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i3+KDE polybar Xresources color: base16-faded


  • I'll help out with any problem you have with my dotfiles, but I'm not responsible for anything if you break anything.
  • The installer script bin/dotsetup is for my personal use. If you want to use it, please clone this repo into ~/Dotfiles before running the script.
  • Feel free to take anything you like :)


I'm currently running i3 and KDE together. Here is a list of other applications I use:

Related Repositories

  • I manage my resolution/brightness/wallpaper/lockscreen with displayctl
$ displayctl                  # Restore resolution/brightness/wallpaper to last session 
$ displayctl -l               # Invoke lockscreen (i3lock-color required)
$ displayctl -l -d -b         # Invoke lockscreen with dim and blur effect
$ displayctl -w -d -b         # Set wallpaper with dim and blur effect
$ displayctl -e 1280x800      # Mirrors display to an external monitor

It's quite useful! I recommend that you give it a shot :)


Please visit here on imgur.


Available under the MIT License.