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Ultimatum Game

Mastering the ultimatum game. ^_^


First of all, you need docker and docker-compose

Build the project:


Launch tests:

docker-compose run test

Launch the survey website locally

# The default port is 5000
docker-compose up web_socket

Launch the survey website

# A file socket named ultimatum.sock is created, which can be connected to a nginx/apache
docker-compose up web

Launch jupyter notebook

# The local address of the website will be printed in the terminal.
docker-compose up notebook

Survey/HITs commands

The following commands require credentials for a AWS user with MTurk policies to be configured in ~/.aws. The folder ~/.aws is mounted onto the container.

docker-compose run web create_hit                       # create a new mturk HIT
docker-compose run web add_assignments                  # add new assignments to a given task
docker-compose run web approve_and_reject_assignments   # approve/reject assignments and and pay assignments bonus
docker-compose run web pay_bonus_assignments            # pay assignments bonus
docker-compose run web flask routes                     # show the routes for the app.

Web entry points:

  • /start/treatmentid/ e.g. /start/t00/?job_id=demo
  • /survey/treatmentid/ e.g. /survey/t00/?job_id=demo