Link to CFC notes:
- Using Fear, urgency, greed - Emotions supersede common sense. Humans feel emotions first before logic.HTTP(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
HTTPS(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure)
- More and more phishing websites have https though
would have warned not that the phishing site is not secure, google chrome
did not
- slow down
- use antivirus, firewall
- ZERO TRUST POLICY - even if it seems like someone you know
- bookmark legit sites you use
- It's your device's unique ID on the web - Internet Protocol Address (version4 - IPv4). It's a rule to locate a device on a network - eg. - 4 blocks of numbers separated by a period. - How many permutations/total number of IP address? 256x256x256x256 = 4.29 billion - Total human population - 8.1bil - IPv4 Exhaustion - we officially ran out of IPv4 in 2011 - IPv6 - XXXX : XXXX : XXXX : XXXX: XXXX: XXXX: XXXX: XXXX: - 8 Blocks. 340 trillion Division of internal and external IP address - Interval vs External IP/ Private vs Public IP - external IP address is leased to you by ISP - used for communication on the internet to number range has been reserved for internal network/usage only to number range also reserved for internal usage
- but you only see that at like big offices with a lot of devices
```Shodan``` can collect unsecured webcamera data, paid accounts can access and see them. I saw people's living rooms, main house gate entrance areas, offices and warehouses.
How to know if webcam you buy is secure?
- check model and version, that they are updated to latest version
Site that shows if your email has been found in a data breach:
Good password hygiene
- use a different password for every account
- use a STRONG password - 13 or more characters
- Avoid modification of KNOWN words - eg. Password = P@s$w0rd!
- use password generator
- How to rmb? Use a password manager
- change password regularly (maybe yearly, but best is every few months)
Right now, AI only takes 8 months even to break a 12 char long, upper and lowercase + symbols + numbers password
1. change the password, not same as previous ones 2. check if other info has been leaked- Concept: Hiding data in the 2nd layer of another file
Refer to lab practice project in Kali-linux VM
- It is an OS, designed for Digital Forensics(blue team) and Penetration testing(Red team)
folder = directory
- Secure SHell - allows us to connect to another computer via the terminal located somewhere else. You only see terminal. It is NOT Remote Desktop Protocol - BASH is a shell, it is a language used to interact with the system - Why BASH? 1. user-friendly 2. linux friendly1. type - print 2. dir - directory location you in 3. mkdir - create 4. cd - change directory 5. cls- clear 6. open notepad 7. dir /r - show contents of folder, including other layers/hidden files in folder
- 1. clear or ctrl+L
- 2. pwd - print working directory/your location. we are at home folder of user cew140424@ubuntu-CEW in the exercise
- 3. wget - download a file from the site given
- 4. ls - list directory
- 5. cat - print file
Sometimes our terminal will hang because of an incomplete command. Hit ctrl+c
to end process and start again (ctrl + c shows as ^C
Use | command
- grep filter for the specified word/term. | grep (word)
- grep (word)
- You can chain filters
grep (word1) | grep (word2)
- exclude out target word filter
grep -v (word)
- counter
wc -l
- shows count of entries/events/interactions
- see top part of output/print (top 10 lines default)
| head
- see bottom part of output (bottom 10 lines default)
| tail
- filter by columns
- awk '{print X $column}'
cat auth.log |grep Failed | grep root |grep -v invalid | awk '{print $11}'
every space is separator
= to count from X step from right to lelft
| sort
Sort by number (from smallest to largest according to first character)
9 is below, 1 is at top, the 100 will be top
| uniq
Unique only works when sort is used first
- always rmb to do sort first, then do unique
| uniq-c
Counts the number of times the unique variable shows up, like username for example
| sort -n
- sort by numerical value, the higher value like 299 will be below
Challenge part: determine how long is the duration from the start of the log to the first log for the target IP address?
start time of auth.log.2 = Jan 31 04:41:02 first ip address timestamp = Jan 31 11:28:55
7hrs 47min, 55seconds = 420 + 47min 55sec = 467min 55 sec = 28020sec + 53sec = 28075
first timestamp = Jan 31 04:41:02 psimulator CRON[2372]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root first ip address's timestamp = Jan 31 11:28:55 psimulator sshd[11628]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= user=root
You can use | head to show first 10 log events, and | tail to show bottom 10 log events.
Qn: Assist the Security team in analyzing the auth.log.2 file and identify the number of unsuccessful access attempts made with the root username.
Qn: The security team has identified a series of access attempts from a range of IP addresses and needs assistance in calculating how many unique IPs were responsible for these unsuccessful entries.
Qn: Assist the investigators in identifying which IP address made the <a/b/c> number of unauthorized access attempts to the system.
- highest
- 2nd highest
- how many IP address have made over 10 unauthorized entry attempts into the system?