Requires GNU stow.
To install a specific package of dotfiles (take dunst for example)
$ stow dunst
To install everything
$ # This script temporarily hides, and execute `stow *`
$ ./
- zsh - extended Bourne shell with a large number of improvements
- oh-my-zsh - framework for managing your zsh configuration
- zsh-autosuggestions - suggest commands as you type, based on command history
- zsh-syntax-highlighting - fish shell-like syntax highlighting for zsh
- URxvt - a customizable terminal emulator forked from rxvt
- urxvt-resize-font - resize the font with keybinds
- urxvt-config-reload - reload urxvt configuration at runtime
- Iosevka 14px - terminal font
- wqy-bitmapfont - chinese font
- vim - I code in C/C++ & Python in Vim. Java in IntelliJ IDE.
- Vundle - plugin manager
- YouCompleteMe - code-completion engine (C/C++, Java, Python...)
- syntastic - syntax checking
- vim-polyglot - syntax highlighting
- vim-autoclose - type an
and automatically insert)
for you - vim-airline - lean & mean status/tabline
- nerdtree - tree filesystem explorer
- indentLine - display indention levels with vertical lines
- base16-faded - my personal vim colorscheme
- displayctl - resolution, brightness, wallpaper, lockscreen manager
- py-todo - lightweight cli todo-list
- painter - X colorscheme manager
- motd - display system info
- scrotutl - bring macOS screenshot keybinds to Linux
- ncmpcpp - ncurses based music player
- zsh - extended Bourne shell with a large number of improvements
- Wmderland - my tree-based dynamic WM written in C++11
- Polybar - fast and easy-to-use status bar
- siji - iconic bitmap font based on Stlarch with additional glyphs
- rofi - window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement
- dunst - lightweight and customizable notification daemon
- compton - compositor for X11
- Papirus-icon - free and open source SVG icon theme for Linux, based on the Paper icon theme
- Iosevka 14px - GUI font
- dolphin - KDE file manager
- ark - KDE file archiver