The Aerospike Management Console (AMC) is a web-based tool to monitor/manage an Aerospike cluster. It provides live updates to the current status of a cluster.
It includes features to let you see at a glance the throughput, storage usage, and configuration of a cluster.
This repo includes both editions of AMC, Community and Enterprise. Going forward AMC builds will be AMC Enterprise ones.
For monitoring and alerting you should consider using the Prometheus and Grafana based Aerospike Monitoring Stack. This is the monitoring solution being developed by Aerospike.
AMC has been turned over to the community. If you wish to contribute code, go ahead and clone this repo, modify the code, and create a pull request.
Active contributors can then ask to become maintainers for the repo. The wiki can similarly be modified by any code contributor who has been granted pull permissions.
Building the Docker image manually
docker image build . -t aerospike/amc
Running the Docker container
docker run -d --name amc -p 8081:8081 aerospike/amc
Note: the Docker Hub version is currently not update - please use the Docker instructions above. See aerospike/amc on Docker Hub.
docker pull aerospike/amc
The latest binaries for Redhat, Ubuntu, Debian, generic Linux and macOS are available in the repo's releases section.
See the release notes.
The AMC user guide is available on the wiki.
You need to install Go 1.15+ and setup your GOPATH.
You can find instructions here:
You also need to install npm
, we recommend using nvm
Install nvm: curl -o- | bash
Install node (lts) and latest npm: nvm install --lts
After getting and installing npm
, install grunt: npm install -g grunt
go get
Use ./
to manually run the server. This will automatically pass a dev config file to the app server.
Use reflex to watch the changing files and rerun the server when needed.
Install reflex to watch files and automatically rebuild server code:
go get
Run reflex:
reflex -R node_modules -R static -R build -R deployment -R vendor -r '\.go$' ./ enterprise
Keep in mind that you don't need to build the UI to be able to develop. The original source files are used for the development. For deployment, manually rebuild the static UI:
$ cd static
$ npm install
$ grunt
The built files will be in build/static
You can find the log file in /Library/Logs/amc/amc.log
Configuration file is in /Library/amc/amc.conf
sudo tar -xvf aerospike-amc-<edition>-<version>-darwin.tar.gz -C /Library
sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/com.aerospike.amc.plist
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/com.aerospike.amc.plist
sudo /Library/amc/