title: tmux Terminal Multiplexer Commands $ tmux -u # UTF8 mode -S ~/.tmux.socket $ tmux attach Help C-b ? Scrolling C-b [ # Enter scroll mode then press up and down Copy/paste C-b [ # 1. Enter scroll mode first. Space # 2. Start selecting and move around. Enter # 3. Press enter to copy. C-b ] # Paste Panes C-b v # vert C-b n # horiz C-b hkjl # navigation C-b HJKL # resize C-b o # next window C-b x # close pane C-b { or } # move windows around Windows C-b c # New window C-b 1 # Go to window 1 Detach/attach C-b d # detatch C-b ( ) # Switch through sessions $ tmux attach Niceties C-b t # Time