Running this site in Docker:
1. Install docker https://www.docker.com/products/docker-toolbox 2. Open Docker Quick Start Terminal 3. docker-machine ls (this will give the virtual box docker machine running) 4. docker-machine active (this will give the active machine instance) 5. docker-machine ip (this will give the ip address of the machine)
Then from the VetsGovDemo base directory, run the following script
Bijus-MBP:VetsGovDemo bijujoseph$ pwd
Bijus-MBP:VetsGovDemo bijujoseph$ ./scripts/start-compose.sh
To access the website
If you want to stop docker instances
Bijus-MBP:VetsGovDemo bijujoseph$ ./scripts/clean-compose.sh
Note:- After computer wakes-up from sleep mode, docker will not respond. So go to VirtualBox console and “Close” with “Save state” option. The Open Docker Quick Start Terminal to reactivate the docker machine.
Via PgAdmin if you would like to connect to the Postgresql instance running inside container use the IP (docker-machine ip), and port 5432. The username/password etc is same as what we have in database.yml
Please feel free to use a different markup language if you do not plan to run rake doc:app