str` values, :class:`~aiohttp.ETag`
   objects and the value ``None`` to unset the header.

   In case of :class:`str` input, etag is considered as strong by default.

   **Do not** use double quotes ``"`` in the etag value,
   they will be added automatically.

   .. versionadded:: 3.8

.. method:: prepare(request)

   :param aiohttp.web.Request request: HTTP request object, that the
                                       response answers.

   Send *HTTP header*. You should not change any header data after
   calling this method.

   The coroutine calls :attr:`~aiohttp.web.Application.on_response_prepare`
   signal handlers after default headers have been computed and directly
   before headers are sent.

.. method:: write(data)

   Send byte-ish data as the part of *response BODY*::

       await resp.write(data)

   :meth:`prepare` must be invoked before the call.

   Raises :exc:`TypeError` if data is not :class:`bytes`,
   :class:`bytearray` or :class:`memoryview` instance.

   Raises :exc:`RuntimeError` if :meth:`prepare` has not been called.

   Raises :exc:`RuntimeError` if :meth:`write_eof` has been called.

.. method:: write_eof()

   A :ref:`coroutine<coroutine>` *may* be called as a mark of the
   *HTTP response* processing finish.

   *Internal machinery* will call this method at the end of
   the request processing if needed.

   After :meth:`write_eof` call any manipulations with the *response*
   object are forbidden.

The response class used to send files, inherited from :class:`StreamResponse`.

Supports the Content-Range and If-Range HTTP Headers in requests.

The actual :attr:`body` sending happens in overridden :meth:`~StreamResponse.prepare`.

param path:Path to file. Accepts both :class:`str` and :class:`pathlib.Path`.
param int chunk_size:Chunk size in bytes which will be passed into :meth:`` in the event that the sendfile system call is not supported.
param int status:HTTP status code, 200 by default.
param str reason:HTTP reason. If param is None reason will be calculated basing on status parameter. Otherwise pass :class:`str` with arbitrary status explanation..
param headers:HTTP headers that should be added to response's ones. The Content-Type response header will be overridden if provided.
.. seealso:: :ref:`WebSockets handling<aiohttp-web-websockets>`

A named tuple for returning result from :meth:`WebSocketResponse.can_prepare`.

Has :class:`bool` check implemented, e.g.:

if not await ws.can_prepare(...):
.. attribute:: ok

   ``True`` if websocket connection can be established, ``False``

.. attribute:: protocol

   :class:`str` represented selected websocket sub-protocol.

.. seealso:: :meth:`WebSocketResponse.can_prepare`
.. function:: json_response([data], *, text=None, body=None, \
                            status=200, reason=None, headers=None, \
                            content_type='application/json', \

Return :class:`Response` with predefined 'application/json' content type and data encoded by dumps parameter (:func:`json.dumps` by default).

HTTP Exceptions

Errors can also be returned by raising a HTTP exception instance from within the handler.

Low-level HTTP failure.

param headers:headers for the response
type headers:dict or multidict.CIMultiDict
param str reason:reason included in the response
param str text:response's body
param str content_type:response's content type. This is passed through to the :class:`Response` initializer.

Sub-classes of HTTPException exist for the standard HTTP response codes as described in :ref:`aiohttp-web-exceptions` and the expected usage is to simply raise the appropriate exception type to respond with a specific HTTP response code.

Since HTTPException is a sub-class of :class:`Response`, it contains the methods and properties that allow you to directly manipulate details of the response.

.. attribute:: status_code

   HTTP status code for this exception class.  This attribute is usually
   defined at the class level.  ``self.status_code`` is passed to the
   :class:`Response` initializer.

Application and Router

This class should be used for the keys in :class:`Application`. They provide a type-safe alternative to str keys when checking your code with a type checker (e.g. mypy). They also avoid name clashes with keys from different libraries etc.

param name:A name to help with debugging. This should be the same as the variable name (much like how :class:`typing.TypeVar` is used).
param t:The type that should be used for the value in the dict (e.g. str, Iterator[int] etc.)

A protocol factory compatible with :meth:`~asyncio.AbstractEventLoop.create_server`.

The class is responsible for creating HTTP protocol objects that can handle HTTP connections.

.. attribute:: connections

   List of all currently opened connections.

.. attribute:: requests_count

   Amount of processed requests.

.. method:: Server.shutdown(timeout)

   A :ref:`coroutine<coroutine>` that should be called to close all opened

For dispatching URLs to :ref:`handlers<aiohttp-web-handler>` :mod:`aiohttp.web` uses routers, which is any object that implements :class:`` interface.

This class is a straightforward url-matching router, implementing :class:`` for access to named routes.

:class:`Application` uses this class as :meth:`~aiohttp.web.Application.router` by default.

Before running an :class:`Application` you should fill route table first by calling :meth:`add_route` and :meth:`add_static`.

:ref:`Handler<aiohttp-web-handler>` lookup is performed by iterating on added routes in FIFO order. The first matching route will be used to call the corresponding handler.

If during route creation you specify name parameter the result is a named route.

A named route can be retrieved by a app.router[name] call, checking for existence can be done with name in app.router etc.

.. seealso:: :ref:`Route classes <aiohttp-web-route>`

.. method:: add_resource(path, *, name=None)

   Append a :term:`resource` to the end of route table.

   *path* may be either *constant* string like ``'/a/b/c'`` or
   *variable rule* like ``'/a/{var}'`` (see
   :ref:`handling variable paths <aiohttp-web-variable-handler>`)

   :param str path: resource path spec.

   :param str name: optional resource name.

   :return: created resource instance (:class:`PlainResource` or

.. method:: add_route(method, path, handler, *, \
                      name=None, expect_handler=None)

   Append :ref:`handler<aiohttp-web-handler>` to the end of route table.

   *path* may be either *constant* string like ``'/a/b/c'`` or
    *variable rule* like ``'/a/{var}'`` (see
    :ref:`handling variable paths <aiohttp-web-variable-handler>`)

   Pay attention please: *handler* is converted to coroutine internally when
   it is a regular function.

   :param str method: HTTP method for route. Should be one of
                      ``'GET'``, ``'POST'``, ``'PUT'``,
                      ``'DELETE'``, ``'PATCH'``, ``'HEAD'``,
                      ``'OPTIONS'`` or ``'*'`` for any method.

                      The parameter is case-insensitive, e.g. you
                      can push ``'get'`` as well as ``'GET'``.

   :param str path: route path. Should be started with slash (``'/'``).

   :param handler: route handler.

   :param str name: optional route name.

   :param expect_handler: optional *expect* header handler.

   :returns: new :class:`AbstractRoute` instance.

.. method:: add_routes(routes_table)

   Register route definitions from *routes_table*.

   The table is a :class:`list` of :class:`RouteDef` items or

   :returns: :class:`list` of registered :class:`AbstractRoute` instances.

   .. versionadded:: 2.3

   .. versionchanged:: 3.7

      Return value updated from ``None`` to :class:`list` of
      :class:`AbstractRoute` instances.

.. method:: add_get(path, handler, *, name=None, allow_head=True, **kwargs)

   Shortcut for adding a GET handler. Calls the :meth:`add_route` with \
   ``method`` equals to ``'GET'``.

   If *allow_head* is ``True`` (default) the route for method HEAD
   is added with the same handler as for GET.

   If *name* is provided the name for HEAD route is suffixed with
   ``'-head'``. For example ``router.add_get(path, handler,
   name='route')`` call adds two routes: first for GET with name
   ``'route'`` and second for HEAD with name ``'route-head'``.

.. method:: add_post(path, handler, **kwargs)

   Shortcut for adding a POST handler. Calls the :meth:`add_route` with \

   ``method`` equals to ``'POST'``.

.. method:: add_head(path, handler, **kwargs)

   Shortcut for adding a HEAD handler. Calls the :meth:`add_route` with \
   ``method`` equals to ``'HEAD'``.

.. method:: add_put(path, handler, **kwargs)

   Shortcut for adding a PUT handler. Calls the :meth:`add_route` with \
   ``method`` equals to ``'PUT'``.

.. method:: add_patch(path, handler, **kwargs)

   Shortcut for adding a PATCH handler. Calls the :meth:`add_route` with \
   ``method`` equals to ``'PATCH'``.

.. method:: add_delete(path, handler, **kwargs)

   Shortcut for adding a DELETE handler. Calls the :meth:`add_route` with \
   ``method`` equals to ``'DELETE'``.

.. method:: add_view(path, handler, **kwargs)

   Shortcut for adding a class-based view handler. Calls the \
   :meth:`add_route` with ``method`` equals to ``'*'``.

   .. versionadded:: 3.0

.. method:: add_static(prefix, path, *, name=None, expect_handler=None, \
                       chunk_size=256*1024, \
                       response_factory=StreamResponse, \
                       show_index=False, \
                       follow_symlinks=False, \

   Adds a router and a handler for returning static files.

   Useful for serving static content like images, javascript and css files.

   On platforms that support it, the handler will transfer files more
   efficiently using the ``sendfile`` system call.

   In some situations it might be necessary to avoid using the ``sendfile``
   system call even if the platform supports it. This can be accomplished by
   by setting environment variable ``AIOHTTP_NOSENDFILE=1``.

   If a Brotli or gzip compressed version of the static content exists at
   the requested path with the ``.br`` or ``.gz`` extension, it will be used
   for the response. Brotli will be preferred over gzip if both files exist.

   .. warning::

      Use :meth:`add_static` for development only. In production,
      static content should be processed by web servers like *nginx*
      or *apache*.

   :param str prefix: URL path prefix for handled static files

   :param path: path to the folder in file system that contains
                handled static files, :class:`str` or :class:`pathlib.Path`.

   :param str name: optional route name.

   :param expect_handler: optional *expect* header handler.

   :param int chunk_size: size of single chunk for file
                          downloading, 256Kb by default.

                          Increasing *chunk_size* parameter to,
                          say, 1Mb may increase file downloading
                          speed but consumes more memory.

   :param bool show_index: flag for allowing to show indexes of a directory,
                           by default it's not allowed and HTTP/403 will
                           be returned on directory access.

   :param bool follow_symlinks: flag for allowing to follow symlinks that lead
                           outside the static root directory, by default it's not allowed and
                           HTTP/404 will be returned on access.  Enabling ``follow_symlinks``
                           can be a security risk, and may lead to a directory transversal attack.
                           You do NOT need this option to follow symlinks which point to somewhere
                           else within the static directory, this option is only used to break out
                           of the security sandbox. Enabling this option is highly discouraged,
                           and only expected to be used for edge cases in a local development
                           setting where remote users do not have access to the server.

   :param bool append_version: flag for adding file version (hash)
                           to the url query string, this value will
                           be used as default when you call to
                           :meth:`~aiohttp.web.AbstractRoute.url` and
                           :meth:`~aiohttp.web.AbstractRoute.url_for` methods.

   :returns: new :class:`~aiohttp.web.AbstractRoute` instance.

.. method:: resolve(request)

   A :ref:`coroutine<coroutine>` that returns
   :class:`` for *request*.

   The method never raises exception, but returns
   :class:`` instance with:

   1. :attr:`` assigned to
      :exc:`HTTPException` instance.
   2. :meth:`` which raises
      :exc:`HTTPNotFound` or :exc:`HTTPMethodNotAllowed` on handler's
      execution if there is no registered route for *request*.

      *Middlewares* can process that exceptions to render
      pretty-looking error page for example.

   Used by internal machinery, end user unlikely need to call the method.

   .. note:: The method uses :attr:`aiohttp.web.BaseRequest.raw_path` for pattern
      matching against registered routes.

.. method:: resources()

   The method returns a *view* for *all* registered resources.

   The view is an object that allows to:

   1. Get size of the router table::


   2. Iterate over registered resources::

        for resource in app.router.resources():

   3. Make a check if the resources is registered in the router table::

        route in app.router.resources()

.. method:: routes()

   The method returns a *view* for *all* registered routes.

.. method:: named_resources()

   Returns a :obj:`dict`-like :class:`types.MappingProxyType` *view* over
   *all* named **resources**.

   The view maps every named resource's **name** to the
   :class:`AbstractResource` instance. It supports the usual
   :obj:`dict`-like operations, except for any mutable operations
   (i.e. it's **read-only**)::


       for name, resource in app.router.named_resources().items():
           print(name, resource)

       "name" in app.router.named_resources()



Default router :class:`UrlDispatcher` operates with :term:`resource`s.

Resource is an item in routing table which has a path, an optional unique name and at least one :term:`route`.

:term:`web-handler` lookup is performed in the following way:

  1. The router splits the URL and checks the index from longest to shortest. For example, '/one/two/three' will first check the index for '/one/two/three', then '/one/two' and finally '/'.
  2. If the URL part is found in the index, the list of routes for that URL part is iterated over. If a route matches to requested HTTP method (or '*' wildcard) the route's handler is used as the chosen :term:`web-handler`. The lookup is finished.
  3. If the route is not found in the index, the router tries to find the route in the list of :class:`~aiohttp.web.MatchedSubAppResource`, (current only created from :meth:`~aiohttp.web.Application.add_domain`), and will iterate over the list of :class:`~aiohttp.web.MatchedSubAppResource` in a linear fashion until a match is found.
  4. If no resource / route pair was found, the router returns the special :class:`` instance with :attr:`` is not None but :exc:`HTTPException` with either HTTP 404 Not Found or HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed status code. Registered :meth:`` raises this exception on call.

Fixed paths are preferred over variable paths. For example, if you have two routes /a/b and /a/{name}, then the first route will always be preferred over the second one.

If there are multiple dynamic paths with the same fixed prefix, they will be resolved in order of registration.

For example, if you have two dynamic routes that are prefixed with the fixed /users path such as /users/{x}/{y}/z and /users/{x}/y/z, the first one will be preferred over the second one.

User should never instantiate resource classes but give it by :meth:`UrlDispatcher.add_resource` call.

After that he may add a :term:`route` by calling :meth:`Resource.add_route`.

:meth:`UrlDispatcher.add_route` is just shortcut for:

router.add_resource(path).add_route(method, handler)

Resource with a name is called named resource. The main purpose of named resource is constructing URL by route name for passing it into template engine for example:

url = app.router['resource_name'].url_for().with_query({'a': 1, 'b': 2})

Resource classes hierarchy:


A base class for all resources.

Inherited from :class:`` and :class:``.

len(resource) returns amount of :term:`route`s belongs to the resource, for route in resource allows to iterate over these routes.

.. attribute:: name

   Read-only *name* of resource or ``None``.

.. attribute:: canonical

   Read-only *canonical path* associate with the resource. For example
   ``/path/to`` or ``/path/{to}``

   .. versionadded:: 3.3

.. method:: resolve(request)

   Resolve resource by finding appropriate :term:`web-handler` for
   ``(method, path)`` combination.

   :return: (*match_info*, *allowed_methods*) pair.

            *allowed_methods* is a :class:`set` or HTTP methods accepted by

            *match_info* is either :class:`UrlMappingMatchInfo` if
            request is resolved or ``None`` if no :term:`route` is

.. method:: get_info()

   A resource description, e.g. ``{'path': '/path/to'}`` or
   ``{'formatter': '/path/{to}', 'pattern':

.. method:: url_for(*args, **kwargs)

   Construct an URL for route with additional params.

   *args* and **kwargs** depend on a parameters list accepted by
   inherited resource class.

   :return: :class:`~yarl.URL` -- resulting URL instance.

A base class for new-style resources, inherits :class:`AbstractResource`.

.. method:: add_route(method, handler, *, expect_handler=None)

   Add a :term:`web-handler` to resource.

   :param str method: HTTP method for route. Should be one of
                      ``'GET'``, ``'POST'``, ``'PUT'``,
                      ``'DELETE'``, ``'PATCH'``, ``'HEAD'``,
                      ``'OPTIONS'`` or ``'*'`` for any method.

                      The parameter is case-insensitive, e.g. you
                      can push ``'get'`` as well as ``'GET'``.

                      The method should be unique for resource.

   :param handler: route handler.

   :param expect_handler: optional *expect* header handler.

   :returns: new :class:`ResourceRoute` instance.

A resource, inherited from :class:`Resource`.

The class corresponds to resources with plain-text matching, '/path/to' for example.

.. attribute:: canonical

   Read-only *canonical path* associate with the resource. Returns the path
   used to create the PlainResource. For example ``/path/to``

   .. versionadded:: 3.3

.. method:: url_for()

   Returns a :class:`~yarl.URL` for the resource.

A resource, inherited from :class:`Resource`.

The class corresponds to resources with :ref:`variable <aiohttp-web-variable-handler>` matching, e.g. '/path/{to}/{param}' etc.

.. attribute:: canonical

   Read-only *canonical path* associate with the resource. Returns the
   formatter obtained from the path used to create the DynamicResource.
   For example, from a path ``/get/{num:^\d+}``, it returns ``/get/{num}``

   .. versionadded:: 3.3

.. method:: url_for(**params)

   Returns a :class:`~yarl.URL` for the resource.

   :param params: -- a variable substitutions for dynamic resource.

      E.g. for ``'/path/{to}/{param}'`` pattern the method should
      be called as ``resource.url_for(to='val1', param='val2')``

A resource, inherited from :class:`Resource`.

The class corresponds to resources for :ref:`static file serving <aiohttp-web-static-file-handling>`.

.. attribute:: canonical

   Read-only *canonical path* associate with the resource. Returns the prefix
   used to create the StaticResource. For example ``/prefix``

   .. versionadded:: 3.3

.. method:: url_for(filename, append_version=None)

   Returns a :class:`~yarl.URL` for file path under resource prefix.

   :param filename: -- a file name substitution for static file handler.

      Accepts both :class:`str` and :class:`pathlib.Path`.

      E.g. an URL for ``'/prefix/dir/file.txt'`` should
      be generated as ``resource.url_for(filename='dir/file.txt')``

   :param bool append_version: -- a flag for adding file version
                               (hash) to the url query string for
                               cache boosting

      By default has value from a constructor (``False`` by default)
      When set to ``True`` - ``v=FILE_HASH`` query string param will be added
      When set to ``False`` has no impact

      if file not found has no impact

A resource for serving nested applications. The class instance is returned by :class:`~aiohttp.web.Application.add_subapp` call.

.. attribute:: canonical

   Read-only *canonical path* associate with the resource. Returns the
   prefix used to create the PrefixedSubAppResource.
   For example ``/prefix``

   .. versionadded:: 3.3

.. method:: url_for(**kwargs)

   The call is not allowed, it raises :exc:`RuntimeError`.


Route has HTTP method (wildcard '*' is an option), :term:`web-handler` and optional expect handler.

Every route belong to some resource.

Route classes hierarchy:


:class:`ResourceRoute` is the route used for resources, :class:`SystemRoute` serves URL resolving errors like 404 Not Found and 405 Method Not Allowed.

Base class for routes served by :class:`UrlDispatcher`.

.. attribute:: method

   HTTP method handled by the route, e.g. *GET*, *POST* etc.

.. attribute:: handler

   :ref:`handler<aiohttp-web-handler>` that processes the route.

.. attribute:: name

   Name of the route, always equals to name of resource which owns the route.

.. attribute:: resource

   Resource instance which holds the route, ``None`` for

.. method:: url_for(*args, **kwargs)

   Abstract method for constructing url handled by the route.

   Actually it's a shortcut for ``route.resource.url_for(...)``.

.. method:: handle_expect_header(request)

   ``100-continue`` handler.

The route class for handling different HTTP methods for :class:`Resource`.

The route class for handling URL resolution errors like like 404 Not Found and 405 Method Not Allowed.

.. attribute:: status

   HTTP status code

.. attribute:: reason

   HTTP status reason

RouteDef and StaticDef

Route definition, a description for not registered yet route.

Could be used for filing route table by providing a list of route definitions (Django style).

The definition is created by functions like :func:`get` or :func:`post`, list of definitions could be added to router by :meth:`UrlDispatcher.add_routes` call:

from aiohttp import web

async def handle_get(request):

async def handle_post(request):

app.router.add_routes([web.get('/get', handle_get),
             '/post', handle_post),

A base class for route definitions.

Inherited from :class:`abc.ABC`.

.. versionadded:: 3.1

.. method:: register(router)

   Register itself into :class:`UrlDispatcher`.

   Abstract method, should be overridden by subclasses.

   :returns: :class:`list` of registered :class:`AbstractRoute` objects.

   .. versionchanged:: 3.7

      Return value updated from ``None`` to :class:`list` of
      :class:`AbstractRoute` instances.

A definition of not registered yet route.

Implements :class:`AbstractRouteDef`.

.. versionadded:: 2.3

.. versionchanged:: 3.1

   The class implements :class:`AbstractRouteDef` interface.

.. attribute:: method

   HTTP method (``GET``, ``POST`` etc.)  (:class:`str`).

.. attribute:: path

   Path to resource, e.g. ``/path/to``. Could contain ``{}``
   brackets for :ref:`variable resources
   <aiohttp-web-variable-handler>` (:class:`str`).

.. attribute:: handler

   An async function to handle HTTP request.

.. attribute:: kwargs

   A :class:`dict` of additional arguments.

A definition of static file resource.

Implements :class:`AbstractRouteDef`.

.. versionadded:: 3.1

.. attribute:: prefix

   A prefix used for static file handling, e.g. ``/static``.

.. attribute:: path

   File system directory to serve, :class:`str` or
   (e.g. ``'/home/web-service/path/to/static'``.

.. attribute:: kwargs

   A :class:`dict` of additional arguments, see
   :meth:`UrlDispatcher.add_static` for a list of supported
.. function:: get(path, handler, *, name=None, allow_head=True, \

   Return :class:`RouteDef` for processing ``GET`` requests. See
   :meth:`UrlDispatcher.add_get` for information about parameters.

   .. versionadded:: 2.3

.. function:: post(path, handler, *, name=None, expect_handler=None)

   Return :class:`RouteDef` for processing ``POST`` requests. See
   :meth:`UrlDispatcher.add_post` for information about parameters.

   .. versionadded:: 2.3

.. function:: head(path, handler, *, name=None, expect_handler=None)

   Return :class:`RouteDef` for processing ``HEAD`` requests. See
   :meth:`UrlDispatcher.add_head` for information about parameters.

   .. versionadded:: 2.3

.. function:: put(path, handler, *, name=None, expect_handler=None)

   Return :class:`RouteDef` for processing ``PUT`` requests. See
   :meth:`UrlDispatcher.add_put` for information about parameters.

   .. versionadded:: 2.3

.. function:: patch(path, handler, *, name=None, expect_handler=None)

   Return :class:`RouteDef` for processing ``PATCH`` requests. See
   :meth:`UrlDispatcher.add_patch` for information about parameters.

   .. versionadded:: 2.3

.. function:: delete(path, handler, *, name=None, expect_handler=None)

   Return :class:`RouteDef` for processing ``DELETE`` requests. See
   :meth:`UrlDispatcher.add_delete` for information about parameters.

   .. versionadded:: 2.3

.. function:: view(path, handler, *, name=None, expect_handler=None)

   Return :class:`RouteDef` for processing ``ANY`` requests. See
   :meth:`UrlDispatcher.add_view` for information about parameters.

   .. versionadded:: 3.0

.. function:: static(prefix, path, *, name=None, expect_handler=None, \
                     chunk_size=256*1024, \
                     show_index=False, follow_symlinks=False, \

   Return :class:`StaticDef` for processing static files.

   See :meth:`UrlDispatcher.add_static` for information
   about supported parameters.

   .. versionadded:: 3.1

.. function:: route(method, path, handler, *, name=None, expect_handler=None)

   Return :class:`RouteDef` for processing requests that decided by
   ``method``. See :meth:`UrlDispatcher.add_route` for information
   about parameters.

   .. versionadded:: 2.3


A routes table definition used for describing routes by decorators (Flask style):

from aiohttp import web

routes = web.RouteTableDef()

async def handle_get(request):
async def handle_post(request):


class MyView(web.View):
    async def get(self):

    async def post(self):

A sequence of :class:`RouteDef` instances (implements :class:`` protocol).

In addition to all standard :class:`list` methods the class provides also methods like get() and post() for adding new route definition.

.. versionadded:: 2.3

.. decoratormethod:: get(path, *, allow_head=True, \
                         name=None, expect_handler=None)

   Add a new :class:`RouteDef` item for registering ``GET`` web-handler.

   See :meth:`UrlDispatcher.add_get` for information about parameters.

.. decoratormethod:: post(path, *, name=None, expect_handler=None)

   Add a new :class:`RouteDef` item for registering ``POST`` web-handler.

   See :meth:`UrlDispatcher.add_post` for information about parameters.

.. decoratormethod:: head(path, *, name=None, expect_handler=None)

   Add a new :class:`RouteDef` item for registering ``HEAD`` web-handler.

   See :meth:`UrlDispatcher.add_head` for information about parameters.

.. decoratormethod:: put(path, *, name=None, expect_handler=None)

   Add a new :class:`RouteDef` item for registering ``PUT`` web-handler.

   See :meth:`UrlDispatcher.add_put` for information about parameters.

.. decoratormethod:: patch(path, *, name=None, expect_handler=None)

   Add a new :class:`RouteDef` item for registering ``PATCH`` web-handler.

   See :meth:`UrlDispatcher.add_patch` for information about parameters.

.. decoratormethod:: delete(path, *, name=None, expect_handler=None)

   Add a new :class:`RouteDef` item for registering ``DELETE`` web-handler.

   See :meth:`UrlDispatcher.add_delete` for information about parameters.

.. decoratormethod:: view(path, *, name=None, expect_handler=None)

   Add a new :class:`RouteDef` item for registering ``ANY`` methods
   against a class-based view.

   See :meth:`UrlDispatcher.add_view` for information about parameters.

   .. versionadded:: 3.0

.. method:: static(prefix, path, *, name=None, expect_handler=None, \
                   chunk_size=256*1024, \
                   show_index=False, follow_symlinks=False, \

   Add a new :class:`StaticDef` item for registering static files processor.

   See :meth:`UrlDispatcher.add_static` for information about
   supported parameters.

   .. versionadded:: 3.1

.. decoratormethod:: route(method, path, *, name=None, expect_handler=None)

   Add a new :class:`RouteDef` item for registering a web-handler
   for arbitrary HTTP method.

   See :meth:`UrlDispatcher.add_route` for information about parameters.


After route matching web application calls found handler if any.

Matching result can be accessible from handler as :attr:`Request.match_info` attribute.

In general the result may be any object derived from :class:`` (:class:`UrlMappingMatchInfo` for default :class:`UrlDispatcher` router).

Inherited from :class:`dict` and :class:``. Dict items are filled by matching info and is :term:`resource`-specific.

.. attribute:: expect_handler

   A coroutine for handling ``100-continue``.

.. attribute:: handler

   A coroutine for handling request.

.. attribute:: route

   :class:`AbstractRoute` instance for url matching.


Inherited from :class:``.

Base class for class based views. Implementations should derive from :class:`View` and override methods for handling HTTP verbs like get() or post():

class MyView(View):

    async def get(self):
        resp = await get_response(self.request)
        return resp

    async def post(self):
        resp = await post_response(self.request)
        return resp

app.router.add_view('/view', MyView)

The view raises 405 Method Not allowed (:class:`HTTPMethodNotAllowed`) if requested web verb is not supported.

param request:instance of :class:`Request` that has initiated a view processing.
.. attribute:: request

   Request sent to view's constructor, read-only property.

Overridable coroutine methods: connect(), delete(), get(), head(), options(), patch(), post(), put(), trace().

.. seealso:: :ref:`aiohttp-web-class-based-views`

Running Applications

To start web application there is AppRunner and site classes.

Runner is a storage for running application, sites are for running application on specific TCP or Unix socket, e.g.:

runner = web.AppRunner(app)
await runner.setup()
site = web.TCPSite(runner, 'localhost', 8080)
await site.start()
# wait for finish signal
await runner.cleanup()
.. versionadded:: 3.0

   :class:`AppRunner` / :class:`ServerRunner` and :class:`TCPSite` /
   :class:`UnixSite` / :class:`SockSite` are added in aiohttp 3.0

A base class for runners. Use :class:`AppRunner` for serving :class:`Application`, :class:`ServerRunner` for low-level :class:`Server`.

.. attribute:: server

   Low-level web :class:`Server` for handling HTTP requests,
   read-only attribute.

.. attribute:: addresses

   A  :class:`list` of served sockets addresses.

   See :meth:`socket.getsockname() <socket.socket.getsockname>` for items type.

   .. versionadded:: 3.3

.. attribute:: sites

   A read-only :class:`set` of served sites (:class:`TCPSite` /
   :class:`UnixSite` / :class:`NamedPipeSite` / :class:`SockSite` instances).

.. method:: setup()

   Initialize the server. Should be called before adding sites.

.. method:: cleanup()

   Stop handling all registered sites and cleanup used resources.

An abstract class for handled sites.

.. attribute:: name

   An identifier for site, read-only :class:`str` property. Could
   be a handled URL or UNIX socket path.

.. method:: start()

   Start handling a site.

.. method:: stop()

   Stop handling a site.
.. exception:: GracefulExit

   Raised by signal handlers for :data:`signal.SIGINT` and :data:`signal.SIGTERM`
   defined in :class:`AppRunner` and :class:`ServerRunner`
   when ``handle_signals`` is set to ``True``.

   Inherited from :exc:`SystemExit`,
   which exits with error code ``1`` if not handled.


A :mod:`dataclass <dataclasses>` instance that is returned as multidict value by :meth:`` if field is uploaded file.

.. attribute:: name

   Field name

.. attribute:: filename

   File name as specified by uploading (client) side.

.. attribute:: file

   An :class:`io.IOBase` instance with content of uploaded file.

.. attribute:: content_type

   *MIME type* of uploaded file, ``'text/plain'`` by default.

.. seealso:: :ref:`aiohttp-web-file-upload`
.. function:: run_app(app, *, host=None, port=None, path=None, \
                      sock=None, shutdown_timeout=60.0, \
                      keepalive_timeout=75.0, \
                      ssl_context=None, print=print, backlog=128, \
                      access_log_class=aiohttp.helpers.AccessLogger, \
                      access_log_format=aiohttp.helpers.AccessLogger.LOG_FORMAT, \
                      access_log=aiohttp.log.access_logger, \
                      handle_signals=True, \
                      reuse_address=None, \
                      reuse_port=None, \

   A high-level function for running an application, serving it until
   keyboard interrupt and performing a

   This is a high-level function very similar to :func:`` and
   should be used as the main entry point for an application. The
   :class:`Application` object essentially becomes our `main()` function.
   If additional tasks need to be run in parallel, see

   The server will listen on any host or Unix domain socket path you supply.
   If no hosts or paths are supplied, or only a port is supplied, a TCP server
   listening on (all hosts) will be launched.

   Distributing HTTP traffic to multiple hosts or paths on the same
   application process provides no performance benefit as the requests are
   handled on the same event loop. See :doc:`deployment` for ways of
   distributing work for increased performance.

   :param app: :class:`Application` instance to run or a *coroutine*
               that returns an application.

   :param str host: TCP/IP host or a sequence of hosts for HTTP server.
                    Default is ``''`` if *port* has been specified
                    or if *path* is not supplied.

   :param int port: TCP/IP port for HTTP server. Default is ``8080`` for plain
                    text HTTP and ``8443`` for HTTP via SSL (when
                    *ssl_context* parameter is specified).

   :param path: file system path for HTTP server Unix domain socket.
                    A sequence of file system paths can be used to bind
                    multiple domain sockets. Listening on Unix domain
                    sockets is not supported by all operating systems,
                    :class:`str`, :class:`pathlib.Path` or an iterable of these.

   :param socket.socket sock: a preexisting socket object to accept connections on.
                       A sequence of socket objects can be passed.

   :param int shutdown_timeout: a delay to wait for graceful server
                                shutdown before disconnecting all
                                open client sockets hard way.

                                This is used as a delay to wait for
                                pending tasks to complete and then
                                again to close any pending connections.

                                A system with properly
                                implemented never waits for the second
                                timeout but closes a server in a few

   :param float keepalive_timeout: a delay before a TCP connection is
                                   closed after a HTTP request. The delay
                                   allows for reuse of a TCP connection.

      .. versionadded:: 3.8

   :param ssl_context: :class:`ssl.SSLContext` for HTTPS server,
                       ``None`` for HTTP connection.

   :param print: a callable compatible with :func:`print`. May be used
                 to override STDOUT output or suppress it. Passing `None`
                 disables output.

   :param int backlog: the number of unaccepted connections that the
                       system will allow before refusing new
                       connections (``128`` by default).

   :param access_log_class: class for `access_logger`. Default:
                            Must to be a subclass of :class:``.

   :param access_log: :class:`logging.Logger` instance used for saving
                      access logs. Use ``None`` for disabling logs for
                      sake of speedup.

   :param access_log_format: access log format, see
                             for details.

   :param bool handle_signals: override signal TERM handling to gracefully
                               exit the application.

   :param bool reuse_address: tells the kernel to reuse a local socket in
                              TIME_WAIT state, without waiting for its
                              natural timeout to expire. If not specified
                              will automatically be set to True on UNIX.

   :param bool reuse_port: tells the kernel to allow this endpoint to be
                           bound to the same port as other existing
                           endpoints are bound to, so long as they all set
                           this flag when being created. This option is not
                           supported on Windows.

   :param bool handler_cancellation: cancels the web handler task if the client
                                     drops the connection. This is recommended
                                     if familiar with asyncio behavior or
                                     scalability is a concern.

   .. versionadded:: 3.0

      Support *access_log_class* parameter.

      Support *reuse_address*, *reuse_port* parameter.

   .. versionadded:: 3.1

      Accept a coroutine as *app* parameter.

   .. versionadded:: 3.9

      Support handler_cancellation parameter (this was the default behavior
      in aiohttp <3.7).


An :class:`enum.Enum` class of available Content Codings.

.. attribute:: deflate

   *DEFLATE compression*

.. attribute:: gzip

   *GZIP compression*

.. attribute:: identity

   *no compression*


.. function:: normalize_path_middleware(*, \
                                        append_slash=True, \
                                        remove_slash=False, \
                                        merge_slashes=True, \

   Middleware factory which produces a middleware that normalizes
   the path of a request. By normalizing it means:

     - Add or remove a trailing slash to the path.
     - Double slashes are replaced by one.

   The middleware returns as soon as it finds a path that resolves
   correctly. The order if both merge and append/remove are enabled is:

     1. *merge_slashes*
     2. *append_slash* or *remove_slash*
     3. both *merge_slashes* and *append_slash* or *remove_slash*

   If the path resolves with at least one of those conditions, it will
   redirect to the new path.

   Only one of *append_slash* and *remove_slash* can be enabled. If both are
   ``True`` the factory will raise an ``AssertionError``

   If *append_slash* is ``True`` the middleware will append a slash when
   needed. If a resource is defined with trailing slash and the request
   comes without it, it will append it automatically.

   If *remove_slash* is ``True``, *append_slash* must be ``False``. When enabled
   the middleware will remove trailing slashes and redirect if the resource is

   If *merge_slashes* is ``True``, merge multiple consecutive slashes in the
   path into one.

   .. versionadded:: 3.4

      Support for *remove_slash*