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File metadata and controls

345 lines (288 loc) · 14.3 KB

Anonymous targets


Using Protocol buffers allows to specify, in a language-independent way, a wire format for structured data. This is done by using description files from which APIs for various languages can be generated. As protocol buffers can contain other protocol buffers, the description files themselves have a dependency structure.

From a software-engineering point of view, the challenge is to ensure that the author of the description files does not have to be aware of the languages for which APIs will be generated later. In fact, the main benefit of the language-independent description is that clients in various languages can be implemented using the same wire protocol (and thus capable of communicating with the same server).

For a build system that means that we have to expect that language bindings at places far away from the protocol definition, and potentially several times. Such a duplication can also occur implicitly if two buffers, for which language bindings are generated both use a common buffer for which bindings are never requested explicitly. Still, we want to avoid duplicate work for common parts and we have to avoid conflicts with duplicate symbols and staging conflicts for the libraries for the common part.

Our approach is that a "proto" target only provides the description files together with their dependency structure. From those, a consuming target generates "anonymous targets" as additional dependencies; as those targets will have an appropriate notion of equality, no duplicate work is done and hence, as a side effect, staging or symbol conflicts are avoided as well.

Preliminary remark: action identifiers

Actions are defined as Merkle-tree hash of the contents. As all components (input tree, list of output strings, command vector, environment, and cache pragma) are given by expressions, that can quickly be computed. This identifier also defines the notion of equality for actions, and hence action artifacts. Recall that equality of artifacts is also (implicitly) used in our notion of disjoint map union (where the set of keys does not have to be disjoint, as long as the values for all duplicate keys are equal).

When constructing the action graph for traversal, we can drop duplicates (i.e., actions with the same identifier, and hence the same description). For the serialization of the graph as part of the analyse command, we can afford the preparatory step to compute a map from action id to list of origins.


Notions of equality

In the context of builds, there are different concepts of equality to consider. We recall the definitions, as well as their use in our build tool.

Locational equality ("Defined at the same place")

Names (for targets and rules) are given by repository name, module name, and target name (inside the module); additionally, for target names, there's a bit specifying that we explicitly refer to a file. Names are equal if and only if the respective strings (and the file bit) are equal.

For targets, we use locational equality, i.e., we consider targets equal precisely if their names are equal; targets defined at different places are considered different, even if they're defined in the same way. The reason we use notion of equality is that we have to refer to targets (and also check if we already have a pending task to analyse them) before we have fully explored them with all the targets referred to in their definition.

Intensional equality ("Defined in the same way")

In our expression language we handle definitions; in particular, we treat artifacts by their definition: a particular source file, the output of a particular action, etc. Hence we use intensional equality in our expression language; two objects are equal precisely if they are defined in the same way. This notion of equality is easy to determine without the need of reading a source file or running an action. We implement quick tests by keeping a Merkle-tree hash of all expression values.

Extensional equality ("Defining the same object")

For built artifacts, we use extensional equality, i.e., we consider two files equal, if they are bit-by-bit identical. Implementation-wise, we compare an appropriate cryptographic hash. Before running an action, we built its inputs. In particular (as inputs are considered extensionally) an action might cause a cache hit with an intensionally different one.

Observable equality ("The defined objects behave in the same way")

Finally, there is the notion of observable equality, i.e., the property that two binaries behaving the same way in all situations. As this notion is undecidable, it is never used directly by any build tool. However, it is often the motivation for a build in the first place: we want a binary that behaves in a particular way.

Relation between these notions

The notions of equality were introduced in order from most fine grained to most coarse. Targets defined at the same place are obviously defined in the same way. Intensionally equal artifacts create equal action graphs; here we can confidently say "equal" and not only isomorphic: due to our preliminary clean up, even the node names are equal. Making sure that equal actions produce bit-by-bit equal outputs is the realm of reproducible builds. The tool can support this by appropriate sandboxing, etc, but the rules still have to define actions that don't pick up non-input information like the current time, user id, readdir order, etc. Files that are bit-by-bit identical will behave in the same way.


Consider the following target file.

{ "foo":
  { "type": "generic"
  , "outs": ["out.txt"]
  , "cmds": ["echo Hello World > out.txt"]
, "bar":
  { "type": "generic"
  , "outs": ["out.txt"]
  , "cmds": ["echo Hello World > out.txt"]
, "baz":
  { "type": "generic"
  , "outs": ["out.txt"]
  , "cmds": ["echo -n Hello > out.txt && echo ' World' >> out.txt"]
, "foo upper":
  { "type": "generic"
  , "deps": ["foo"]
  , "outs": ["upper.txt"]
  , "cmds": ["cat out.txt | tr a-z A-Z > upper.txt"]
, "bar upper":
  { "type": "generic"
  , "deps": ["bar"]
  , "outs": ["upper.txt"]
  , "cmds": ["cat out.txt | tr a-z A-Z > upper.txt"]
, "baz upper":
  { "type": "generic"
  , "deps": ["baz"]
  , "outs": ["upper.txt"]
  , "cmds": ["cat out.txt | tr a-z A-Z > upper.txt"]
, "ALL":
  { "type": "install"
  , "files":
    {"foo.txt": "foo upper", "bar.txt": "bar upper", "baz.txt": "baz upper"}

Assume we build the target "ALL". Then we will analyse 7 targets, all the locationally different ones ("foo", "bar", "baz", "foo upper", "bar upper", "baz upper"). For the targets "foo" and "bar", we immediately see that the definition is equal; their intensional equality also renders "foo upper" and "bar upper" intensionally equal. Our action graph will contain 4 actions: one with origins ["foo", "bar"], one with origins ["baz"], one with origins ["foo upper", "bar upper"], and one with origins ["baz upper"]. The "install" target will, of course, not create any actions. Building sequentially (-J 1), we will get one cache hit. Even though the artifacts of "foo" and "bar" and of "baz" are defined differently, they are extensionally equal; both define a file with contents "Hello World\n".

Anonymous targets

Besides named targets we also have additional targets (and hence also configured targets) that are not associated with a location they are defined at. Due to the absence of definition location, their notion of equality will take care of the necessary deduplication (implicitly, by the way our dependency exploration works). We will call them "anonymous targets", even though, technically, they're not fully anonymous as the rules that are part of their structure will be given by name, i.e., defining rule location.

Value type: target graph node

In order to allow targets to adequately describe a dependency structure, we have a value type in our expression language, that of a (target) graph node. As with all value types, equality is intensional, i.e., nodes defined in the same way are equal even if defined at different places. This can be achieved by our usual approach for expressions of having cached Merkle-tree hashes and comparing them when an equality test is required. This efficient test for equality also allows using graph nodes as part of a map key, e.g., for our asynchronous map consumers.

As a graph node can only be defined with all data given, the defined dependency structure is cycle-free by construction. However, the tree unfolding will usually be exponentially larger. For internal handling, this is not a problem: our shared-pointer implementation can efficiently represent a directed acyclic graph and since we cache hashes in expressions, we can compute the overall hash without folding the structure to a tree. When presenting nodes to the user, we only show the map of identifier to definition, to avoid that exponential unfolding.

We have two kinds of nodes.

Value nodes

These represent a target that, in any configuration, returns a fixed value. Source files would typically be represented this way. The constructor function "VALUE_NODE" takes a single argument "$1" that has to be a result value.

Abstract nodes

These represent internal nodes in the dag. Their constructor "ABSTRACT_NODE" takes the following arguments (all evaluated).

  • "node_type". An arbitrary string, not interpreted in any way, to indicate the role that the node has in the dependency structure. When we create an anonymous target from a node, this will serve as the key into the rule mapping to be applied.
  • "string_fields". This has to be a map of strings.
  • "target_fields". These have to be a map of lists of graph nodes.

Moreover, we require that the keys for maps provided as "string_fields" and "target_fields" be disjoint.

Graph nodes in export targets

Graph nodes are completely free of names and hence are eligible for exporting. As with other values, in the cache the intensional definition of artifacts implicit in them will be replaced by the corresponding, extensionally equal, known value.

However, some care has to be taken in the serialisation that is part of the caching, as we do not want to unfold the dag to a tree. Therefore, we take as JSON serialisation a simple dict with "type" set to "NODE", and "value" set to the Merkle-tree hash. That serialisation respects intensional equality. To allow deserialisation, we add an additional map to the serialisation from node hash to its definition.

Dependings on anonymous targets

Parts of an anonymous target

An anonymous target is given by a pair of a node and a map mapping the abstract node-type specifying strings to rule names. So, in the implementation these are just two expression pointers (with their defined notion of equality, i.e., equality of the respective Merkle-tree hashes). Such a pair of pointers also forms an additional variant of a name value, referring to such an anonymous target.

It should be noted that such an anonymous target contains all the information needed to evaluate it in the same way as a regular (named) target defined by a user-defined rule. It is an analysis error analysing an anonymous target where there is no entry in the rules map for the string given as "node_type" for the corresponding node.

Anonymous targets as additional dependencies

We keep the property that a user can only request named targets. So anonymous targets have to be requested by other targets. We also keep the property that other targets are only requested at certain fixed steps in the evaluation of a target. To still achieve a meaningful use of anonymous targets our rule language handles anonymous targets in the following way.

Rules parameter "anonymous"

In the rule definition a parameter "anonymous" (with empty map as default) is allowed. It is used to define an additional dependency on anonymous targets. The value has to be a map with keys the additional implicitly defined field names. It is hence a requirement that the set of keys be disjoint from all other field names (the values of "config_fields", "string_fields", and "target_fields", as well as the keys of the "implict" parameter). Another consequence is that "config_transitions" map may now also have meaningful entries for the keys of the "anonymous" map. Each value in the map has to be itself a map, with entries "target", "provider", and "rule_map".

For "target", a single string has to be specified, and the value has to be a member of the "target_fields" list. For provider, a single string has to be specified as well. The idea is that the nodes are collected from that provider of the targets in the specified target field. For "rule_map" a map has to be specified from strings to rule names; the latter are evaluated in the context of the rule definition.


For generating language bindings for protocol buffers, a rule might look as follows.

{ "cc_proto_bindings":
  { "target_fields": ["proto_deps"]
  , "anonymous":
    { "protos":
      { "target": "proto_deps"
      , "provider": "proto"
      , "rule_map": {"proto_library": "cc_proto_library"}
  , "expression": {...}
Evaluation mechanism

The evaluation of a target defined by a user-defined rule is handled as follows. After the target fields are evaluated as usual, an additional step is carried out.

For each anonymous-target field, i.e., for each key in the "anonymous" map, a list of anonymous targets is generated from the corresponding value: take all targets from the specified "target" field in all their specified configuration transitions (they have already been evaluated) and take the values provided for the specified "provider" key (using the empty list as default). That value has to be a list of nodes. All the node lists obtained that way are concatenated. The configuration transition for the respective field name is evaluated. Those targets are then evaluated for all the transitioned configurations requested.

In the final evaluation of the defining expression, the anonymous-target fields are available in the same way as any other target field. Also, they contribute to the effective configuration in the same way as regular target fields.