Hello everybody! My name is Ahmet and I create open source libraries, projects and blogs to support the open source idea.
- 📫 How to reach me: ...
- 🐦 Twitter: @ahmetcanaksu
- LinkedIn : Ahmetcan Aksu
- CodersRank: @ahmtcn123
- 📨 Mail : ahmetcanaksu@behemehal.org
- Rust ile HTTP üzerinden dosya indirmek
- Rust ile web servisi yazıyoruz
- Rust ile WebAssembly yazıyoruz
- Ellie Language - Type-safe programing language that runs on embedded and sandboxed environments
- Wole App - Wake-On-Lan Magic Package Generator & Sender Android App
- Wole - Wake-On-Lan Magic Package Generator & Sender & CLI
- event_listener - NodeJS like Event Listener library for dart!
- Bnots - A note app that combines simplicity with Markdown support
- Menemen - A streaming http/https request library
- SafeEn - Local database solution for situations that requires strict data integrity and absolute portability
- Rust-NMEA - Rust NMEA parser
- Device-Database - A library that detects collection of development boards.