This project provides a tool to generate Excel files using a template. It populates sections and parameters in an Excel template with data extracted by AIForged.
- Accepts an Excel file as a template.
- Allows specification of template sections and parameters within the Excel file.
- Populates the template with data from AIForged.
- Supports Docker for containerized execution.
The Excel template should define sections and placeholders using a specific syntax. Here's an example template structure:
Company Name: {company}
{EmployeeDetails start}
Employee ID: {emp:id} Name: {emp:name} Department: {emp:dept}
Contact Information:
Email: {emp:email}
Phone: {emp:phone}
Street: {emp:addr:street}
City: {emp:addr:city}
State: {emp:addr:state}
ZIP Code: {emp:addr:zip}
{ProjectDetails start}
Project ID: {proj:id} Project Name: {proj:name} Role: {proj:role}
Start Date: {proj:start} End Date: {proj:end}
{ProjectDetails end}
{EmployeeDetails end}
- Placeholders: Defined within curly braces
. Example:{company}
. - Sections: Marked with
. Example:{EmployeeDetails start}
and{EmployeeDetails end}
Data is populated from AIForged, which processes and extracts relevant information from documents.
- .NET Core SDK
- AIForged API access
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd ExcelExporter
- Restore dependencies and build the project:
dotnet restore
dotnet build
Initialize user secrets:
dotnet user-secrets init
Add user secrets:
dotnet user-secrets set "AIForged:ApiKey" "[APIKEYHERE]"
dotnet user-secrets set "AIForged:EndPoint" "[EndPoint]"
dotnet user-secrets set "AIForged:ProjectId" "[ProjectId]"
dotnet user-secrets set "AIForged:ServiceId" "[ServiceId]"
dotnet user-secrets set "AIForged:MasterParamDefName" "[MasterParamDefName]"
dotnet user-secrets set "AIForged:InputTemplatePath" "[InputTemplatePath]"
The project includes a Dockerfile for containerized execution. You can set configuration via the EXLGEN_CONFIG
environment variable.
Dockerfile snippet:
ENV EXLGEN_CONFIG="{'APIKey': '', 'ProjectId': , 'ServiceId': ,'AIForgedEndpoint': '','InputTemplatePath': 'Template.xlsx','OutputPath': '/exports','MasterParamDefName': ''}"
- Prepare your Excel template with the desired structure and placeholders.
- Use the application to generate a populated Excel file:
dotnet run --template "path/to/template.xlsx" --output "path/to/output.xlsx"
This project uses the EPPlus library for handling Excel files. A commercial license is required for non-personal use. Please refer to the EPPlus licensing for more details.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.