- Ahmet ilhan Github Profile Card
- Ahmet ilhan Github Repositories Card
- Ahmet ilhan Github Selected Repo Commits
- Allows you to retrieve a user's information such as followers, following, public repositories, gists
- Params:
username: string | required
Your Github username E.G./ahmetilhan24/profile
- Response:
fullname, username, bio, public repositories, gists, follower, following
- Usage:
<iframe title="Github User Profile" width="310px" height="340px" src="https://github-ui-widgets.onrender.com/ahmetilhan24/profile" ></iframe>
Not responsive
- Lets you get public repositories
- Params:
username: string | required
Your Github username E.G./ahmetilhan24/repositories
- Response:
name, description, topics, language, start, forks
- Usage:
<iframe title="Github User Repositories" width="350px" height="340px" src="https://github-ui-widgets.onrender.com/ahmetilhan24/repositories" ></iframe>
Not responsive
- Lets you get commits of public repositories
- Params:
username: string | required, repoName: string | required
Your Github username E.G.ahmetilhan24/github-ui-widgets/commits
- Response:
commit msg, commit author
- Usage:
<iframe title="Github Commits" width="350px" height="340px" src="https://github-ui-widgets.onrender.com/ahmetilhan24/github-ui-widgets/commits" ></iframe>
Not responsive
Coded by Ahmet ilhan github@ahmetilhan24