🚀 Welcome to my GitHub profile! 🚀
I am Ahmed Youssef, a dedicated and enthusiastic Computer and Systems Engineering student at Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, with a passion for software engineering and problem-solving. Eager to leverage my programming skills and contribute to innovative projects.
- Producer/Consumer Simulation Program
- SignalFlowSolver
- RootFinder & LinearEquationsSolver
- AnimalPro
- CipherPost (Mail Server)
- Paint Drawing Application
- Connect Fours Game
- Observa (Home Security)
- Web Calculator
- Inference Engine
- Polynomial Solver
📱 Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/ahmedgoerany
📧 Email: a.goerany@gmail.com
📘 Facebook: facebook.com/ahmed.go3rany
- Feel free to reach out to me! Let's connect and collaborate on exciting projects.